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Tourist Visa On A Temporary Passport, Is It Possible?

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Okay, I know this is a long-shot, but it'd be SO convenient if it were possible, so I can't help but ask. I'm in Penang on a temporary passport, in 30 days my new passport will be sitting at the embassy in Bangkok all ready to go. Before I had to replace my passport I had plans to come here to get a tourist visa, but since I'm here now.... Firstly would they even give me a tourist visa on a temporary passport (good for 12 months)? And even more to the point if they did give me one, is there any possibility of transfering it to my new passport? I have to surrender the temporary one to pick up the new one and they want me to do it within 60 days....

Any thoughts on the subject would be most appreciated!



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Yeah? I wasn't sure about transferring visas between passports... Sounds like it "ought" to be possible, but I'd hate to pay for the thing and end up getting it voided with the old passport. Is the visa just a piece of paper stapled into the passport? (apology for ingnorance!)

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I'm in Penang on a temporary passport, in 30 days my new passport will be sitting at the embassy in Bangkok all ready to go. Before I had to replace my passport I had plans to come here to get a tourist visa, but since I'm here now.... Firstly would they even give me a tourist visa on a temporary passport (good for 12 months)? And even more to the point if they did give me one, is there any possibility of transfering it to my new passport? I have to surrender the temporary one to pick up the new one and they want me to do it within 60 days....

Last November I got, though not from Penang, a triple Non-O-Visa in a temporary (12 months valid) passport, once I exchanged my temporary passport against the new one I told my Embassy people not to perforate the visa and stamp to stay pages in the old one, took then both the old and the new passport, went to immigration, filled out a form requesting for the transfer of stay to stamp and finally had the visa and stamp to stay transfered free of charge. Why should it not work with a Tourist Visa?

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Seems to make sense, the Canadian embassy seemed pretty accommodating on the whole, I doubt they'd mind (may send an email just to be safe though), and an immigration office ought to be able to transfer a visa (can't be the first time they've been asked) as you say. Alright I'm going to make a go of it. That said, any recommendations for a good visa agent in Georgetown?

Thanks for the input folks!



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No problems with using a temporary passport provided it's valid for at least another six months. Did the same earlier this year when i was waiting for my new PP. When you've got your new passport and go on your next visarun you will have to take BOTH the old and new passport with you to the border, immigration will then "transfer" your visa to the new PP. You can also do this in advance at your local thai immigration. After the record of your previous stays in thailand has been transferred to your new PP you can throw the old one away if you like. Good luck.

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