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I rarely get hangovers and if I do it's as a result of drinking something alien.

Anyway, this wAkie stuff, it says that you should take it WHILE you are drinking and/or before you go to bed.

Yesterday I needed an emergency hangover cure.

In 1 year I had never taught with a hangover and yesterday I was shaking and failing to keep down any water, mashed potato or tuna just half an hour before I had to leave for my all new important business tutorial which fortunatly I got through better than ok considering the circimstances.

It was one of those hangovers that creeps up on you and hangovers like this are nasty and need curing more than they need preventing. I tried 1 wAkie but it didn't really seem to make any difference.

This whole episode was caused by having a couple of big Heini's at Stroll's place on Monday night, a glass of his Leo before leaving and then getting out of my taxi at the end of my soi to join the local motocycle taxi drivers for a drink and a sing song - only this time they were drinking this awful stuff that is 35bht a bottle in 7-11 and mixed with that 50 Red Bull stuff.

This was the culprit and I wish never to try it again.

Has anyone else any experience of either wAkie or 'the stuff' from 7-11 which is behind the counter in a brown bottle with a green label on it?

Were projectile vomiting an Olympic sport I'd have done my country proud yesterday.

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So what happened with what's-her-name who lives near my place on your way home, Scampy? Should have stayed there and avoided the red bull. Aspirin is good for hangovers, if you can keep it in your stomach long enough.

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I've taken Wakie stuff a few times myself. I'm afraid it would be best to use them as suggested. That'd be: 2 capsules BEFORE you drink, 2 more DURING the whole session (if you're drinking that much), and 2 more BEFORE you go to sleep.

Not that I am an alkie :o

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So what happened with what's-her-name who lives near my place on your way home, Scampy? Should have stayed there and avoided the red bull. Aspirin is good for hangovers, if you can keep it in your stomach long enough.

She had gone out with her mates at a kareoke place somewhere so I left a note.

She called about 3am and told me she was drunk and she missed me.

I told her I was drunk also and that I wasn't going anywhere.

She told me I didn't care about her.

I told her she was drunk.

She said "Up to you" and hung up.

Should have stayed for a couple more at yours mate but it was a bit late and I didn't want to outstay my welcome. :o

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"The stuff" from 7-11 may have been Lao Chow, for a really effective hangover try drinknig Chang with Lao Chow chasers, trust me its something you'll only do the once :o

That sounds about right Random - my stomach is turning just reading your post.

From what I can recall it is available in bottles with a green and also a blue label.


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Its usually sold in brown half liter pull top bottles, but lot of people buy half a bottle in empty M150/lippo bottles, you gottta try it at least once!!

A bit like a mix of cheap vadka and turpintine.

Theres an other one they sell here Shean Chun (or anyother way you want to spell it) its black and sold in a black bottle with a red lable and tastes exactly like chough medicen. I dont know if you get it in Issan though.

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That's definatly it - I cut my finger on the pull top bottle and my motorbike-taxi buddy went accross the road and scooped out a small handful of ash from inside the ceramic pot stove under the dead BBQ.

This he packed around my bloody finger and it worked a treat - the bleeding stopped dead.

So much for pink tissues.

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Hangover? When you wake up, drink a litre of water together with one 5mg valium.

After 30 min you stop shaking and feel hungry. Eat a good breakfast and vitamins

go back to sleep and when you wake up again you are cured. Stay away from red bull. Dangerous stuff.

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Hangover? When you wake up, drink a litre of water together with one 5mg valium.

After 30 min you stop shaking and feel hungry. Eat a good breakfast and vitamins

go back to sleep and when you wake up again you are cured. Stay away from red bull. Dangerous stuff.

Red Bull Dangerous and Valium not? Whats Wrong with red Bull? Its an Efficiant energy drink?

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I work in the old Russia, The local have custon of plantling a few bottles of vodka in the ground. When dug up this Vodka cannot be drunk as it is solid. Man they love it, one spoonful gets you ripped ( i can vouch for this). However it is something drunk (eaten) for weddings and such... make of it what you want.

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Hangover? When you wake up, drink a litre of water together with one 5mg valium.

