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Rules about buying a house

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My Thai girlfriend is living with me in the Netherlands for some time now. We are planning to buy a house and maybe some small business in Thailand.

What are the rules about that if we are married (or not)

Is it still possible for her to buy something when we are married? (she's still have her Thai passport)

Grtz Marcel and Jing

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Your girlfriend can still buy a house after having married you, but under the condition you sign a statement saying she buys it with her own money, and that you dont have any claim on it also if it would come to a divorce. There might be a limit to the size of the land she can buy, I am not sure about that, use the seach function of this forum or look elsewhere.

By the way, look into renting a house as an alternative. In Thailand often renting is financially the better alternative, unlike in European countries such as the Netherlands where you might be better off buying. Too many Europeans settling here are rigidly holding on to the idea of owning a house because they always used to do so in their home country. Also, in many places in Thailand it is easy to find a house to buy, but places change, and if you decide you dont like it anymore, it might prove difficult to sell the house.

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