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Looking for a certain t-shirt allegedly 'Made in Thailand'

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Could it be someone with certain interest in garb has noticed this kind of t-shirts (annex). According to the label, the maker's brand is Sutisa, but there's nothing really one can find about it on the web.

That would not be worth mentioning if not their sales structure suffered from certain, country-typical (my impression) deficits. If you're interested, let me give you the details, as I gradually could find out, with some degree of likelihood.

Hardly surprising, they come in different colours and sizes. I bought the one I'm looking for years ago at the Rompho market. The dealer there just seems to get a delivery once in a while, without caring much, then puts the ware on display and charges those purchasing. Ie any interest or even ambition is not recognisable.

Presently, the situation is that I can get the colour desired (grey) but not the size (XL) - they always come in M. Asking him, he keeps telling me they're finitt, even getting kind of angry if I insist. And insist I do, because the same is very well available in XL, but in white.

So it looks like the wholesaler this retailer gets his commodities from is sleeping, and he won't ask them - or should I say ask plus wake them up to their assumed failure - such an acting pattern just is not the thai thing.

The two theoretical way-out scenarios I could imagine are finding the data of the wholesaler (something he apparently won't cooperate with), or finding another retailer who is more ambitious.

How would you solve this situation? Or could it be someone has by chance been in the same situation and is willing to share the solution to the secret?




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