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Thought that would get some attention.......

seriously, i'm in the Chiang Mai area and want to do some small scale chicken farming, mostly for home use and would like to purchase 20 or 30 youngish hens and have asked all over and lots of friendly thais offer me their native chickens....no thanks they lay a few small eggs and don't take to captivity well, so I'm looking for the 'factory' kind [rhode island reds is what i've seen here], that lay one nice sized brown egg a day in their prime.

where to look???

Thought that would get some attention.......

seriously, i'm in the Chiang Mai area and want to do some small scale chicken farming, mostly for home use and would like to purchase 20 or 30 youngish hens and have asked all over and lots of friendly thais offer me their native chickens....no thanks they lay a few small eggs and don't take to captivity well, so I'm looking for the 'factory' kind [rhode island reds is what i've seen here], that lay one nice sized brown egg a day in their prime.

where to look???

Very catchy subject title. Do you have enough ends to support 20 or 30?



I'm hoping someone will get serious and help this guy out. My wife says to go to an egg farm and you can either get some there or they will tell you where.....but, sorry, I have no idea where an egg farm might be....and neither does she.


This link may help.

I also found this.....

Golden Poultry International Co., Ltd.


Address: 79/1 Soi Pukmitr Srinakarin Road Nongborn, Praves, Bangkok, 10260, Thailand

Tel: 662-3660222

Fax: 662-6796493

Good luck, and don't count your chickens................


You could try the weekend animal market in San Patong. I've seen about every kind of fowl you could wish for there. I think it was on a satuday. Someone else may know for sure.


My feed merchant in Buriram gets in day old ducks & chickens once or twice a month to sell out. I buy all our stock from her. Very easy to rear. Chicks 28 baht, sexed & guaranteed pullets (females). I realise you are a long way away from Buriram, however, I'd suggest asking around feed merchants; if you have no luck & are desperate, you can always make the trip here:)

My feed merchant in Buriram gets in day old ducks & chickens once or twice a month to sell out. I buy all our stock from her. Very easy to rear. Chicks 28 baht, sexed & guaranteed pullets (females). I realise you are a long way away from Buriram, however, I'd suggest asking around feed merchants; if you have no luck & are desperate, you can always make the trip here:)

It truly hurt my eyes to read that sentence "my feed merchant in Buriram" :o makes my heart bleed...


My feed merchant in Buriram gets in day old ducks & chickens once or twice a month to sell out. I buy all our stock from her. Very easy to rear. Chicks 28 baht, sexed & guaranteed pullets (females). I realise you are a long way away from Buriram, however, I'd suggest asking around feed merchants; if you have no luck & are desperate, you can always make the trip here:)

It truly hurt my eyes to read that sentence "my feed merchant in Buriram" :o makes my heart bleed...


More/better marketing required buddy!! Hang in there.


My feed merchant in Buriram gets in day old ducks & chickens once or twice a month to sell out. I buy all our stock from her. Very easy to rear. Chicks 28 baht, sexed & guaranteed pullets (females). I realise you are a long way away from Buriram, however, I'd suggest asking around feed merchants; if you have no luck & are desperate, you can always make the trip here:)

Some guys make hard work of living in Thailand :o , whoever wants the chicks get the feed merchants number there must be a pickup truck/ lorry / someone going to Chaing mai soon from Buriram if asked and given some baht will throw a box of chicks on the back for you .



Was in there today, there were approx 70 -80 week old chicks, the remainder of last weekends day old's; already feathering up, was offered them @ 20 baht apiece, however, we have no where to put them, everywhere full up with ducks, pigs, cattle & straw.

Tilapia, I have asked you for price quotes before, nothing forthcoming? Also I am concerned regarding the make up & palatability of your feed; do you have some nutritionist employed monitering & balancing the rations? I ask myself, how anyone small can compete in terms of quality with the likes of Lee Pattana feed etc?

Was in there today, there were approx 70 -80 week old chicks, the remainder of last weekends day old's; already feathering up, was offered them @ 20 baht apiece, however, we have no where to put them, everywhere full up with ducks, pigs, cattle & straw.

Tilapia, I have asked you for price quotes before, nothing forthcoming? Also I am concerned regarding the make up & palatability of your feed; do you have some nutritionist employed monitering & balancing the rations? I ask myself, how anyone small can compete in terms of quality with the likes of Lee Pattana feed etc?

Well, some time back, you told me that you would come and visit or give me a call, if you prefere to get the prices in a PM, then just let me know.

