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12 minutes ago, Mike_Hunt said:

BTW..the last war the French fought was an attempt to keep Vietnam as one of their countries.   Which created the 10,000-day war.    Now they want to create a 10,000-day war in Ukraine. 


Not correct. France participated in Desert Storm to eject a dictator from Kuwait. France's part was Operation Daquet, where they contributed the equivalent of 2 divisions, placed under the command of the US Army. In addition, French Jaguars and Mirage F1s participated in ground attack operations.


France doesn't want to create a 10,000 day war. Its Putin doing that. Putin can end all this by evacuating the occupied lands and returning the ~25,000 children that he has kidnapped. He can end it tomorrow.


As for the content of the speech by the French politician; for a start, he is younger that Trump (b 1950), and represents a minor centre-right party, and was formally in the Republican Party. His analysis of how the American President, Xi and Putin see the world is probably correct, though it doesn't mean just because these 3 individuals see the world like that, anyone else has to accept it. He is correct to point out Musk's Ketamine addiction; Musk gave an interview where he says he habitually uses ketamine to treat his ongoing mental illness  (depression).




Interestingly, M. Malhuret is a physician, and could probalby support the statements being made about the effects of long term usage of ketamine. The submissive courtiers he refers to is the cabinet; I think that is beynd dispute, in that they were selected based on loyalty. It is a fact that the American President has imposed higher tariffs on erstwhile allies than on actual foes.


Malhuret indicates he is not too impressed with the American's negotiating skills, by being a supplicant to Putin, hoping this will impress Xi. I would agree. Taiwan has 4 years, max, left as an independant nation. America, with its present leadership, will not defend Taiwan because it has no minerals or anything else, of value. After 2028, if there is a change in American policy, that might change. So China knows its window of opportunity. American officials are probably now advising the Taiwanese to start negotiating over which re-education camp they will want to go to, because there is no point fighting.


Malhuret claims no American President has capitulated. That of course is not true. viz. Vietnam.


Its questionable whether the American President's Executive Orders are illegal or not. Some are held up in the courts.


Yes, if the drift continues, American democracy is being eroded. And its not even about the current President, but who follows him, or either party. Since the Supreme Court's ruling on immunity, the Presidency has more power, and its probably not healthy. It can go the other way.


He cites Weimar, as a warning from the past. Weimar fell because of a very divided society, but also weak institutions, Malhuret had faith in the strength of American democracy, so Americans can take heart from that.


Its the American President a traitor, as Malhuret contends? There may be a translation issue, because I think he means betraying American values, the same values that lead to France donating an impressive statue to mark the young US Republic's first 100 years, rather than being a literal agent of communism. That debate is for others. I would say that the American President is unduely influenced by dictators, not because they control him, but because they have values he admires, and he (wrongly) believes  they achieved high office for the same reasons as him, and therefore share common values. He doesn't understand the thuggery and corruption that elevated Putin and Xi.


He was correct in his analysis that the US immediately halted delivery of munitions to Ukraine immediately after the meeting with Zelensky.



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30 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

Whose hero? What torturer? What are you on?


One of you guys should report this dude, hes truly losing it.


Yagoda, Genrikh Yagoda.

36 minutes ago, Mike_Hunt said:

Who is his hero? 


I assume where his username comes from. I've been asked about my user name, and I provided an explanation. There is usually a logic. Yours is clear. "Yagoda" is quite unusual.


First it was the Brits, now it is the French that have contracted the dreaded "Trump Derangement Syndrome." What is the world coming to?

9 minutes ago, MicroB said:


Yagoda, Genrikh Yagoda.

What about him? Hes Russian. Im not. 


Not that I owe you any explanation, 100 years ago my name wasnt spelled with a Y. I wasnt around to correct it when they got it wrong at Ellis Island.

1 hour ago, Mike_Hunt said:

Let us see the French take on Russia. 



Crimean War part 2.


