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Rules specific to the Health Forum


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The general forum rules as set forth in
https://aseannow.com/terms apply to the Health Sub-Forum. In addition, the following Health forum-specific policies should be noted:

1. Civility and Compassion: the Health forum is, by its nature, a place where people seek information or help of a personal nature, often in the context of a serious and stressful problem. It is absolutely essential that they are able to do so without fear of ridicule or judgment. Forum rules regarding flaming etc will therefore be enforced with particular strictness. The level of banter that might be acceptable in other forums will not be allowed here if, in the opinion of the Moderators, it is likely to make other members uncomfortable or hesitant to post.

2. Quackery and Misinformation: Posters should pay particular attention to the following forum rule; "Please post accurate and helpful information". 

This will be strictly applied with respect to presentation as fact any statements which are clearly contrary to medical science. A distinction is made in this regard between statements of opinion/reports of personal experience and statements of fact.

Posters should be aware that factual misstatements abound on the internet and, to a lesser extent, in printed media. In particular, broad claims to the effect that "X number of (doctors/scientists)" agree to something or that something has been "proven in X number of studies" without specific citations are often fictitious. If a poster chooses to repeat such information as fact, the burden of ensuring these citations are reliable rest with the poster, who should take the time to verify this.

This rule will be particularly enforced when, in the judgment of the Moderators, the incorrect information presented is potentially harmful to others.

3. "Alternative" vs. Allopathic (Modern) Medicine: It is recognized that there are systems of medicine other than the allopathic and that ASEAN NOW members have the right to avail of these either instead of or in addition to conventional treatments. However, a distinction is made between non-allopathic systems of healing, home remedies, and outright quackery.

o Systems of healing are defined as actual disciplines with an established body of literature, schools of instruction and means of accrediting practitioners. Examples include, but are not necessarily limited to, chiropractic, osteopathy, homeopathy, traditional Chinese Medicine (herbal and acupuncture) etc. As long as not misrepresented as backed by scientific proof which does not in fact exist, there is no objection to the discussion of such alternative or complementary .treatments.

o Home remedies include well-known traditional measures and measures an individual poster has developed through trial and error. As long as presented on the basis of personal experience and not misrepresented as backed by scientific proof which does not in fact exist, there is no objection to the discussion of home remedies.

o Quackery, on the other hand, is defined as claims made for the absolute prevention or cure of disease unrelated to an established discipline (allopathic or otherwise) and unsupported by scientific evidence. These often occur in fads. Use of the forum to promote quack cures will not be tolerated.

Lastly, aggressive attempts to persuade other members to either adapt or abandon alternative vs. modern forms of treatment will not be permitted. Experience has shown that this invariably leads to arguments and flame fests that serve no useful purpose.

4. Posting/pinning of news articles: The forum is for members to seek advice on health/beauty related matters. it is not the place for general dissemination of news, research findings etc. Members are not to post news articles/research findings unless in the context of a discussion specific to an ASEAN NOW member's health/beauty related problem.


Although ASEAN NOW Moderators will, through enforcement of the above rules and periodic input, attempt to ensure that factual information presented in this forum is accurate and that advice provided does not contravene generally accepted medical standards, it is not possible for Moderators to screen every post, and inaccuracies/improper advice will at times appear. In addition, there are inherent limitations to the provision of health related advice in an internet forum. Posters often fail to include, or misreport, pertinent information, and physical examination is, obviously, not possible. The knowledge and expertise of those who respond to posts varies considerably and their qualifications and experience, even if stated by them, cannot be verified.

ASEAN NOW will not be liable for any adverse consequences that may result from advice or information provided in this forum. Members who offer health-related advice or recommendations do so on their own accord and are solely responsible for the content; this applies equally to members who are also ASEAN NOW Moderators. Readers are responsible for deciding which, if any, advice or information found in this forum to accept.



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