The raw material I use, is the same that the other feed companies use, we have a PC-feed program for cattle, pigs, fish, chickens, and ducks. The reason why we can compete is very simple, our over-head cost is much much lower than the others, I dont have CEO'S who need to drive a Mecedes S500 or simular. We do it to help the local farmers, to get a cheaper feed-source, and at the same time we make a small profit, at pressent time we sell about 10ton of pig-feed per month, and between 2-5ton of fish-feed, we dont have a stock, we produce it as the orders come in. I dont try to beat or go head to head with the big feed companies, I sell to the market that they really dont care to much about, small scale farmers up to 100-200 pigs.


My feed merchant in Buriram gets in day old ducks & chickens once or twice a month to sell out. I buy all our stock from her. Very easy to rear. Chicks 28 baht, sexed & guaranteed pullets (females). I realise you are a long way away from Buriram, however, I'd suggest asking around feed merchants; if you have no luck & are desperate, you can always make the trip here:)

Some guys make hard work of living in Thailand :o , whoever wants the chicks get the feed merchants number there must be a pickup truck/ lorry / someone going to Chaing mai soon from Buriram if asked and given some baht will throw a box of chicks on the back for you .


Hi Joe.

Not that simple, transporting poultry without the prober papers, may give the person a longer jail-holiday than holding up a gold-shop :D


My feed merchant in Buriram gets in day old ducks & chickens once or twice a month to sell out. I buy all our stock from her. Very easy to rear. Chicks 28 baht, sexed & guaranteed pullets (females). I realise you are a long way away from Buriram, however, I'd suggest asking around feed merchants; if you have no luck & are desperate, you can always make the trip here:)

It truly hurt my eyes to read that sentence "my feed merchant in Buriram" :o makes my heart bleed...


More/better marketing required buddy!! Hang in there.


It's a hard business. BTW the drum will be installed on tuesday, almost everything made in stainless steel, I'll send you some pictures.



Hi Tilapia,

Point taken, your overheads are low so you can compete on price, however, can a PC feed program ensure the quality is as good? I don't mean to pour scorn, but, there is a massive multi billion dollar animal feed industry in Thailand, companies trying to outdo oneanother, constantly refining & improving the product. I am just a very small consumer, but of course I am looking to cut my costs, which average 12 k plus baht per month at present, set to rise.

I am sorry not to have been in touch, I somehow,lost your number; if you'd care to, please re-send & give me some prices, I am especially keen to cut costs on Pigs, fish (Pla duk) & feed for both laying & growing/fattening Ducks. Cattle feed is relatively cheap and we only use a couple of bags per week for our Indu's, so not so worried about a price for that.


Hi Tilapia,

Point taken, your overheads are low so you can compete on price, however, can a PC feed program ensure the quality is as good? I don't mean to pour scorn, but, there is a massive multi billion dollar animal feed industry in Thailand, companies trying to outdo oneanother, constantly refining & improving the product. I am just a very small consumer, but of course I am looking to cut my costs, which average 12 k plus baht per month at present, set to rise.

I am sorry not to have been in touch, I somehow,lost your number; if you'd care to, please re-send & give me some prices, I am especially keen to cut costs on Pigs, fish (Pla duk) & feed for both laying & growing/fattening Ducks. Cattle feed is relatively cheap and we only use a couple of bags per week for our Indu's, so not so worried about a price for that.


Hi Fruity

The others feed-companies are using simular programs, if you one day visit us, I will show you how it works. On pig-feed I will state that we are equal if not even better than the big ones, specially on powder feed. Fish pellets, ours dont have the same shelf-time a the others, ours is about 4-6 weeks, but then again it is not a problem for us since we only supply direct to the farmer and not thru an agent, who need to have a stock at all time+ a profit as well :o

So if you can let me know what size pellets you need and what % of protein then we can quote you a price, the same for pig-feed and hens.



Hi Tilapia,

Sounds good. Will check protein percentages & get back to you.


Hi Fruity

The others feed-companies are using simular programs, if you one day visit us, I will show you how it works. On pig-feed I will state that we are equal if not even better than the big ones, specially on powder feed. Fish pellets, ours dont have the same shelf-time a the others, ours is about 4-6 weeks, but then again it is not a problem for us since we only supply direct to the farmer and not thru an agent, who need to have a stock at all time+ a profit as well :o

So if you can let me know what size pellets you need and what % of protein then we can quote you a price, the same for pig-feed and hens.


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