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Over the last 14 months, I've been plagued in my 3 indoor tents (4x4, 3x3, 2x4).

1st Plague: Probable Septoria, started right when it got cool in December 2023 and I just left the doors wide-open, wind ripping through. Put down by April 2024 using  Lost Coast: 10ml bottle, off Lazada. Note my optimism!  🙂

Plague 2: Thrips in trips: Started ~April 2024. Pretty much have them put down, using my buddy Lost Coast and a similar homemade product, both in sprayers. Purchase Lost Coast: 20ml bottle off Lazada. Note my pessimism. 😞

The Time of Interplaque: purchase Lost Coast 250ml bottle and a 1,500ml handheld pump sprayer off Lazada. Keep spraying. Note my Defiance and Fighting Vigor. Also note my Lazada Loyalty.

Plague 3: Happy New Year. Doors open, but SCREENS up!! No recent sign of thrips, but...A new visitor was first noted TODAY, January 10. A single grasshopper. Good? Bad? Male? Female with eggs!? Gack. Thrips seem to be gone (connection???). Some leaves that were yellowing (fading) have some chewed spots.

I'm unsure when the gods will smite me (as they probably should) using the remaining 4 plagues.

In the meantime, should I catch-and-kill or whisper sweet nothings to this creature?

Grasshopper x Ganja.jpg

  • Haha 1

I use a mix of pure food grade neem oil and pure natural soft potassium soap to successfully take care pests.


adding some solubilizer helps with oil mixing, I use polysorbate 80 but if you want to keep organic you can use soy lectin instead.


  • Love It 1
1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

After a massive aphid attack, I found it easier to buy from someone else for 5-10bht a gram.

(Fis High on LINE)

Certainly makes for less hassles 

16 hours ago, Peabody said:

Over the last 14 months, I've been plagued in my 3 indoor tents (4x4, 3x3, 2x4).



Do you use temperature controls (air con), humidity controls, and ventilation?


Do you clean your grow-room between crops?


Have you had any successful harvests?


At this point what harm could one grasshopper be given your "plagues"?






  • Haha 1

First of all Septoria does not infect people, it is strictly a plant fungus, mostly infecting tomatoes. You should see a doctor and refrain from self diagnosis. The insect is a harmless katydid, any insect which is green is a harmless (to humans) plant eater whose green color camouflages it amongst leaves


Any type of leafhopper is not welcome around cannabis (especially in a tent) and is NOT harmless, katydids included. They are herbivores and eat leaves, not other predatory insects, and should not be there.


Cannabis thrips do NOT eat fungus. They are not beneficial and are the bane of any cannabis grower. A thrip infestation can be above and below the substrate and can devastate a crop - especially in flower.


“Lost Coast” is predominantly soybean oil, peppermint oil, a little citric acid and isopropyl. It acts the same way as neem oil by smothering soft body insects. The best way to use Lost Coast, neem oil and potassium salts of fatty acids (Insecticidal soap) is as a preventative IPM during vegetative growth. Once cannabis is in flower (post week F3) there is very little you can do.

Use of Lost Coast, Neem oil and insecticidal soap will show little results after you have a problem.


i agree with the post that it is unlikely you had septoria. Likely powdery mildew, grey mold, fusarium, pythium etc. 


The bad news: you are responsible for your thrip and fungus situation (as well as visiting leafhoppers) through poor management. The entire idea of tent growing is the same as CEA (controlled environment agriculture) - a relative sealed environment where YOU control the heat, humidity, air movement, light cycles, IPM and general plant husbandry. Leaving doors open, screens, and your tent(s) open to the environment obviously invites the results you are experiencing.


My advice: Seal your tents from the outdoor environment. Use Lost Coast, Neem, Insecticidal Soap as a preventative spray (IPM) once a week during vegetative growth and the first week of flipping to flower. Place a small space heater on a thermostat during cool nights, warm days. It also knocks down humidity at night. More air movement keeps sporulation of PM, septoria, fusarium and pythium from setting in. Incorporate a silica product, increase calcium and increase air movement in a clean growing environment and your plants will naturally ward off predatory (soft body) insects and molds.


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