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Beer Consumption In Los

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I am a little curious as to how much the beer effects you while in Thailand. And for most of you that live in thailand do you get use to the weather so that the beer would effect you the same as in your home country.

As for me I visit LOS for @ 3 weeks per year. I know the beer is stronger here than in the U.S. but it seems to me that I drink like a fish when I am here and do not get nearly as drunk as I would at home. I think I probably sweat it out as fast as I consume it. So when I retire here will I be able to drink like a fish all the time or will I become climatized after a while and become as drunk as normally would.

this will be useful info for me for my retirement years. I might have to start a slush fund now to pay for my beers when I retire. That is if the fish mode does not go away. :o

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I am a little curious as to how much the beer effects you while in Thailand. And for most of you that live in thailand do you get use to the weather so that the beer would effect you the same as in your home country.

As for me I visit LOS for @ 3 weeks per year. I know the beer is stronger here than in the U.S.  but it seems to me that I drink like a fish when I am here and do not get nearly as drunk as I would at home. I think I probably sweat it out as fast as I consume it. So when I retire here will I be able to drink like a fish all the time or will I become climatized after a while and become as drunk as normally would.

this will be useful info for me for my retirement years. I might have to start a slush fund now to pay for my beers when I retire. That is if the fish mode does not go away.  :D

I drink like a fish home and away! :o

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I'm not sure.

Each time we meet together (members form this forum), we drink a lot of beer.

A lot.

And we all get drunk.

But it is in the evening.

In an air con place, i.e. a 'cool" one.

So maybe we should go next time to a hot place.

To sweat it off before we get drunk,... :o:D

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Speaking of beer, has anyone found the new Tiger beer on sale here in bangkok yet. Asked at Foodland today and was told about 2 weeks hence. Apparently it is being marketed by the heineken agency? Will it be priced in the mid range or down there with Cahng ,Leo,and Beer Thai. ie about B40 for a large at Thai "restaurants'.

Just wondering what it tastes like. I tried it in Singapore several years ago and quite liked it.

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Hey Padkapow-Guy I am Mango-Guy :o

Yes the beer in Thailand does taste stronger than the beer in the US due to the ingredients. Thai beer uses wheat and hops in a fermentation process (as in Britain) whereas American beer is a diluted form of pisswater. :D

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Hey Padkapow-Guy I am Mango-Guy :o

Yes the beer in Thailand does taste stronger than the beer in the US due to the ingredients. Thai beer uses wheat and hops in a fermentation process (as in Britain) whereas American beer is a diluted form of pisswater. :D

Now that we establish american beer is piss water to you, does the beer you drink in Britian effect you differently than it would in Thailand.

Just a question, how did you get to be an expert on piss water!

keep your head out of the toilets mate maybe your breath won't be so bad.

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Oooh who peed in your Tom Yam Goong, Padkapow Guy?!

The Beer in Britain does not effect me differently than the beer in Thailand. Although having said that, I do find that sometimes as little as two pints will make me feel merry, against the usual 4-5 pints.

As for putting my head in the toilet, it does make the British beer afterward taste very strange, but if it's American beer it tastes exactly the same. :o

Surely you're not really defending the taste and/or strength of American beer? Or have you not left the Mid-West yet??

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Oooh who peed in your Tom Yam Goong, Padkapow Guy?!

Surely you're not really defending the taste and/or strength of American beer? Or have you not left the Mid-West yet??

The post was about the effects of the beer. Not about slagging on American beer.

If you do not wish to be slagged on the you should slag in the first place. I could be a little touchy but thats because there are people here who can't wait to slag on America.

That's not what this forum is about. Take that crap to the bear pit. I usally avoid these kinds of discussions.

I am not debating which beer is stronger. I am not sure if I have even had a british beer, but if you say it stronger that's fine with me. It's not important to me. As for the taste, I love the taste of american beer. That's what I was raised on and what I am use to. If you don't like it don't drink it. Simple no need to slag on it.

As for not leaving the mid-west yet? I am not sure what that has to do about anything we are talking about. FYI I have been traveling through Asia since 1985 if that helps you out.

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Okay okay PKG don't get your knickers in a twist. I just couldn't resist taking a swipe at American beer, I had to drink some when I was a teenager and honestly, compared to good Canadian beer, it put me off. But as you say it's not about where the beer if from. The main thing is that it is cold...###### COLD. What about Thai beer don't you enjoy those in Thailand? I always found Chang to be pretty good. :o

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Always find my hangovers are less painful here than drinking back in Australia with beer. My scientific instinct tells me the hotter and more humid it is u lose more water through sweat . But then i thought about putting ice in my beer. I do the ice thing because a cold bottle goes warm in about 5 mins anyways. But, the amount of water u consume from the ice with your beer must have something to do with a lesser hangover . Dunno, just a theory :o

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A good theory 350. Hangovers are directly related to how dehydrated one becomes, so ice or water during anything is never a bad thing. Of course the heat dehydrates too so it has to be a net increase of water.

Also, in terms of strongest to lightest hangovers I find it's the following order:

1) beer

2) white wine

3) red wine

4) spirits

5) whiskey

6) malt whiskey (least hangover inducing!)

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