After 30 min you stop shaking and feel hungry. Eat a good breakfast and vitamins

go back to sleep and when you wake up again you are cured. Stay away from red bull. Dangerous stuff.

Red Bull Dangerous and Valium not? Whats Wrong with red Bull? Its an Efficiant energy drink?

The bottles have health warnings don't they ? :o

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Its usually sold in brown half liter pull top bottles, but lot of people buy half a bottle in empty M150/lippo bottles, you gottta try it at least once!!

A bit like a mix of cheap vadka and turpintine.

Theres an other one they sell here Shean Chun (or anyother way you want to spell it) its black and sold in a black bottle with a red lable and tastes exactly like chough medicen. I dont know if you get it in Issan though.

I didn't know they sell Lao Kao at 7/11.

The 'real' homemade stuff varies in strength and taste according to source, it is one of the few drinks which send me over the edge of sanity :o , but you won't get a hangover as long as you don't mix with beer or other.

The dark, bitter liquor with the red label is a tonic, it aids digestion and supposed to have other benefits as well, a small 5bt glass (available at most cornershops) after a meal goes down a treat. :D

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I didn't know they sell Lao Kao at 7/11.

I did'nt either, but never really looked.

I think the dark stuff, mabye different from what you are talking about.

Its definatly alcholic, but I've never seen it in small bottles.

For a tonic the thais mix GowLian (I think) a red powder, sold in sachets with Lao Kao, and end up with something looking like blackberry squash, horrible though.

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Wakie or waky? its a pain having to take it before u go on the Bar crawl or even remembering to take it before u go drinking.

Has anybody tried "Hang" ? they sell it in 7-11's next to the red bull and M150 energy drinks. Apparently it is especially for a Hangover. Tastes like bitter crap I say, but seemed to work.

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Hangover? When you wake up, drink a litre of water together with one 5mg valium.

After 30 min you stop shaking and feel hungry. Eat a good breakfast and vitamins

go back to sleep and when you wake up again you are cured. Stay away from red bull. Dangerous stuff.

Red Bull Dangerous and Valium not? Whats Wrong with red Bull? Its an Efficiant energy drink?

The red bull, lippo, M150, carabou deng or simuluar drinks is dangerous because all the caffeine.

When I stay in hospital for bypass, the doctor told me that my heartattack caused from vodka and redbull. He also told me that more that 50% of the heartattack in queen sirikit heartcenter of north east could blame the caffeinedrinks. The thais drink it every day for have power to work! Farang like to mixed it with vodka or thaiwhiskey. Redbull and and alkohol make you feel good and you drink more alkohol than normal, but the liver and kidney have to handle the alkohol neither you feel drunk or not. Then you get a more heavy hangover. Alkohol alone raises your bloodpressure and together with redbull your bloodpressure can be fatal. The headache is a warning about very high bloodpressure and you can be very close to stroke, angina or heart attack. A valium will low your bloodpressure

and it is a good medicine when used in this case or moderate form. Dont worry about a 5mg valium, worry about the bottle(s) whiskey and redbull.

In many country in europe red bull is not legal because of the risk of heart attack raises.

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  • 2 years later...
.................. yesterday I was shaking and failing to keep down any water, mashed potato or tuna just half an hour before I had to leave for my all new important business tutorial which fortunatly I got through better than ok considering the circimstances.

Sound like nerves, or the DT's. :o

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Hangovers are caused by the dehydration of your system from alcohol.

If you drink a glass of water with every beer.....you will not get a hangover, guaranteed.

I used to force myself to drink 2 liters of water before bed after arriving home drunk. Never had a hangover the next morning.

It's hard to remember to do it, but I swear it works.

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Has anybody tried "Hang" ? they sell it in 7-11's next to the red bull and M150 energy drinks. Apparently it is especially for a Hangover. Tastes like bitter crap I say, but seemed to work.

yeah, i've tried it, tastes like buckleys cough medicine, but it seemed to help. worked for a buddy of mine as well.

still, the best cure is drink as much water as you can before bed and down a couple or 3 aspirin or tylenol. works every time. trouble is when you need it the most you usually forget to do it. i used to put a jug of water by the bed and 3 aspirin on my pillow if i knew i was going on a bender. wake up in the morning sick as a dog with 3 pills stuck on my forehead...

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