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Living The Dream


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We're on holiday for 2 weeks, now at the inlaws in Lopburi. Swinging in my hammock with my laptop, having a game of internet poker. Drinking "nam maprao", watching the kids play, the "yais" looking after the baby. The older guys just started to drink the Johnny Walker I bought them. They're listening to Luuk Tung, me Lignin Hopkins. I have a serenity I've never known(without chemicals). At this moment, there's nothing more I need or want. This is my dream and I'm living it. :o

What's your dream, are you living it?

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I have the same dream. I am not there yet.

I dream like... when I come home from work, my kids would say something like "daddy's home, daddy's home!"

Life would be great to have somebody to live for, wouldn't it?

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I have the same dream. I am not there yet.

I dream like... when I come home from work, my kids would say something like "daddy's home, daddy's home!"

Life would be great to have somebody to live for, wouldn't it?


Never lose your dream, it is possible. Believe me, I never thought I would be living it.

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Sorry - what was your dream, if you're living it now.

What is your dream, if you're not living it.

If you're living your ex-dream, do you still have dreams?

My dream was being content with my life and I am.

At my age I still have dreams but these concern the state of our planet for future generations and will probably never be realized.

Please don't be offended I was trying to be funny.



Edited by onzestan
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Sorry - what was your dream, if you're living it now.

What is your dream, if you're not living it.

If you're living your ex-dream, do you still have dreams?

My dream was being content with my life and I am.

At my age I still have dreams but these concern the state of our planet for future generations and will probably never be realized.

Please don't be offended I was trying to be funny.



none taken - congratultions!

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Living in Phuket, with my wife and our 5 week old daughter.

It does not get any better.

There is a reality check in every dream though..

Just finished cleaning the poo off our blanket, after my wife changed the little one on our bed... (just did not get the new nappy on quick enough)

Still no complaints though...

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Living in Phuket, with my wife and our 5 week old daughter.

It does not get any better.

There is a reality check in every dream though..

Just finished cleaning the poo off our blanket, after my wife changed the little one on our bed... (just did not get the new nappy on quick enough)

Still no complaints though...

So, she hasn't started teething yet.

Take a tip - dip your finger in a bit of Scotch and rub it on her gums when she's crying. Best anaesthetic for teething babies that I know.

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Living in Phuket, with my wife and our 5 week old daughter.

It does not get any better.

There is a reality check in every dream though..

Just finished cleaning the poo off our blanket, after my wife changed the little one on our bed... (just did not get the new nappy on quick enough)

Still no complaints though...

So, she hasn't started teething yet.

Take a tip - dip your finger in a bit of Scotch and rub it on her gums when she's crying. Best anaesthetic for teething babies that I know.

A bit of whisky in the milk bottle helps with many things. We gave our 9 month old a liitle for flying. Whiere I come from whisky is used a lot medicinally for kids(and adults to much).

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Been here nearly two years, and although sometimes I have the odd nightmare, I often think that I am very lucky to have a nice relaxed life where I have far less of the JOB responsibilty and hassles that I had in the UK.

My two year old daughter keeps me on my toes though.

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You're all a lot happier than me. Bastardoses. I'm happy for you all though, and long may it continue.

I've lived out here for four years, or more, and it's distictly average. I know that Guesthouse's signature line looks very sensible but I just can't get there.

(No I can't read Latin but it looks clear enough anyway.)

I just feel that being here is avoiding real life...

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You dream, you believe, you create, you succeed. But be careful what you wish for, you just may get it (Chinese proverb).

I have followed my dreams, and i am now living them. It's called thought projection. and we are ALL living what we have projected, be it good or bad. :o

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Still striving for it. More possibilites here than back home, but not an easy task, ie successful romance. The rest of life pretty good. Weather great, food above average, people more friendly than back home.

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My dream was always to have beautiful women at my beck and call at all times and it has come true.

I never recall slipping them any cash in my dreams, but maybe I just forgot that part? :o

I wouldn't worry too much. If you think in per unit cost it is much cheaper to rent!!!

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Hmm…never thought of it!

I don’t very know if I’m living my dream, all I know is this…I’m just living a life, a satisfied life at the moment….just can’t believe my good Buddha fortune that I'm living in this place, in this time, in this situation. All in all…I’m just cruising along. Sometimes my life is a dream like, but not every day.

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