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I like my girlfriend because of who she is and how she treats me. The fact that she is Thai or has dark skin has very little to do with anything.

I like my girlfriend because of who she is and how she treats me. The fact that she is Thai or has dark skin has very little to do with anything.

I will second that, same goes for my wife, matters not light or dark,most Thai girls are beutiful, (but I would not mind the rights to importing whitening cream) :o

Y most farang guys like Thai dark skin gals???????????

^ & i'm thai gal but not dark :o

Opposites attract!

We are light skinned so Dark is different and attractive.

But what does it matter anyway as long as a girl is nice in every way?

I never could understand Colour Prejudice?

We are all the same INSIDE!!!!

I like my girlfriend because of who she is and how she treats me. The fact that she is Thai or has dark skin has very little to do with anything.

I will second that, same goes for my wife, matters not light or dark,most Thai girls are beutiful, (but I would not mind the rights to importing whitening cream) :o

Yup! same here

Y most farang guys like Thai dark skin gals???????????

^ & i'm thai gal but not dark :D

Did Ken like whiter girls then ?:D Are you over him now,looking for a newbie Barbie!!! :o

Y most farang guys like Thai dark skin gals???????????

^ & i'm thai gal but not dark :o



Light skin, dark skin?

Speaking gals? First I thought you ment a fruit. Ok, fruits can make sounds if you cut them or squeeze them, even an apple says 'knack' when you bite in it.

But a fruit referring to itself as 'light-skinned' is amazing.

Can you be a little bit more specific?

I didn't find the word in my dictionnary.


Here we go again the perennial question ‘Why do Farang like dark skinned girls?’

I believe there is no particular liking for dark skin and that it is the nature/figures of Thai women that is a major attraction to western men.

I also believe that the reason you see western men with dark skinned Thai women is simply opportunity. Most westerners meet their Thai female partners in bars or the service industry (What the Japanese call the ‘Water Trade’). Who in Thailand works in the ‘Water Trade’, women from Isaarn, and these women tend to be dark skinned.

So it is not so much a particular liking for dark skin rather opportunity.

(This is not to say westerners do not find dark skin attractive – see below).

I am quite sure that if Chinese Thais who are predominantly fairer skinned, were as economically deprived as a group as are the people of Isaarn, then Thailand’s bars would be full of fair skinned Chinese Thai girls and you would be asking ‘Why do Farang like Chinese Thais?’

But there is another question that I would like to ask Ying: Why are Thais so ashamed of their skin color?

I have seen Thai families in which all the family are dark skinned except the daughter(s) who are as white as a bottle of milk - they are obviously bleaching their skin – why?

I think the predominance of Chinese Thais in Thailand’s media industry has a part to play, look through any Thai fashion or women’s magazine and you will find it full of white Chinese faces, true Thai faces are hardly represented.

I recall very well when a young Issarn girl was selected to be the new Chanel Supermodel (Sorry name escapes me) the Thai press was full of comments like ‘She looks like a house maid’. Who would Thais have chosen? No doubt the daughter of some rich Chinese Thai with no character to her face, except perhaps a hair lip, and flesh the color of condemned veal.

The question should not be ‘Why do foreigners like dark skinned women’, the question ought to be ‘Why are Thais being brainwashed into denying the natural beauty of real ethnic Thai women?’.

Come on, be honest, some of the women in Thai magazines posing as models are little more than a joke, rich dady’s girls pretending to be something they could never be outside of Thailand.

Opposites attract!

We are light skinned so Dark is different and attractive.

You're spot on. And that's usually the first thing to attract people indeed, until the inner beauty shines out. I am Thai-Chinese. My skin is dark. Many caucasian males have said I am beautiful and everything, while I think I am only not ugly. Anyway, all loves of my life love me for who I am. Same goes for my enemies who hate me for who I am as well.



I didn't find the word in my dictionnary.

Oh oh oh, how stupid I am again.

From the reactions I learned that you ment 'girls'.

Where did you learn this strange spelling, you old fox!

I think it is slang. And that some old horny cowboy somewhere in Australia or the Usa is laughing about his joke.

Great guy you are! You really got me there, hahahaha.

How do you like your cucumbers, with pickles or without pickles, hahahaha.

You like the bananas straight, hahahahaha?


I don't think "Yingisagirl" is who she/he says she/he is. Trust me, a Thai girl may not pronounce the word 'girl' properly, but who else but old caucasian fogies uses the expression 'gal' or 'gals' ? Her introduction looking for Ken from msn was suspect to begin with. No harm done, though.




I didn't find the word in my dictionnary.

Where did you learn this strange spelling, you old fox!

I think it is slang. And that some old horny cowboy somewhere in Australia or the Usa is laughing about his joke.

'Gal' may be slang, but it's pretty old slang - early 20th century or earlier. It's the sort of word I can imagine Bertie Wooster using. Is it only British English? I couldn't find it in Bartleby's when I tried to look up its origin.


Well Ying.......I certainly hope you discuss this with your friends and actually allow it to sink in........but ....THE most beuatiful girl I have ever seen in Thailand was working as a cleaner at a small resort in Southern Thailand.......she was Issan with dark skin. But the thing that made her seem that extra bit beautiful was the fact that she was natural and could enjoy swimming in the river and playing in the mud on the riverbank and did not care less for her looks. In my eyes, this made her more attractive to me.

There is nothing more off putting than watching girls look at themselves in any reflective surface.........not a glance but a long stare.......get a life.

......and dont get me started on the Thai media industry........some of the people you see on TV and in magazines are so white and pasty its sickening. they look so unhealthy and full of themselves.......blah blah blah..... Wake up Thailand.


It has never bothered me either way, dark or light each one has their own kind of beauty. What I do find disturbing, is that when one turns on Thai TV, there are hardly any dark skinned girls to be seen. Excpet as maids.

It has never bothered me either way, dark or light each one has their own kind of beauty. What I do find disturbing, is that when one turns on Thai TV, there are hardly any dark skinned girls to be seen. Excpet as maids.

This was my point also,

Brainwashed by media and commercial advertisments from an early age,

Such a shame realy :o


As I understood it girls like to have fair skin as it marks them higher in society... i.e dark skin shows that they work outdoors in the fields as farmers, however fair skin denotes the opposite, maybe a office worker or similar and of higher education.

I find the darker skinned girls very attractive however ultimately it doesn't matter what shade of skin they have !

As I understood it girls like to have fair skin as it marks them higher in society... i.e dark skin shows that they work outdoors in the fields as farmers, however fair skin denotes the opposite, maybe a office worker or similar and of higher education.

This also is my understanding,

I asked a Thai girlfriend why she always wore a big hat on the beach and seldom ventured from the shade, she indicated she didn't want her skin to darken, :o

Trust me, a Thai girl may not pronounce the word 'girl' properly.

You want a Hoot...ask a Thai girl to say "squirrel"! Love the way that one comes out. :o


If a thai girl born very black, and very poor, her life is basically screw up until she can find a kind farang guy to stay with for a while. Personally I like smooth tanned skin , the color that looks like just went for holiday on the beach for 2 weeks.

Y most farang guys like Thai dark skin gals???????????

^ & i'm thai gal but not dark  :D

Dark skin ... light skin ... all same same to me. :D

as long as there pink in the middle


All are pink where it counts. :D

Seriously Ying, if that is really a photo of you I wouldn't care what colour your skins is.

You can leave your shoes outside my door anytime you like. :o

What does Ken say (what does he like?)

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