In 2023, with the Tories firmly in government, benefitting of an overwhelming majority in the House, a total of 1.129 milion people immigrated to the UK (net of British nationals re-immigrating into the country). In 2016, the year Brexit was approved, 0.514 million immigrants were recorded.
These numbers prove that a zero-immigration target is unachievable. Actually, the truth is, without immigration, the UK economy would be toast. If the Tories doubled the number of (legal) immigrants in few years, it's because they know at least one thing or two about the UK economy.
Electoral promises to allure the masses are one thing, responsible policies, to keep the economy growing, are a completely different thing.
However, an analyst at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs suggested the "red line" was "a psychological PR operation" with little substance.
"It is designed to scare leaders & voters of countries supporting Ukraine," Andreas Said
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