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If the man wants a swastika flag it's his choice. If he wants to have pictures of the short-arse bohemian on his wall it's his choice. Unless he buggers up someone else's life what's the problem? Freedom's about being able to have views incompatible with others' beliefs. People, even from the land of the free, seem to have a problem with this.


Why would the guy need psychiatric help.

because he might actually believe he is hitler. He wouldn't be the first and he won't be the last.

Now that might be a bit of a worry.

That said, it should have been fairly obvious to pvtdick (from the mans demeanour)

OK, perhaps he wasn't strutting around giving nazi salutes and shouting "sieg heil"

You wouldn't try to explain to the guy's buffalo-brained wife exactly what kind of man she was hooked up with, seeing that she was a good friend of your missus?

I'm not sure if you can blame that Thai lady for her lack of general education, the husband is a different story. If he displays this kind of things, it should be assumed he knows what it is.

I posted a similar topic a week ago, it's off-topic at home. It's a bit amazing to me, the Thais are very sensitive that foreigners respect their culture and ways while they on the other hand couldn't care less about other people. Imagine displaying this behavior in the States or Europe, unbelievable...



There is a difference between somebody who keeps making negative generalisations about Thais and Thailand, and somebody who believes history as we know it didn't exist and adores a man who is responsible for creating this very history.

But they both should know better and not be surprised when others object.

Ehh, so because you saw a nazi flag in his apartment you think you know him better than his wife? You must be american with that kind of ego...

If the woman has no idea who Hitler was, or what he stood for, then she can hardly know her husband very well, can she? In my opinion, anyone who builds a shrine to the man in his house is potentially dangerous.


Go live in Pattaya, especially North Pattaya (Narklua Road area) and you will meet Nazi sympathysers all the time.

I recall a story of one German who had the Nazi Eagle and Swastika on the boot of his BMW, it was torched one evening and an Israeli flag had been pained on his house wall.

In Thailand, disrespect can get your arse severely kicked, no matter how big and tough you think you are.

You mean disrespect for Thais I assume.... :o

Go live in Pattaya, especially North Pattaya (Narklua Road area) and you will meet Nazi sympathysers all the time.

I recall a story of one German who had the Nazi Eagle and Swastika on the boot of his BMW, it was torched one evening and an Israeli flag had been pained on his house wall.

Curious how these people fail to initiate and sustain a relationship with one of their beloved 'Arian women'. I suspect they realised they are not wanted in Germany, but haven't yet seen that they are not wanted here either.

You wouldn't try to explain to the guy's buffalo-brained wife exactly what kind of man she was hooked up with, seeing that she was a good friend of your missus?

Pvt Dick, Why do you think she was Buffalo Brained, and what does that mean exactly, or do you refer to Thai women in general?


Of course I don't mean that Thai women are buffalo-brained in general!

I mean that this woman is married to a man who obviously spends much of his time worshipping Hitler -- yet she doesn't even both to ask who he is or what he's all about.


Being a Kraut, I have to tell the world that many Nazi Laws are still in place. For example those preventing Doctors to hang their shingle when and where they feel fit. Competition was undesirable to Nazis and there are many prodecural tricks used by German Courts (no Nazi judge was ever jailed as far as I know - and they hang alledged "hen thieves" for example).

There is a law, granting a witness a minimum compensation for his time. I was flying from 29 Palms, California via L.A. (3.5 hours drive - in bad traffic 6 hours) via New York... Arriving the night before the 8:15 am trial began. So I took the cheapest hotel, using public transport. ** Months before, i have been pleading that I am living overseas... Here is the nub. I was granted DM 30 (THB 600) for a train ticked from the Swabian town where I had a house. Not a penny for my time - and even if I was a panhandler or drunk bum sleeping rough, I was entitled to compensation. But none was granted! The hotel, the train from the airport... Nothing was paid! *** Anyhow, I appealed and managed to get the flight reimbursed. But not the 2 x 185 miles to L.A. or the hotel and then the wise court ruled that I had "no income". ABSURD - I AM A BUSINESSMAN IN CALIFORNIA WITH TAX RETURNS AND A BUSINESS LICENCE TO CORROBORATE THIS. But this is Nazi-Germany: 1.) no appealing. 2.) The law was bent - judges can do as they please and often, there is no appealing! *** One last example: in a different case, they had to repay 2 flights from CA. Which I had spent over EUR 2,500 with my credit card to buy. The amount was confirmed by my bank in writing... But some ^$%^@#$ Nazi-Person at the court did her own calculations, erring by a grand. No appealing - they just rip off ordinary people, to ###### with the law!

