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Settlement Visa Granted

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My wife has just been granted her settlement visa and will be with me in 10 days.

Thanks to everyone who has given me advice over the past couple of months it has been a traumatic time for us but all's well that ends well.

As I come from the channel Islands our system is so much fairer than the UK, they won't issue a visa after a few days like the UK does sometimes and will always insist on an interview in Bangkok but this is then followed 10 days later with an interview for the sponsor here. I went for the interview and unlike the woman who interviewed my wife the lady that interviewed me was nice and looked on the positive side rather than the negative she even gave me advice on ways to help my wife to settle. Just over a week later she phoned me to say it had been approved.

I know any advice I can give is only of use to anyone from my neck of the woods but if there is anyone I would just like to assure them of the fairness of our local system it will take 3 months but if I had to do it again I would be quite relaxed about it, hopefully I won't be doing it again though. Also after 2 years when I renew the visa for a permanent stay it is free.

Thanks again,


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Thanks guys and Mark I can't wait to take the missus to see the mighty Spurs. I might wait until next season when we're in the Champions league.


Great stuff mate! My misses is a bloody gooner!

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