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7 hours ago, scorecard said:


ABOVE: "Surely forcing them to remain part of socialist Denmark, against their will, would be more "Putin" like?"


Strange comment: a google search says that the danes are quite happy with their lot and in fact like the socialist aspects of the way things work. And who said any change would be against their will?



I'm sorry but anyone that is "quite happy" to have the state decide how the majority of their salary is spent is either brainwashed or a flat out fool. There is a reason why Thailand is awash with Scandies, who are fleeing the socialist dump (and imported gang warfare and hand grenade attacks).

5 hours ago, MeaMaximaCulpa said:



Are they? Really? You (and I) might wish that to be true, but last time I checked, many of the left/liberals/... keep saying that they KNOW what Putin wants. And that is to re-create the Soviet Union and invade Europe (exactly HOW they know this is a bit unclear to me,



How do I know what Putin wants? That's easy, because he has stated repeatedly the fall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing to happen to Russia.


The Russian leadership is obsessed with vulnerability to attack. When the Soviet Union was at its peak, the closest invasion route to Moscow was the Fulda Gap in West Germany. Now there are ten invasion routes. One was added by Putin himself, when Finland joined NATO, contributing another 1500 km of border. Oops.


There seems to be a competition between Russia and the USA as to who can be the most paranoid.

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23 hours ago, Walker88 said:



Those who have IQs > turnips know better. We know the guy only says what he believes and what he intends, no matter how bizarre or whacked out it is, just like when he thought nuking hurricanes or injecting disinfectant were good ideas coming from his “really stable genius” mind. He still thinks he wowed psychologists by repeating “Man Women Person Camera TV”, as if any five year old couldn’t do it.


What is your IQ? 

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1 hour ago, MicroB said:



I assume, from reading your many posts, that you identify as Anglo-Saxon. The peoples some Russians believe need to be cleansed from the earth (seriously, there is a whole ideology devoted to wiping out all British, Americans (yes, they are a bit colo(u)rblind), Australians and New Zealanders, because the world would be a better place without us. Putin is an adherant of this post-communist ideology (started by a Soviet dissident)).


So you are very enthusiastic about extending statehood, even before a vote, to a country where the majority are the Angles from the bit of the word Anglo-Saxon.


But you are notably less enthusiastic about honouring the majority wishes of Americans, who happen to be Hispanic, in Puerto Rico, who have voted for full statehood.


There is a word for that.


Lastly, you are either ignorant of geography and the demographics of the mostly blond haired people you want to be the New Americans, or you were poor at maths at school. You want the US government to pay each Greenlander $1 billion each, as a price worth paying.


There are 57,000 Greenlanders. So you need to find USD57,000,000,000,000. $57 trillion. The US government's budget is less than $7 trillion, and your lot think that's too much, hence the clapping like seals when Musk announces DOGE. But you are willing to increase that by 700% or so to get some rock and ice, on the off chance, provided we don't get a collapse in the Gulf Stream, you can strip mine it for the rare earth metals for the electric cars you don't want, needed as part of the action on climiate change that you don't believe in anyhow.




The $57 trillion accomodation at Nuuk is most welcoming.




Wow. How bizarre. How did anglo-saxons, Russians and Puerto Rico get involved in this? Tons of assumptions, no arguments against my concept except those derived from misinterpretation

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38 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

How do I know what Putin wants? That's easy, because he has stated repeatedly the fall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing to happen to Russia.


The Russian leadership is obsessed with vulnerability to attack. When the Soviet Union was at its peak, the closest invasion route to Moscow was the Fulda Gap in West Germany. Now there are ten invasion routes. One was added by Putin himself, when Finland joined NATO, contributing another 1500 km of border. Oops.


There seems to be a competition between Russia and the USA as to who can be the most paranoid.


You say that. Its a reason he often expresses, but doesn't follow through. What happened when Finland became a NATO member? He pulled units from the Finnish border to reinforce his forces in Ukraine.




In some ways, the collapse of the USSR was bad for him, because he lost his KGB job beating the crapola out of East German dissidents.


He's obsessed about a "New Russia"; its racial. He views Russians in racial terms, ie the Rus. He's schooled up on Czar Nicholas I who he wishes to emulate. He wants to "reunite" slavic (Rus) peoples, because they are dying out (the demographic projections are sobering; Russian minorities will cease being minorities, unless Putin an add more Slavs). Add he is an acolyte of Dugin.


