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Residency bar for foreigners reviewed

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Would this mean that this is the first step needed for dual citizenship?  Or would you need to renounce you British / American / whatever citizenship first?  Can you be of dual nationality in other Asian countries?

I have no idea what the international law or constitution is on this, but that would surely be great, you could have the best of both worlds.

Interested to know what people think.


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"... surely be great...",  "best of both worlds" my sentiments too! It's hard to believe this posting has only recieved the few replies it has. Our ex-pat, second-class, no rights status is over if this comes to pass! No more kowtowing to some manipulative Thai female holding all the power over us in this country. Once married and with Thai citzienship we are equal. We would have all the rights they do just like any Thai that goes to my country, the U. S., and becomes a citizen has all the rights I do there. This is too good to be true but like the saying goes all dogs have their day maybe we'll have ours! Or am I painting too rosy of a picture? TIT after all.
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The situation in Hong Kong is that expats who have been permanently resident for seven years are entitled to a permanent ID card (subject to some conditions) - this gives the right to vote, live here unconditionally and buy property, etc. You can still hold a passport of another nationality.

If you leave for a year or more you lose the right to the ID card.

Thai bureaucracy needs overhauling and pulling into the 21st century. It should not depend on the whims of individual bureaucrats.

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I also couldnt get the link, you can read the news on Thaivisa latest news homepage. I really dont think it means to help us get a more easy Residency, it will still be subject to all the present regulations. For example the 3 years consecutive stay on a none imigrant visa, plus only a certain number are approved each year. ???

I would love to hear some other viewpoints, yes iit will most likly be for your grandkids Dah Fahrang :o

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Dear Mr. Pschef, I'm a little confused. Dah Farang started this string by asking ,"...should I get excited about this?..." and I readily concurred but you seem more circumspect. I don't understand why. Citizenship is citzenship. If the Constitional Court rules that Thai women have the right the pass on their citizenship to foreign men then residency is irrelevant. No more visas, no more visa runs, no more maintaining bank balances, no need for a foreign passport. Period. Of course the gov't may, but not necessarily, impose certain criteria before qualifying for citizenship after marrying such as length of marriage, length of domcility etc.  What am I missing here?
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