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Where to start? Well, start with a few of my favourites. In no particular order.


J Haynes

T Brooking

P Bonetti

J Greaves

G Banks

B Moore

F Lampard

B Charlton

C Bell

J Charlton

T Butcher

R Ferdinand

P Gascoigne

W Rooney

K Walker

T Finney

A Shearer

G Hurst

P Scholes

S Gerrard

K Keegan

G Lineker

M Owen

M Le Tissier

A Ball

B Robson

A Cole

M Peters

D Edwards

S Campbell

J Terry


No place for Kane, Beardsley, Beckham, Hoddle and Barnes?! Where to play Rooney?


Have to whittle them down to a squad of 11 and a reserve 11. What system to play? 4-4-2. Would that rule out Tom Finney? Could we have Scholes, Gerrard and Lampard in the same team?


Right from the start I'll have Moore, Banks, Greaves, Haynes and Le Tissier in, I'll get my top team together and post later.


Here is my No ! team.

Gonna play 3-4-3 system.



Gordon Banks


Bobby Moore (C)--Jack Charlton--Rio Ferdinand


Steve Gerrard--Matt Le Tissier--Johnny Haynes--Paul Scholes


Alan Shearer--Jimmy Greaves--Bobby Charlton



Here is my Second X1.



Peter Bometti


Kyle Walker--John Terry--Alf Ramsey


Colin Bell--Trevor Brooking--Bryan Robson (C)--Duncan Edwards


Wayne Rooney--Paul Gasgoigne--Geoff Hurst

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