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Attacked By A Begging Farang


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How did you pay your taxi fare - plastic?

Can't you spare a hundred baht or so for someone in need?

Maybe one day you will fall on hard times.

nobody should ever give these people so much as one baht , if they are addicts then they will just use it to feed their destuctive habits , if they are not addicts then they are scamsters.

if you feel charitable towards these people then give something to eat or drink (.... and just see how much you are thanked ... not)

there are many worthwhile charities in this country to donate to in order to help those unable to help themselves , but direct handouts of cash to street people do little to alleviate the genuine or not so genuine hardships that they display.

food and drink excepted.

spot on, i got asked for money for food once so i got some sandwiches out of my shopping and offered them to him ,he hated me and cursed me and went off !
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How did you pay your taxi fare - plastic?

Can't you spare a hundred baht or so for someone in need?

Maybe one day you will fall on hard times.

I've given large amounts of money to people in need knowing very well I won't ever see it again. That's not the problem. Its the fact that this guy was obviously lying to me and not needing the money for his airport tax. Otherwise he could go to the embassy and tell them that he ran out of money and they will arrange for his flight back, accommodation and food for the next 2-3 days until they can get him on a flight. Once back in his home country, the homeless shelter will take care of him if needed.

Even if you go to the Thai police and tell them you ran out of money, they will deport you back to your home country.

By his aggressiveness, I am thinking he was a drug addict.

Drug addicts are not bad people, but sick people.

The British Embassy will NOT give everyone a flight home if they don't have money.

The Thai police don't deport you unless you commit a serious crime.

When Thailand deports someone it does not pay the airfare. The punter is locked up in the IDC until he somehow comes up with the funds.

And they usually do .pretty quick !
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Sounds like a loon to me. By giving you a hard time, it's unlikely you will change your mind and say "let's make it an even 800, pal."

On the subject of genorosity of embassys, I think you are wrong. The two people you know proberbly had someone at the other end guarentee their passage cost or were able to show an ability and willingness to repay.

If the embassy were to give every rag tag and bob tail a free flight taxpayers would rightly be up in arms.

IT is a last resort for the embassy to assist a citizen home, they will try all relatives and friends before making a decision, and they know if they are being conned,unles of couse there is an arrest warrnt in the uk then he is expressed !
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Had a similar situation on Sukhumvit 11 just a week or so ago. A dodgy looking Brit - crewcut, bad teeth, tattoos on his tattoos - said he'd come in from CM and, silly him, had left his money bag on the bus and could i help him out.

Help him my arse. From his breath he'd been on the booze all night and there is no way I'm helping some halfwit drink himself to death.

i shrugged my shoulders, said 'sorry, no chance' and walked away. He called me a f****g c**t, which was not only nice but incredibly perceptive for such a swift encounter.

You are so funny bendix, keep em coming :o
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I was at the embassy one morning and a drunk brit off his head was cursing and swearing at the guards that he was entitled to money off the embassy blah blah blah,.it reminded me of when i was in my youth at the dhs office

British Embassy always reminds me of the dole office. :o

Rainman, did you check that pic link, was it the same guy?

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A similar thing happened to me last year in Pattaya (outside that plazza with the plane sticking out of it) an Australian guy who looked a bit worse-for-wear (maybe after a hard nights drinking) approached me and explained he'd been robbed the night before and had no money and needed some b/fast. I gave him 500 baht. I reakon on reflection i could'nt be bothered with a possible confrontation if i turned him down but i also know if i said no i'd later feel guilty wandering if his story was genuine. Besides which i think if you help some one with an open heart it can only be good for your own karma!? and maybe just maybe he'll remember your good deed and help some out himself.

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Cops are not concerned, farang on farang business, and no money to be earned.

Besides, he asks people for money, what exactly are they going to do to him?

You're right. Last time I checked, begging wasn't one of the things you can't work in as a foreigner in Thailand. I wonder if he has a work permit. :o

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Cops are not concerned, farang on farang business, and no money to be earned.

Besides, he asks people for money, what exactly are they going to do to him?

You think he has a valid VISA?

Yes I would think he has. Guy like this is so noticeable on the streets he has no doubt been picked up or checked before by police. If he didn't have a valid visa he would not have lasted so long.

The Dutch beggar has a valid visa too, it's the one thing that keeps him from being deported.

Edited by bkkmadness
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I havent read all 8 pages of this thread. But i dont give to beggers very easily. Spare some money for a cuppa tea guv? Doesnt wash with me. But if someone says. Hey mate. Any chance of a few quid for a beer. Then i will usually give them something. They are honest. BTW Not all homeless people are drug addicts or bad people! Also to the OP. Why do you assume hes a drug addict? You dont know that. Have you had many run ins with drug addicts? You are jumping to conclusions.

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Yes I would think he has. Guy like this is so noticeable on the streets he has no doubt been picked up or checked before by police. If he didn't have a valid visa he would not have lasted so long.

The Dutch beggar has a valid visa too, it's the one thing that keeps him from being deported.

What kind of VISA would that be?

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Who knows what visa the guy is on, and why does that make a difference?

oh sorry, you mean the Dutch guy right? Well he was doing visa exempt runs and I guess will be mixing it in with a few tourist visas. He certainly earns enough money to be able to take care of his visa properly.

Edited by bkkmadness
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