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How Do You Deal With Snoring?

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Hi Ladies

Anyone have any experience of living with/sleeping with snorers? How do you deal with it?

I'll start the ball rolling with my experience of it -- I had the problem with my first husband, who refused to have the minor procedure to correct the problem, even though we lived 10 mins from the only hospital in the UK to offer that procedure at the time (Papworth, near Cambridge). And this from a 6'5" Sean Connery look alike. Go figure!

I got used to wearing wax ear plugs when he was around, but did get one stuck on my ear drum once, which was most unpleasant and required a hospital trip to remove.

Feeling quite stressed and exhausted from lack of sleep, we tried everything (or rather I made him), from cotton reels sewn onto the back of pyjamas, to losing weight. Nothing worked. At one point, our neighbours complained to me about the noise, and this from an upper bedroom with sealed unit double glazing, and at least 80 mtrs between the houses (both were detached).

In the end the only solution was separate bedrooms. Which probably was a contributory factor to our breakup. Rather drastic but it worked.

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By the sound of it EFL had a ghetto blaster in decibels. The neighbours complained!!! At first I just thought you were a light sleeper.

I rub a little Siang oil just under my nostrils and this seems to help.

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Fascinating replies. SBK, what are "Breatheright Strips"? Mentholated strips which are adhesive I'm guessing. Where do you stick them? I'll check out Boots next time I'm there.

I just love sleeping with my (newish) husband and would be awfully upset if he had to decamp to the guest room. Seems drastic, but sleep is one of lifes essentials, and it is an extremely annoying feeling trying to nod with such a loud noise so close. I remember my ex used to eventually wake up, (probably after I held his nostrils closed for too long!), and vehemently deny that he was snoring at all. Talk about annoying!

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I used to snore like a bear with a sore arse!

Then I had a sleep apnea test done and found out that my snoring was waking me up aboout every 45 seconds. Actually I stopped breathing around every 45 seconds. The Doctors gave me a breathing machine to wear at night when I sleep. Now i actually get a full nights sleep and so does my wife. I have so much more energy now also, so my wife still does not get to sleep right away . 5555

Everybody happier without my snoring.


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I went to Chiang Mai Ram and had some tissue scraped away from my soft palate. That cured my sleep apnea and reduced my snoring problem. Allegedly a 2-3 day hospital stay, but I walked home 12 hours after I was put under. General anesthetic.

Breathe Right strips aren't mentholated. They're adhesive, with kind of a stiff plastic inside. They want to stay straight because of the plastic, but the adhesive on the nose makes them want to bend. The end result is to open the nostrils. They were invented for athletes who need the oxygen, but they happen to work well for some snorers. I used them before I left the US, which seems like a lifetime ago.

Best of luck!


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Yeah, why do people deny snoring?

Because they never hear themselves doing it ?


Not true, I've woken myself up several times.

An earlier wife used to beat the crap out of me and eventually I'd get up and sleep elsewhere which pissed her off even more.

No pleasing some people.

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I’ve had the snoring procedure done under local at a private clinic in Bangkok. It’s not for the faint hearted and if I had my time over again I’d do it under general.

There was an initial consultation with the surgeon. He decided on what needed to be done then gave me an accurate description on what was required. My snoring was particularly bad and required a crescent shaped piece ¼” x 1 ¼” removed from the roof of my mouth. :D Some people only require scaring to firm the palate. My tonsils were removed at the same time.

It took just over 2 hours from entering the clinic to exiting with a very numb mouth. The actual operation took 30 minutes from start to finish. I was also required to return for check ups for the next 6 weeks.

I had about 7 stitches in the roof of my mouth that took 3 weeks to dissolve. :D There’s nothing like that feeling of sucking on a hedgehog for 3 weeks. I also recommend some strong painkillers. Tramadol was my lifesaver. :o

The results have been excellent. I sleep well, feel better in the morning and no more sore throats or tonsillitis. Best of all, the wife’s happy. I still have minor moments where I lightly snore for a few minutes soon after falling asleep normally associated with consuming lots of alcohol or overtiredness from long distance travel.

I thoroughly recommend it just for health and the marriage. :D

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