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House Shops Overcharging?


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I usually don't report this kind of incident but it has happened twice in a row so I think it's worth mentionning.

Last week, I went to Homework to buy some gardening tools. I like these big house shops because they have a large choice and because prices are clearly stated on stickers.

So I go there, have a look around, select a few tools that I needed and head to the cashier. On my way, I try to calculate how much the total will be to see if I have enough cash. I am not a mathematician but I excpet my total to be cose to the reality. So when the cashier announced a total that was 40% more than I expected, I was a little surprised. I ask to look for the detail and I notice that 3 items out of 4 were not at the price I have seen on the stickers, and the difference was huge (50%). I tell the cashier that the prices are wrong. She asks me to wait. Then someone comes , then someone else, they someone else again. Finally, they admitted the stickers were wrong, but were firm on the fact that I would still have to pay the "real" price, the one on the cashier machine. Of course I refused and walked out.

Yesterday, I decided to change shop and to go to Kanyon. Very few gardening tools there but a lot of nice other things. While looking around, I notice a nice celling fan. The price is ok so I decide to buy it. Here again, surprise when I check out. She asks me for 20 % more than the price on the sticker while she announce me with a smile that there's a 10% promotion on ceilling fans. :o

There they have been nicer. They checked and admitted that they were wrong, so they made me pay for the sticker price ... with the discount without discussing for hours.

May be I am just in an unlucky period or it has became a standard procedure, I don't know, but if I havn't checked the details of my bills while checking out, I would have paid a LOT more than the normal price (which for me is and will stay the price on the sticker), so I would advise anyone who go there to pay a little attention too.

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I think the whold town is trying to overcharge:

I am tired of being ripped in Pattaya...

I have lived in Pattaya over 18 months and never seen so much petty attempts to rip me off.

4 out of the last 4 days on my routine activities going to dinner, lunch, buying groceries and going out to a bar I have been short changed 3 times and hassled at Friendship Market.

Last week I decided to try a new pizza place called Slices, they advertised on TV a 100 baht all you can eat buffet. But once I got there they explained I had to buy at least a 35 baht drink and could only have one slice of pizza at a time. Then the cashier short changed me 10 baht. I had ask for ice with my drink and when I looked at my change thought maybe they charged me for the ice, but they said no. So, I ask for my correct change and the cashier just lied and said I gave her 140 baht not 150. So, I just gave up and left swearing to never go back. Plus the pizza tasted like cardboard with very little sauce. I will never eat at Slices again and the whole experience of being treated like a child by only being able to get one slice at a time is ridiculous...

The next day I am short changed at Oasis gogo 15 baht, I had 3, 55 baht beers, give the lady 200 baht, she returns with a 20 baht note. I give her that as a tip and as I am walking out, think, gezz, that lady just ripped me 15 baht. I was a little drunk so blew it off.

Next day, I am hassled for trying to buy a pack of smokes after the cashier already checked me out at Friendship Market. I am standing there, the lady just took my money and says NO, go and get in line again. They would not sell me a pack of smokes after I just paid for 3 or 400 baht worth of groceries. I shop there everyday and have never seen such rude customer service.

Today at Tukom the food court cashier attempted to short change me, I had to demand my money and finally this thief relented and gave me the correct change. Her attiude was like this was routine proceedure for her, no apology, nothing, just trying to steal from farangs any chance they get is no problem.

The sooner I get out of Pattaya the better. but I tell you one thing, the Pizza Place called Slices is the worst dinning experinece I have ever had here. These people are real ass holes.

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I would also not have bought the items that they were trying to charge alot more for than the sticker price.

It is always a good idea to count your change.

If you don't say something it will never change.

But if it is only a very few Baht don't get so worked up about it.

Edited by philliphn
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