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Thai PM Responds to US Visa Ban Uncertainty Amid Uyghur Deportation

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Banned from receiving a visa to enter the Ugly States of Amerigo Vespucci  ?

   Only if she's lucky!  Quit going to that dead end country 15 years ago. 555

4 minutes ago, Shwaman said:

Banned from receiving a visa to enter the Ugly States of Amerigo Vespucci  ?

   Only if she's lucky!  Quit going to that dead end country 15 years ago. 555

I know what you mean -- I dumped visiting Australia for the same reason.  And haven't been to UK in years -- work takes me to Cairo, Islamabad, etc -- that's enough 3rd world for me, I don't need more in England.


Thais, however, are crazy about the U.S. If being banned wasn't an issue for them, there wouldn't be so much speculation in the Thai press.  If China announced visa bans, no one would care.

6 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

A bit rich coming from the land of clowns complaining about deportations when they themselves are making a show and dance of deporting people. 

I hope the idiots give the Thais a visa ban, then Thailand bans Americans from Thailand.

I wouldn’t miss them and I doubt many others would either.


Bring it on.

I had thought, ~ ~ ~  No US Entries, without a Pre-OK'd Visa.  Requirement?  A 10 year Arrest Record, with Consulate/Embassy  Verification of Accuracy.  (That Situation Would Have Everyone amused, ~ especially the Embassy.)

51 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

I think his point was high school shootings.

Doesnt happen here. High school,here is peaceful and full of promiscuous girls. 
Make love not war.

And there the truth comes out!🤣

18 minutes ago, ChicagoExpat said:

I know what you mean -- I dumped visiting Australia for the same reason.  And haven't been to UK in years -- work takes me to Cairo, Islamabad, etc -- that's enough 3rd world for me, I don't need more in England.


Thais, however, are crazy about the U.S. If being banned wasn't an issue for them, there wouldn't be so much speculation in the Thai press.  If China announced visa bans, no one would care.

Just a little aside Chicago, if that happens to be your city of origin.

   I have received nothing but kindness  help and good intentions from the American people when I used to bike there for years.

    However as a foreigner entering that country one does not engage with your average American.  One has to deal with their xenophobic American exceptionalist government. This can become a nightmare very quickly. Just easier to avoid it.

44 minutes ago, ChicagoExpat said:

You really have no idea what you're talking about.

Use arguments to show that you do have a clue. I doubt it though. The US is not very popular for obvious reasons and you must find that difficult to accept.

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51 minutes ago, ChicagoExpat said:

Exactly the opposite -- foreigners use green cards in America.  Bob had it exactly right.  The Thai elite all line up for visas and green cards, when they can get them.

No, they don't Tell me who issues the green cards? Foreigners? Duh...

1 hour ago, SLOWHAND225 said:

With any luck we'll be rid of NATO within the year. 

3rd wold medical ? Cite your source for that. You can't because you made it up.
Income inequality exist exactly nowhere, you're implying that it does. Again, something you've made up.
Infrastructure on par with Africa ? Seriously ? I've been to many, many countries and its much better than most. Again, you made that up.
3rd world crime ? Absolutely, in every single Democratic city in America.  Whats the common denominator there, liberals.  So you kinda got one right

What a croc, are you trying to tell me that the Democrat US is a different country than Trump's? Have you ever seen the insurance premiums  for the US> Double that of Europe. 

Infrastructure? Lol



First world country? No way, 3rd!

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6 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:



stick her dad on it too.

election thieves/autocrats should not be allowed to enter a democracy.




Democracy? Did you forget Bush's judicial coup d'état in 2000?

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11 minutes ago, KireB said:

Democracy? Did you forget Bush's judicial coup d'état in 2000?

America, for all it's faults, is a Democracy.


Thailand is just a complete mess politically, they can't get seem to get anything right here, let alone democracy...



7 hours ago, Robert_Smith said:

Who do you think would lose out more in such a scenario???


Thailand needs tourists or they end up begging on the streets...

The US sure as hell doesn't need Thais.


remember covid? rice kitchens? food handouts?

cos I sure as hell do!




The issue will be pressing soon enough once the USA imposes its trade tariffs on Thailand. 

Thais are going to be surprised on April 2. If there are potent tariffs, watch for an anti American sentiment. The local Russians and Chinese will be laughing.


Thailand is in a better place than some countries, although 19% of its exports are to the USA. Many of those exports are of items critical to the USA and are for products not  economically viable to manufacture in the USA.  It's not like the USA has an abundance of latex or even the capacity to build small electronics. The USA may give the shove that puts Thailand firmly under the influence of China.


usually bad actions have bad reactions and bad consequences, in this case all well deserved, now go crying on Xi's arms

1 hour ago, ChicagoExpat said:

I know what you mean -- I dumped visiting Australia for the same reason.  And haven't been to UK in years -- work takes me to Cairo, Islamabad, etc -- that's enough 3rd world for me, I don't need more in England.


Thais, however, are crazy about the U.S. If being banned wasn't an issue for them, there wouldn't be so much speculation in the Thai press.  If China announced visa bans, no one would care.


I don't believe the enthusiasm is quite the same as it was a decade ago. Seems to me Thais prefer Europe. They really do like the gentle and polite Nordic countries. Germany is also  very popular. 

3 minutes ago, Patong2021 said:


The issue will be pressing soon enough once the USA imposes its trade tariffs on Thailand. 

Thais are going to be surprised on April 2. If there are potent tariffs, watch for an anti American sentiment. The local Russians and Chinese will be laughing.