Yeltsin's reaction to the election of PUtin, and the reinstatement of the Soviet anthem; "Its reddish"




Putin and Hitler are similar. Both were energised a perceived injustice, which lead to a break up of the old order. But both also hated the old order. Hitler, an Austrian, believed in a strong Germany, but hated the Kaiser. He and his followers had a fairytale view of German history, through Teutonic Knights and Volk (Himmler even had a round table at his castle). Putin wants the USSR back but without the communism, collectivisation, equality of races. For hi the Rus are top, and other people serve them. Hence conscription is strongest among minorities, because they are expendable. He has a fictionalised idea, like Hitler, of his own history.


The fall of the USSR was not a disaster. It was one of the last wrongs to be put right  following the Great War. And yes, the next wrong to put right is the end of the Russian Federation, so Putin is right on that score. Russian people should have their own country, Russia. It will still be a big country. As Russian people, they will have a better sense of identity, rather than Dugin's Eurasian nonsense, and happier for it. All the old Empires have gone, Russian one next.

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1 hour ago, TedG said:

What is your IQ? 

What is my IQ?


Higher than a turnip.


Higher than yours.


That's good enough.


Incidentally, I was given an IQ test under controlled conditions by a former employer. I know how I scored, thus, I know it's both higher than a turnip and higher than you.


Thanks for asking. Now back to the scourge of Neo-Imperialism.

  • Haha 2
4 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

What is my IQ?


Higher than a turnip.


Higher than yours.


That's good enough.


Incidentally, I was given an IQ test under controlled conditions by a former employer. I know how I scored, thus, I know it's both higher than a turnip and higher than you.


Thanks for asking. Now back to the scourge of Neo-Imperialism.

I'll wager that I'm much more intelligent than you. 

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On 1/25/2025 at 10:53 AM, Walker88 said:



Maybe all the MAGAs here, who support everything our convicted felon does, 

An intelligent person who claims to be smarter than a turnip should recognize lawfare. 

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2 hours ago, MicroB said:



They didn't steal it from anyone. The Danish-Norwegian government never relinquished their claims from when Erik the Red discovered an uninhabited land (which is proven through archeology). Portugal stole it for a while, but the Danes-Norwegians got it back.


Eric the Red was from Norway not Denmark, so it's Norwegian then?

1 hour ago, MicroB said:



Sorry, but deployment of a military, even if there was no opposition, actually costs your taxpayer. Soldiers do not work for free. Fuel isn't stolen. Vehicles need maintenance. Even for Hitler, invading Poland for Lebensraum cost him dearly.


Its a puzzle why the US just doesn't make Mexico American. The population overwhelmiingly wants to be Gringos; His Excellency Presidente King Trumpf of the Kingdom of Florida keeps reminding us. There is a lot more economic activity in Mexico than there will ever be in Greenland. It has beach resorts the Seppos love. Illegal immigration solved forever. Puerto Ricans are already Americans, making them a State takes just a Sharpie scribble. Diitto US Virgin Islands, Guam. He could do a quick show of hands around the Caribbean, and likely get most buying in.


Denmark is a NATO member. The US should not discount the possibility of nuclear armed NATO members comng to Denmark's aid. They won't win, but no one wins a nuclear exchange. Its, of course, utterly ridiculous. The Americans elected a man who's veins literally bleed yellow. He was too afraid to serve his country when called upon. His Great Grandfather was too afraid to serve his country when called upon. His dad rinsed the US during WW2. And now he's acting like the Big Man.


Sure, the Danish army couldn't do much to stop the Americans, but they'll do their best. As US servicemen who served alongside them in Afghanistan would attest. Pro-rata, the Danes had the highest casualties among NATO, including US, troops. They'll take some of them down. They'll make America bleed. Heck, even little Grenada, armed with just a few shotguns, managed to take out 19 Yankee soldiers, cripple another 150 of them.  A handful of Japs did a real number on rough tough Marines. I assume you are not a Yankee Prick-Braggard. Most Yanks I know are much more sensible than this.




The United States is richer than God. It can not only sustain a military operation, it has done so dozens of times in the past and continued to prosper. 


To defeat a tiny province like Denmark would be almost negligible in terms of cost. In fact much like in WWII Denmark would probably roll over without a fight,.


Mexico has a rich culture which does not fit the American mould, Greenland has none of that. It would be a perfect territory to annex.


