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Salt cell prices gone through the roof.


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I have a Zodiac Tri large saltwater chlorinator, for many years, with which I'm pretty satisfied.


End of 2016 I purchased a new genuine salt cell from a dealer in Australia, and paid 350 Aussie $ + shipping.

Now I want to order another replacement, and price from the same dealer is now 875 Aussie $ (19600 baht) . I looked at other sources, and other brands, and they're same or even more.

Is it time to trash my chlorinator and start with adding chlorine instead?

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8 minutes ago, Bagwain said:

8 years is a good innings for a salt cell. Especially that brand. PM me for options.


Thanks, but not sure what you mean with options. I know how to search for appliances and find the prices.


The cheapest I can get a new cell for my zodiac tri large is about 19000 baht, and I have no intention to pay that.


This is directly from Australia with an Aussie$ at all-time lows, so I can expect next renewal to probably a lot more.


I have searched for cells from other brand chlorinators and they are similar priced, but I don't even think about installing a complete new setup, especially not Emaux which is the cheapest.


If there is anything you want share please post it here, so everyone has a use for it.

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