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4 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

Yah, there's a giant conspiracy to covertly set up Covid tests to generate positives for Rhinovirus. Okay. The Chinese I presume? Batwoman?


Any other interestiing theories, MicroB?




Not a theory at all, but sarcasm at your selective acceptance of medical advice. You merrily accept the tests, without a clue how they were produced or function, but shout about masks based on a hunch. As I indicated, people who thought cloth masks didn't work at the start didn't really understand how masks work.  You get a similar misunderstanding in the whole car filter debate; there was a huge debate why K&N oiled cloth or HKS foam air filters didn't cause an engine to grenade itself (basically because some people think air filters work like a sieve, and filter based on particle size, not on particle charge).


Kids found a way to effectively bunk off school rather quickly





You obviously missed the theory that the throat swab included with the Chinese made rapid tests was coated with nanoparticles.


The mass distrubution of rapid tests were, to an extent, part of the theatre conducted  to attempt to control the outbreak. The masks had a filtering function, but their most powerful effect was through behaviour modification, lines on the floor in supermarkets, handwash stations, lockdowns. None of them would be fully adhered to, but the intention was really to limit admissions. Chinese hospitals were initially over whelmed. Subsequent Chinese control measures meant that the admissions to their temporary hospitals were relatively modest. Italian hospitals came close to being overwhelmed, but local innovation prevented that. In the UK, the Nightingale Hospitals were in the end redundant, because of a combination of control measures and improved standards of care. The RAF were pretty serious in their C130 touch and go drills at City Airport, and tere were efforts to do a full 40 minute turn around of ambulances through the MOD.


The antigen tests met acceptable performance under idealised conditions, But that was never matched in the field. People didn't swab throats properly, or their nose. They put too much buffer on, or not enough. The people at th testing stations were barely trained, so accuracy was less than ideal, but the testing, en masse, was enough to give a sense of direction. Thats why usage fell off the edge of a cliff in April. Usage is limited right now to syndromic surveillance, where that tersting is more under idealised conditions, with properly trained nurses testing, and conducting controls.


Interesting theory  #2; Sars-Cov-2 was uncovered by itinerant Chinese potash miners. Another idea was that investments by overseas banks had pushed Chinese  smallholders onto virgin land, and thus into contact with novel diseases. There is an immunological reason why bats tend to be the origins  of viruses that can really do a number on the human body.

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18 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


Oh really? Really???? Let's see, shall we, MicroB?


“There have been many studies attempting to prove whether the virus is infecting cells of the inner blood vessel wall or not.

“By conducting our experiments using real, infectious virus rather than fragments of the virus’s spike protein, we can definitively say it is not.”




Oh dear. Does that mean you were talking nonsense, MicroB? It does, doesn't it?


These studies support the conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 does not confer endothelial cell damage and vascular thrombosis through direct viral infection of those cells. They further demonstrate that the levels of circulating virus are too low to infect even endothelial cells that express very high levels of hACE2, and therefore that most COVID-19 pathology arises due to aerosol infection of the nasal and pulmonary epithelium.




Yeah, looks like it does. Oh well.





Our study provides evidence of SARS-CoV-2 presence in human coronary vasculature and demonstrates viral tropism for vascular lesion macrophages in individuals with severe COVID-19. We found evidence of SARS-CoV-2 replication in all analyzed human autopsy coronaries regardless of their pathological classification, although viral replication was highest in PIT coronary lesions—early-stage lesions that progress to more advanced atherosclerotic plaques



SARS-CoV-2 showed a stronger tropism for the arterial lesions than corresponding perivascular fat, which was related to the degree of macrophage infiltration, consistent with the higher viral replication in PIT lesions and fibroatheromas, where macrophages are more prevalent. Others previously reported the presence of SARS-CoV-2 vRNA within the heart and the aorta as well as other distant organs. Our data conclusively demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 is capable of infecting and replicating in macrophages within the coronary vasculature of patients with COVID-19. Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2 preferentially replicates in foam cells compared to other macrophages, due to a reduced type I IFN response that leads to vRNA and viral protein accumulation, suggesting that these cells might act as a reservoir of SARS-CoV-2 viral debris in the atherosclerotic plaque.



Scientists should be wary of using the term "definitive" because it rarely is, and 5 year olds might misunderstand, and think all science is settled after a few months of study.


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14 minutes ago, MicroB said:


Not a theory at all, but sarcasm at your selective acceptance of medical advice. You merrily accept the tests, without a clue how they were produced or function, but shout about masks based on a hunch. As I indicated, people who thought cloth masks didn't work at the start didn't really understand how masks work.  You get a similar misunderstanding in the whole car filter debate; there was a huge debate why K&N oiled cloth or HKS foam air filters didn't cause an engine to grenade itself (basically because some people think air filters work like a sieve, and filter based on particle size, not on particle charge).


Kids found a way to effectively bunk off school rather quickly





You obviously missed the theory that the throat swab included with the Chinese made rapid tests was coated with nanoparticles.


The mass distrubution of rapid tests were, to an extent, part of the theatre conducted  to attempt to control the outbreak. The masks had a filtering function, but their most powerful effect was through behaviour modification, lines on the floor in supermarkets, handwash stations, lockdowns. None of them would be fully adhered to, but the intention was really to limit admissions. Chinese hospitals were initially over whelmed. Subsequent Chinese control measures meant that the admissions to their temporary hospitals were relatively modest. Italian hospitals came close to being overwhelmed, but local innovation prevented that. In the UK, the Nightingale Hospitals were in the end redundant, because of a combination of control measures and improved standards of care. The RAF were pretty serious in their C130 touch and go drills at City Airport, and tere were efforts to do a full 40 minute turn around of ambulances through the MOD.


The antigen tests met acceptable performance under idealised conditions, But that was never matched in the field. People didn't swab throats properly, or their nose. They put too much buffer on, or not enough. The people at th testing stations were barely trained, so accuracy was less than ideal, but the testing, en masse, was enough to give a sense of direction. Thats why usage fell off the edge of a cliff in April. Usage is limited right now to syndromic surveillance, where that tersting is more under idealised conditions, with properly trained nurses testing, and conducting controls.


Interesting theory  #2; Sars-Cov-2 was uncovered by itinerant Chinese potash miners. Another idea was that investments by overseas banks had pushed Chinese  smallholders onto virgin land, and thus into contact with novel diseases. There is an immunological reason why bats tend to be the origins  of viruses that can really do a number on the human body.


I know perfectly well about the various kinds of tests, you think this is some secret sacred knowledge, only you posess, but in reality a 12 year old can get it off google.


I also studied carefully the studies for and against the effectiveness of masks, and my position is extremely well informed. 


So Chinese potash miners, huh? Overseas Banks? Aha. 


Do carry on. And if you could tell me what you're taking I wouldn't mind trying half a pill. Looks like a powerful trip.

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