You don't seriously believe Britain or France would oppose the US, neither of those countries would risk nuclear destruction over Denmark.


Denmark would make America bleed? Maybe like a mosquito makes you bleed. 


The US should just take Greenland. Why not do it?


  • Confused 1
49 minutes ago, MicroB said:

Why don't you want Puerto Rican people to be treated equally to other Americans? You are suddenly very keen to incorporate Northern European people into your New America, but noticeably reluctant to include anyone with a Southern European, African or South American heritage

What does Puerto Rico have to do with this subject? Where have i mentioned Puerto Rico? Puerto Ricans are American citizens. Who are the Northern Europeans you refer to, Greenlanders are Inupiat. Your comment is nonsensical in view of the discussion, unless you are trying to imply some sort of racial animus, which renders your comment even more nonsensical.


53 minutes ago, MicroB said:

No its not. You didn't need it before. You don't need it now. Denmark is not threatening you. FYou are making up threats. You are paranoid. Forcibly incorporatinga country weakens your safety. This is what Nazi Germany found out.


Denmark? Who cares about Denmark. Do you understand geopolitics?  Ever hear of a country called Russia?  What does National Socialism have to do with anyhting?


55 minutes ago, MicroB said:

The Greenlanders are Danish. Greenland receives subsidy from the Crown. This is a lie you have made up. This is like that American politician who went to Northern Ireland and prodded a soldier in the chest moaning at him to "go home". The squaddie, with a thick Larne accent replied "I am home, now feck off, with yer".


Aha, you must be a Dane. Who is the liar?




59 minutes ago, MicroB said:

Alaskan Natives haven't become rich like the Dubai Arabs. The ASRC is notoriously corrupt, p[erating through nepotism. But you like that, because you voted for King Trumpf and his clan of never-do-wells. Fecked up ypour acronym; do you mean ANCSA

Alaska Natives havent become rich because of the greenie restrictions on development. Tell us what facts you have to support your allegations against ASRC? 


Oh sorry, I switched ANLCA for ANCSA. You caught me, how brilliant. ANILCA concerns Alaska Land Conservation, not anything to do with Africa.

1 hour ago, MicroB said:

Basically, you want the General Custer approach; get the Greenlanders to sell out for a few proverbial beads and bottles of whisky. If America really wants it, it needs to offer Denmark fair compensation, like a US state or two. Not Puerto Rico though. I would go by square miles of land. Greenland is 837 thousand square miles. America should give Greenland the same in American soil. If Trump offered up California, Oregon, Washington State, the US will be getting a bargain, plus Donald Jr is assured of the 2028 election given the loss of people who won't vote for him anyhow.

General Custer never bought anything like you describe. Why should the US pay Denmark anything if Greenland declares independence btw.


1 hour ago, MicroB said:

You are sounding like a Nazi. This is Hitler's justification of taking over Czechoslovakia and Poland.

National Socialism. Socialism. Hitlers "justification" for taking over Czechoslovakia differed from his "justification" for invading Poland and neither have to do with the matter at hand, except for the poorly educated who just spew soundbites in a frenzy.


1 hour ago, MicroB said:

Lunatic statement. Native Americans never dot a billion  each from the Federal government. Instead they got disease, cheap whiskey anf genocide. Time to pay your debts. The Ferryman is waiting for you. You think Greenlanders will get a billion each by 2028, Besides that being complete <deleted>, I say thats the offer of a conman. That's a low ball number. If the US government is offering every Greenlander $1bn by 2028 as way of compensation for stripping them of their land, nationality, vote, language, identity, just like you did to the Red Man, I say you need to pay them each $100 billion. Would you become a card carrying Mao tunic wearing, Running Dog member of the CCP if if Jack Ma gave you $5 million tomorrow? And if not, how much would it take to sell out your country for another?

Now you are truly getting histrionic. Reread what I wrote and try again. Clearly you arent an Englsih speaker. BTW, tell us how the Alaska Natives have been stripped of "their" land, language, identity etc. Like the Danes did to the Greenlanders? Do you know who "runs" Alaska? Do you think its the "white man"?


1 hour ago, MicroB said:

But you are not addressing my central charges. Why are you more interested in America's North Western border, rather than America's sourther border. Is this because you want your country to invade Europe next, and Greenland is a stepping stone to that? Your leader is telling you everyday literally hordes of cannibals are waiting for you in Mexico, so why are you worried about a few Danes?