Of course I don't mean that Thai women are buffalo-brained in general!

I mean that this woman is married to a man who obviously spends much of his time worshipping Hitler -- yet she doesn't even both to ask who he is or what he's all about.

Perhaps she thought Hitler was an aging Footballer, along the lines of Beckenbaur, Charlton and Pele, therefore she would have no interest in knowing about him.

And the Swastika could have been the Flag representing the Football Club Hitler played for.

See all the football posters and flags in many many bars dotted around the realm, just another flag, just another farang face.



Thanks, Begs. An excellent example of buffalo-brained-ness.

Seriously, though, does no one think that the Thai woman might be interested in knowing that her husband idolizes a person who would consider her sub-human?

Thanks, Begs.  An excellent example of buffalo-brained-ness.

Seriously, though, does no one think that the Thai woman might be interested in knowing that her husband idolizes a person who would consider her sub-human?

No. I think she would say: "Up to Him"

Thanks, Begs.  An excellent example of buffalo-brained-ness.

Seriously, though, does no one think that the Thai woman might be interested in knowing that her husband idolizes a person who would consider her sub-human?

No. I think she would say: "Up to Him"

He good man - he take good care my family... :o

Thanks, Begs.  An excellent example of buffalo-brained-ness.

Seriously, though, does no one think that the Thai woman might be interested in knowing that her husband idolizes a person who would consider her sub-human?

No. I think she would say: "Up to Him"

He good man - he take good care my family... :D

Spot on, i am sure his wife would not pack her bags because he has the Picture of some guy that died 60 years ago on his wall.

She might do if it was a pic of George W Bush though. :o


Okey-dokey, then. I'll stop tormenting myself about whether there is anything that should have been or should be done.

I certainly won't be visiting their home ever again, though, nor will any child of mine be allowed to make friends with their kids. Who knows what kind of trash the father is teaching them?

Okey-dokey, then.  I'll stop tormenting myself about whether there is anything that should have been or should be done.

I certainly won't be visiting their home ever again, though, nor will any child of mine be allowed to make friends with their kids.  Who knows what kind of trash the father is teaching them?

Being a parent myself I'd do the same. I wouldn't respect you doing anything else.

Being a farang in LoS I'd just walk away...mai-chai too-rah kawng phom...


/// DFW

Okey-dokey, then. I'll stop tormenting myself about whether there is anything that should have been or should be done.

I certainly won't be visiting their home ever again, though, nor will any child of mine be allowed to make friends with their kids. Who knows what kind of trash the father is teaching them?

I certainly won't be visiting their home ever again, though, nor will any child of mine be allowed to make friends with their kids.

Now this is the first inteligent thing that you have written on this thread.

Why? Because you are taking charge/control of your own actions.

This you can do but don't think that you can control the actions of others.

nuff said :o


Maybe you should confront the guy? There might be a logical explanation. You never know. Maybe he is a historian, spending his retirement in the realm, writing a book or something? Maybe he is on to something ground-breaking? Maybe Adolph never died, but escaped to the realm in 1945 and has been living here ever since?



whats the big deal , the flags on his wall!! there are plenty of weird people i this world ,and what some of them are in to makes the mind boggle. everybody is free to think what they like and hang whatever they want on their study wall. if you find somebody objectionable for their ideas ,you are right to have nothing to do with them . IMHO just walk away ,theres nothing to be done about it . :o


Hitler achieved some astonishing things in his time. But we only remember the bad things he did.

Maybe this guy admired him for certain other achievments.

Stalin killed more people than Hitler. But they starved or were worked to death in the vast GULAG camps around Russia. Hitler never killed vast amounts of his own people, yet Stalin did.

But the name of Hitler fills one with Dread, wheras Stalin goes by unoticed, or as the great Russian leader who drove Hitler back into Berlin.

Who was the top Brass American General, who admitted that he admired, in a technical sence, the way Bin Laden managed to pull off 9-11?

You can despise and hate people, but admire their achivemnts, without being accused of agreeing with their every principal.

I would talk to him about it. He will either be a very interesting historian type with a lot of interesting facts and points, or an ignorant pig who has no real feel of the gravity of suffering this man caused, and thinks he is proving something to himself.

As for his wife, do Thais even know there was a Second World War, or did they think "Hmmm theres a lot of soldiers around here lately, good for business"?

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