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Bird's Attack!

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The whole story started many weeks ago:

Every afternoon when our dogs get their food in the garden some birds in the trees are waiting to pick up their shares from the bowls.

The only problem is "Puean" our Boxer, she does not like it. She's always hunting for them and some weeks ago she was able to catch one and killed the litle bird.

Since this time these birds attacking the Boxer as soon as she appears in the garden.

First they start getting very noisy and than they are flying all the same time to attack her.

Today she was running back into the house but one bird followed her flying in the house.

Unfortunately there was our young Rotti lady and caught the bird........

Running back in the garden with her catch another attack started.




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The Indian Mynah bird, yes we have quite a few of those too. They do harass the dogs while eating but ours are either less foolhardy or a bit smarter than yours as they do actually wait until the dog is done.

They can be very aggressive birds, fight each other like mad in mating season.

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That's incredible. I noticed the birds are those damm annoying nok eeyan (minah birds) that cackle, chirp, etc., and have no fear. They are always stealing my dog's food, and are fearless walking onto the front porch etc..

I would declare war.

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That's incredible. I noticed the birds are those damm annoying nok eeyan (minah birds) that cackle, chirp, etc., and have no fear. They are always stealing my dog's food, and are fearless walking onto the front porch etc..

I would declare war.

So we have the problems with these Indian tailors and our dogs have problems with Indian birds :o

I will contact the Indian Embassy on Monday.......


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