Who says I am more interested in any one thing more than another? This topic is Greenland, not Mexico. BTW, who said there are cannibals in Mexico?

1 hour ago, MicroB said:

The Greenland idea is a stupid idea. The only reason you are trying to justify this 21st Century act of Lebensraum is because you are in love with Donald Trump. Lovers do this.

You must be a Dane or some other Euro deranged by your Trump obsession, and worried about what we might do.


BTW, I love it when Euros shout colonialism at others.


Your entire post is nonsense.

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3 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

I'm sorry but anyone that is "quite happy" to have the state decide how the majority of their salary is spent is either brainwashed or a flat out fool. There is a reason why Thailand is awash with Scandies, who are fleeing the socialist dump (and imported gang warfare and hand grenade attacks).


The most common nationalities of expat retirees in Thailand include British, American, European (including German, French, and Dutch), Chinese, Indian, Australian, and New Zealander.

22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Because it's a cult. Daddy knows best.

The most deranged of the Trump haters again spews his hate on the millions of normal Americans who voted for Donald J. Trump to be President of the USA

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The stupidest idea of 2025 got stupider.


1916 US-Denmark Agreement







In proceeding this day to the signature of the Convention respecting the cession of the Danish West-Indian Islands to the United States of America, the undersigned Secretary of State of the United States of America, duly authorized by his Government, has the honor to declare that the Government of the United States of America will not object to the Danish Government extending their political and economic interests to the whole of Greenland.

Robert Lansing
New York, August 4, 1916.


Under treaty agreement, if Denmark ever offered Greenland for sale, first refusal would go to the United Kingdom.
This is the basis of the US recognition of Danish sovereignty.
And people sayt Trump isn't a Putin plant. Putin couldn't have a better friend, ever since he had Trump filmed urinating on prostitutes in a Moscow hotel.



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1 minute ago, MicroB said:


How did Amerika do against a third world nation wearing old tyres for shoes? Amerika lost. You were there, probably.



And remember the Alamo.

Its spelled America in English. "Lost" is a relative concept, but it should matter not to you, since were are the ones who gave you a country and protect it now, at our expense.


What does the Alamo have to do with anything.?


Honestly, you America haters are so tiresome. No wonder we just suspended all foreign aid

  • Haha 2
7 minutes ago, MicroB said:

I'm not worried about Trump.

You keep bringing him up in disparaging terms, so clearly you must be.


7 minutes ago, MicroB said:

I'm discussing with an alleged American Neo-Nazi  (you might be a Russian though) full of self loathing and too much time on his hands (you are a prodigious poster on this forum. You don;t have anything else in your life but a forum to gnash your loose dentures on).

That the best flame you can come up with? Try harder.


9 minutes ago, MicroB said:

Your Leader, over many years, has repeatedly referred to Hannibal Lectar iat his political rallies. He recently clarified what he meant. Hannibal Lectar was a fictious cannibal. Trumpf pointed out, in an interview, that he knew individuals who were like Hannibal Lectar were coming to Amerika.

Which interview? You spelled Trumf and Amerika wrong again, your inner German/Nordic is coming out.


10 minutes ago, MicroB said:

Puerto Rico is mentioned because I wanted it to be mentioned. You have no right to dictate to me. Its a realted topic because its about Trumpf's desire for a 51st State to expand his territorial ambitions, and his acolytes lapping it all up. You don;t want to talk about Puerto Rico because you don't regard Puerto Ricans as real Americans.

Puerto Ricans ARE Americans so whats your point? Show me where I have ever claimed otherwise or be outed as a liar (not that thats the only one).


13 minutes ago, MicroB said:

You are the madman who wants to pay every Greenlander $1 billion by 2028

Where did I say that?


14 minutes ago, MicroB said:

I've had enough debating with your type.. Foxtrot Oscar and out.

Yet you kept going, viz:


11 minutes ago, MicroB said:

We gave you a country, dolt

No, you didnt.


12 minutes ago, MicroB said:

Once, America was an admired country, so the extent that France sent you a mahoosive statue. Now your President wants your country to be only feared.

Fear is OK. Keeps the peace.


13 minutes ago, MicroB said:

don't hate America. I have many many friends there. They are Republicans, but not like you. Peop-;le like you have ruined America for many, including many Americans.

The lack of depth of your arguments is demonstrated by the number of flames.

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