Thailand is in a better place than some countries, although 19% of its exports are to the USA. Many of those exports are of items critical to the USA and are for products not  economically viable to manufacture in the USA.  It's not like the USA has an abundance of latex or even the capacity to build small electronics. The USA may give the shove that puts Thailand firmly under the influence of China.

Thailand is nothing compared to the USA on almost every measurable metric.


Let's not kid ourselves.



8 hours ago, webfact said:

Pol Col Tawee underscored that Thailand carefully navigates legal constraints, ensuring deportees would not face harm in China. The Thai government reportedly received assurances from China guaranteeing humane treatment for the Uyghurs and promised Thai officials would periodically monitor their situation.

what else to say besides ROFL... they really play us for stupid, trusting China they wouldn't arm Uyghurs 555 on your dreams Thailand, you screw up big time and the free world will make you accountable

Make sure to inform China ahead of your visit, give them time to prepare the show


The minister, along with a high-profile delegation including Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Phumtham Wechayachai and Deputy National Police Chief Pol Gen Kraibun Thuadsong, plans to visit the city of Kashgar in Xinjiang, China. This visit, scheduled for Wednesday, aims to assess firsthand the wellbeing of the deportees, substantiating the commitment to international obligations and human rights standards.


13 minutes ago, Robert_Smith said:

Thailand is nothing compared to the USA on almost every measurable metric.

Let's not kid ourselves.



OK, but no one is comparing Thailand to the USA. 


Very strange US reaction, if in fact there is any truth to this story.  US can and are currently deporting a lot of people, but Thailand cannot.  Is that the idea?

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1 hour ago, Robert_Smith said:

America, for all it's faults, is a Democracy.


Thailand is just a complete mess politically, they can't get seem to get anything right here, let alone democracy...




Thailand is as much a democracy as the US is. Not.

9 godzin temu, webfact napisał:


Plik zdjęcie Dzięki uprzejmości Siam Rath


Premier Paetongtarn Shinawatra jest w centrum uwagi, gdy pojawiają się pytania dotyczące jej potencjalnego umieszczenia na liście zakazu wizowego USA. Spekulacje pojawiły się po niedawnej deportacji Tajlandii czterdziestu zatrzymanych ujgurskich do Chin, ruch, który wywołał międzynarodową debatę. Raporty sugerują, że w odpowiedzi, Waszyngton może mieć ograniczone wizy dla niektórych tajlandzkich urzędników.


Przemawiając do mediów we wtorek, pani Paetongtarn podkreśliła brak oficjalnego potwierdzenia dotyczącego jej statusu na jakiejkolwiek ograniczonej liście, mówiąc: „Nie ma jeszcze potwierdzenia. Nadal nie wiem."


Premier wyraził przekonanie, że Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych wkrótce zapewni jasność w tej sprawie i zbagatelizował wszelkie poważne reperkusje, potwierdzając, że Tajlandia nie ma żadnych podstawowych konfliktów ze Stanami Zjednoczonymi. Według Paetongtarn, deportacja była zgodna z obowiązkami królestwa, po dłuższym okresie przetrzymywania Ujgurów w Tajlandia.


Minister sprawiedliwości Pol płk Tawee Sodsong bronił tej decyzji, odpierając krytykę, wyjaśniając mnogość otrzymanych skarg, w szczególności przez Biuro Imigracyjne. Podkreślił, że działania były zgodne z przepisami zakazującymi tortur i wymuszonych zaginięć.




Pol-pułkownik Tawee podkreślił, że Tajlandia ostrożnie porusza się po ograniczeniach prawnych, zapewniając, że deportowani nie ucierpią w Chinach. Rząd Tajlandii podobno otrzymał zapewnienia z Chin gwarantujące humanitarne traktowanie dla Ujgurów i obiecał tajlandzkich urzędników będzie okresowo monitorować ich sytuację.


Minister, wraz z delegacją wysokiego szczebla, w tym wicepremierem i ministrem obrony Phumthamem Wechayachaiem oraz zastępcą szefa policji krajowej Pol Gen Kraibun Thuadsong, planuje odwiedzić miasto Kashgar w Xinjiang w Chinach. Wizyta ta, zaplanowana na środę, ma na celu ocenę z pierwszej ręki dobrobytu deportowanych, potwierdzając zaangażowanie w zobowiązania międzynarodowe i standardy praw człowieka.


Pol Col Tawee wyjaśnił również, że zbliżająca się wizyta nie powinna być postrzegana jako związana z potencjalnymi ograniczeniami wizowymi USA, wskazując, że obie kwestie są niezależne. Odrzucił poglądy o kompleksowym zakazie wizowym z Waszyngtonu, wyrażając optymizm co do trwających zobowiązań dyplomatycznych.


Rząd dyplomatyczny zwraca uwagę na wyzwania Tajlandii na przecięciu praw człowieka i stosunków międzynarodowych, ponieważ porusza się pod presją globalnych podmiotów, przy jednoczesnym przestrzeganiu krajowych i międzynarodowych ram prawnych.


Any imminent developments regarding the visa status of Thai officials remain to be seen, but the conversation around human rights adherence is sure to continue. Meanwhile, the government's handling of this diplomatically sensitive case will remain under the microscope of international observers, reported Bangkok Post.



-- 2025-03-19





Thai prime minister issues death sentence to UYGURI. Prime minister could give UYGURS thai citizenship after 11 years of living there!!!! 

  • Haha 1
26 minutes ago, Adam Tomaszewski said:

Thai prime minister issues death sentence to UYGURI. Prime minister could give UYGURS thai citizenship after 11 years of living there!!!! 

How much bribe did the Thai Prime Minister receive from the Chinese government for expelling the UYGHURS? We all know that the Prime Minister is corrupt. 

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