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Dating Thai Girls


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Recently, a thread by ThaiLover1 on "bedding Thai girls" was shut down by the Mod as, I guess, it was becoming fairly raunchy and disrespectful. Maybe the poll was offensive?

However, promiscuity outside the Bar-Girl community is an interesting topic, despite the fact that old-timers may have already discussed it ad nauseum.

Even "The Nation" has a forum on whether premarital sex is okay, and judging by the obviously local postings there, a great deal of conservatism still exists. So the question is are "straight" Thai girls any more conservative about, in the immortal words of William Jefferson Clinton, sexual relations than their Western counter-parts. In my experience STG's are much much more conservative. :o

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I was surprised that the threads on that topic got shut down.

The threads were:




I emailed the moderator, and this was the conversation:

I see that you closed the thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...pic=13553&st=15 as you deemed the discussion (Risk of beeing) derogatory to Thai women.

I didn't see any comments that were derogatory or that risked being derogatory. I suggest that the value of a forum is to allow for open discussions on various topics, including sexuality, Thai culture, and Thai women. I don't understand why you don't allow for such discussions.

Reply from George:


I understand you, and personally I agree with you. But we simply do not want problems with the government. Technically they could block access to our entire site. Their whimsies makes a lot of headache for us, so better be safe than sorry.

Hope this helpsl.



My reply to George:

Thanks for the quick and thoughtful reply.

I see that on other Thai discussion forums there is no such fear of the Thai government, and there is no government censorship. So why the self censorship if there is no real risk?

Reply from George:

Simply because we have a huge audience and very heavy traffic! We are

actually the biggest web board in Asia in this area, I have been told.

We have no evidence at all that Govt will cause us trouble, but our

lawyers have strongly suggested that we stay out of commenting the

Thai Royal Family, anti-Thai sentiement, too much anti Thai Government

and the night lufe/bar girl scene. Insane really!

Thanks for your support!



I really appreciate that the thaivisa forum is moderated, but my feelings are that closing down civil conversations is too heavy handed and stifles meaningful discussion.

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The threads were:


I really appreciate that the thaivisa forum is moderated, but my feelings are that closing down civil conversations is too heavy handed and stifles meaningful discussion.

Re-read the first 2 posts i would hardly class them as civil conversation. When the poster says...."shagged her on third date" and "was not able to bed this girl........and i tried all the tricks in the book"... ......these statements are derogatory to women and if you cant see that you have little respect for your own woman let alone other women.

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Recently, a thread by ThaiLover1 on "bedding Thai girls" was shut down by the Mod as, I guess, it was becoming fairly raunchy and disrespectful. Maybe the poll was offensive?

The poll and title reminded me of conversations that takes place on bangkoktonite where people share information on where to find the cheapest shag. Obviously not the greatest of site to visit.

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Re-read the first 2 posts i would hardly class them as civil conversation. When the poster says...."shagged her on third date" and "was not able to bed this girl........and i tried all the tricks in the book"... ......these statements are derogatory to women and if you cant see that you have little respect for your own woman let alone other women.

The re-opened thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13553 was civil and I didn't see any derogatory remarks, but it was shut down.

I see that you find the term "shagged" offensive. You find someone mentioning that he tried to have sex with a woman and was not able to do so offensive. You suggest that I can not respect women if I also don't find such communication offensive. I suggest that we have different attitudes towards casual sex. I don't find discussion about casual sex offensive or disrespectful. I do respect the attitude of serious monogamy, but seeing any other setup as offensive is, well, offensive to me.

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I don't find discussion about casual sex offensive or disrespectful.

Nor do I ... most of the time ... but I do regard "Are Thai girls easier f*cks than farang girls" conversations as demeaning to Thai girls in particular and females in general.

(Maybe one of the female members can post a poll asking if Thai cocks are bigger than farang cocks, to create a balance.)

You seem to be implying that regardless of the wording, the question of how easy it is to get laid by Thai girls is a question that should not be asked.

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You seem to be implying that regardless of the wording, the question of how easy it is to get laid by Thai girls is a question that should not be asked.

Not at all ... but there's a world of difference between "How easy is it to get a <deleted> in Thailand ?" and "Do Thai girls <deleted> more often on the first date than farang girls ?"

And what world of difference is that?

Difference or not, what is offensive about comparing sexual mores among cultures? The original poster clarified his reasons for posting, and his motives sounded sincere to me.

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You seem to be implying that regardless of the wording, the question of how easy it is to get laid by Thai girls is a question that should not be asked.

Not at all ... but there's a world of difference between "How easy is it to get a <deleted> in Thailand ?" and "Do Thai girls <deleted> more often on the first date than farang girls ?"

And what world of difference is that?

Difference or not, what is offensive about comparing sexual mores among cultures? The original poster clarified his reasons for posting, and his motives sounded sincere to me.

Dont you think that this thread is realy scraping the bottom of the barrell now and to sleazy ? :o

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obviously according to thai lover that many thai women just jump into bed at the toss of a hat!!!! My wife and i while we were dating never slept together until after we were married so i guess there are conservative girls still out there.


or conservative guys..

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As a new member I need some help.

I met a girl in a restaurant in January shes 36 years old and has told me she has been with men for money for about a year previously she worked at the German Embassy for many years & know this is true.

She had a problem left the embassy and started in this resturant.

She not the typical Thai beauty.

I am married in the UK & I tried not to get involved but I have travelled to Thailand many times since and have spent about 17 days with her & have had a great time her English is good & she is real good company.

One night she said she wanted to take me to her home town next trip which is actually in the South & that there would be a party with Family etc & I sort of agreed.

I get back to the Uk & she emails me for my shirt size & is fixing up for a" Marriage Ceremony" which she says is not legal in Thailand or the UK .

She knows I am married...... I said I could not go through with this but she says she has already made the arrangements & spent money.

I have had literally scores of texts & she is now in Hospital having done something to herself she says she has already told her mother & family about the party & now shes is shamed in the village because I said no.

I am feeling very guilty.

I am really quite fond of this........ girl any advice?

Is marriage in a home not legal?

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Advice? Get the h3ll outta there!!!

I suspect you 'sort of agreed' to a lot more than you realise - or are letting on, but whatever the full story I'd say you're in deep doo-doos. She probably has lost a lot of face but how are you gonna repair this situation? My take is - you can't so stay well out of it.

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