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Dead Us Tourist Found


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US tourist found dead

Published on Jul 16, 2004

An American tourist was found dead in his Phuket hotel room police said yesterday.

The body of John Beyer Chris, 43, was found in Katu district yesterday at 11am, said Lieutenant Padungpong Duksukkeaw of Katu police station.

His body was in bed with one hand tied to the headboard, the other handcuffed to a chair. An oil-soaked cloth covered his face. His room was ransacked.

A letter, addressed to another foreigner, found nearby, stated that Chris had failed in a joint business with friends.

Police said they suspected either suicide or murder.

Hotel staff said the man checked in on July 9 and on July 12 was seen by an employee taking a black plastic bag to his room. It was the last time he was seen alive.


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Axel, what are you in the suicide camp? He must have put it up?

If you murdered somebody in a hotel room, wouldn't you put it up before you did your deed to not be disturbed, or as you left to buy time?

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Police said they suspected either suicide or murder.

You see the Thai police are not as dumb as most people think, sort of narrows it down a bit.

Yeah, on the other hand, it could as well have been a traffic accident.... :o

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Put things into a better logical order and we get,

First tie one hand to the headboard

Then put an oily cloth over your face

And then handcuff your other hand to a chair

THERE, it can be done.

Only problem is what was the cause of death.

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Only problem is what was the cause of death.

Heart Stopped

... because of exhaustion to get such a demanding assignment accomplished in hot tropical climate. Now, we start getting some (logic!??) in :D but anyway who actually knows. Wouldn't it be a great thing to puzzle people when deciding to get off the stage? Why just doing a boring show like jumping off a high rise building or a bridge except you bang your head a couple of times against a wall, handcuff yourself and then make the final dive. Just better chances than to make it to page no. 3 of the paper.

The human species is occasionally indeed kind of weird. Remember the make-up rapes and robberies we had in the past? This blended with real crimes always provides plenty to gossip around. Sometimes, the most obvious is most off the real thing. Guess Khunying Dr. Pornthip will never run out of work. :o

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Put things into a better logical order and we get,

First tie one hand to the headboard

Then put an oily cloth over your face

And then handcuff your other hand to a chair

THERE, it can be done.

Only problem is what was the cause of death.

Prove it. :o

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The WHO further reports that:

In the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide. Suicide is now among the three leading causes of death among those aged 15-44 (both sexes). Suicide attempts are up to 20 times more frequent than completed suicides.

Although suicide rates have traditionally been highest among elderly males, rates among young people have been increasing to such an extent that they are now the group at highest risk in a third of all countries.

Mental disorders (particularly depression and substance abuse) are associated with more than 90% of all cases of suicide. However, suicide results from many complex socio-cultural factors and is more likely to occur during periods of socioeconomic, family and individual crisis (e.g. loss of a loved one, employment, honour).


What's the big surprise about farang's commiting suicide in Thailand?

Many are running away from something, then when the money runs out its goodnight Nurse. You will probably not find that many suicides are people that are on holiday, but mainly the dreamers that came to Thailand with a Million Baht and a credit card and a wife and kids back home

There are more suicides in the UK than there are in Thailand. One suicide every 84 minutes in Uk and Ireland.

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The WHO further reports that:

In the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide. Suicide is now among the three leading causes of death among those aged 15-44 (both sexes). Suicide attempts are up to 20 times more frequent than completed suicides.

Although suicide rates have traditionally been highest among elderly males, rates among young people have been increasing to such an extent that they are now the group at highest risk in a third of  all countries.

Mental disorders (particularly depression and substance abuse) are associated with more than 90% of all cases of suicide. However, suicide results from many complex socio-cultural factors and is more likely to occur during periods of socioeconomic, family and individual crisis (e.g. loss of a loved one, employment, honour).



What's the big surprise about farang's commiting suicide in Thailand?

Many are running away from something, then when the money runs out its goodnight Nurse. You will probably not find that many suicides are people that are on holiday, but mainly the dreamers that came to Thailand with a Million Baht and a credit card and a wife and kids back home

There are more suicides in the UK than there are in Thailand. One suicide every 84 minutes in Uk and Ireland.

If I was going to commit suicide I would do it with a fist full of viagra. I would want to go out standing up if you know what I mean :o

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Police thinking probably is- " He commited suicide by coming to LOS".

Can't argue with that can we?

If he'd stayed at home he would still be alive.......Also, I understand that he had no past history of successful suicides?

Anyway, all this wondering about how he could have done, this and that, isn't new.

People asked the very same questions years ago, when Houdini (who was double jointed) did 'The impossible'.

"So the answer, my dear Watson, is quite simple. There are a great number of Double Jointed Farangs commiting suicide in Thailand...... Elementary".

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At The end of the day, it is no surprise to me that people top themselves in Thailand....................................................................... As i said before, i don't think many suicides are people that are here on holiday.

So many people run away from their countries leaving behind a string of debt and cut all ties with their life as they have known it. They are the dreamers with a Million Baht and a credit card thinking that they can survive in Thailand by buying a bar in a resort, the money runs out, they cannot turn to anyone, they burnt all bridges in Their own country, they have a pile of debts back there, no job, no home, family don't want anything to do with them, ..........................they turn to drinking heavily, get all cynical, they blame Thailand, Thai people, taxi drivers, Girls, Boys, girlboys for their situation.........Thailand then gets the Blame for the high Suicide rate, it's the idiots that commit suicide that are the culprits, Not Thailand.

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There are more suicides in the UK than there are in Thailand. One suicide every 84 minutes in Uk and Ireland.

What a depressing stat :o

It's enough to make you want to try to top yourself :D

If my memory serves me correctly there were two suicides an hour in Bangkok around the middle of 1997.

I wonder why that would have been??

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There are more suicides in the UK than there are in Thailand. One suicide every 84 minutes in Uk and Ireland.

What a depressing stat :o

It's enough to make you want to try to top yourself :D

If my memory serves me correctly there were two suicides an hour in Bangkok around the middle of 1997.

I wonder why that would have been??

Economic crash of 97

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If I was going to commit suicide I would do it with a fist full of viagra. I would want to go out standing up if you know what I mean :o

I believe hanging has that effect!

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