Western combined arms will likely make mincemeat of the Russian army, similar to 1991, but there are 5600 scary reasons why it won't be a fair fight. Putin will go nuclear,


I really don't think it is in the interests of the United States for a nuclear conflaguration to occur for both a million reasons and those 5600 reasons. But this is all down to Putin. he's doing this. We could have gotten away with this, from a negotiating point of view, if the economic pressure was maintained. But now the US wants to drop all tracking of the Russian shadow oil tanker fleet, and remove all reference to sanctions. This is strange; its not in the US's interest for Russia to find more customers for its oil. A lot of US oil is exported; not all US oil can be refined into gasoline in the US, something to do with the grade of oil, hence the US needs Canadian oil. So exports, and maintaining that oil price, are important to the US. Becomes harder if Russia can export more oil, and also makes it less likely that Russia is willing to negotiate.

7 minutes ago, Screaming said:

First it was the Brits, now it is the French that have contracted the dreaded "Trump Derangement Syndrome." What is the world coming to?


It will be over in 4 years or less.

1 minute ago, Yagoda said:

What about him? Hes Russian. Im not. 


Not that I owe you any explanation, 100 years ago my name wasnt spelled with a Y. I wasnt around to correct it when they got it wrong at Ellis Island.


Ah, understood. Curiousity sated.

6 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

Yes but you still made a fool of yourself.


Sorry, I wasn't the one boasting about using prostitutes in a thread about a French politician's speech that you had no intention of listening to. I still think you are a Russophile, and that position influences all of your responses on the topic, ie. you will always be sympathetic to the Russian over and above everything else, mainly because you believe the Russian reasoning rather than the Ukrainian reasoning. As a Briton, my opinion of Putin is rather clouded by the killings his stooges have carried out on British soil using weapons of mass destruction (and it wasn't helpful when the American President immediately took the Russian side after the Salisbury attacks).


Can't be made a fool if anonymous. Its really immaterial to me what your personal opinions are, and I suspect the feeling is reciprocated. You use prostitutes, and you pay $74 for sex, and you wanted the whole world to know that seedy fact about yourself.


What was the urge to comment on something you didn't actually hear/watch/read, nor had any intention of doing so.


If you read the transcript, a bit was about the American President, but most of it was about Europe, despite the headline from the Anglophone media. I think he was making a point about European collective defence, and in particular, the Entente Cordiale. There are implications for the NPT, which I think is now dead as a result of various statements in the last week. I think even Americans will find that worrying. They don't really want Wahabist Saudi Arabia to acquire the "bomb". They don't really want something that was considered to be unthinkable to be thinkable. What will happen if Russia uses a tactical nuclear wean again Anglo-French troops. Britain will respond, with Trident. Because the Trident system is partially American supplied. Putin will suspect American connivance and respond accordingly. And then its all over.


The solution to this is not the capitulation of Kyiv, any more than the capitulation of Paris ended WW2, If Putin's trump card is Iskander with a special munition to get Europe to bend to his will, what make you think he will stop there. There are Russians who are talking about getting back Alaska. Of course, Americans will claim he would never dare, but it just takes one little misunderstanding by a man in a bunker surrounded by people  telling the boss what he wants to hear. And he thinks he has the measure of the American president.

  • Love It 1
1 minute ago, MicroB said:

Sorry, I wasn't the one boasting about using prostitutes in a thread about a French politician's speech that you had no intention of listening to

Im sure folks found it more interesting thatn your drivel about some unknown French politico.


2 minutes ago, MicroB said:

I still think you are a Russophile, and that position influences all of your responses on the topic, ie. you will always be sympathetic to the Russian over and above everything else, mainly because you believe the Russian reasoning rather than the Ukrainian reasonin

Putin is a scumbag and his country is filled with drooling primitive Asiatic  barbarians that live in 3rd world conditions. His nation has been a pest for hundreds of years, they are liars and thieves and untrustworthy. They are nothing more that a two bit gas station and chop shop with encrusted flypaper hanging from the ceiling, a dirty toilet and nukes.


I dont believe anyones reasoning. I have my own. 

13 minutes ago, MicroB said:

You use prostitutes, and you pay $74 for sex, and you wanted the whole world to know that seedy fact about yourself.

Well duh dude I live over here. This probably isnt the place to play holier than thou. And you should learn things like irony.

And dont forget the cost of bar fines, lady drinks and short time rooms, so dont think Im being cheap.

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