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Physical Condition Since Moving To Thailand

Dr. Burrito

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I've been here over six years now and clearly, my once Atlas figure has gone the route of Homer Simpson :D

Not enough places to ride a bike, gyms are too expensive, jogging here is a joke.... I have an endless list of excuses :o

I've finally agreed with the wife to bite the bullet and start bringing off some of the tonnage if for no other reason than it is cheaper than a new wardrobe.

How have you fared since your arrival? Is it Thailand, advancing age or the simple fact of laziness and sedentary lifestyles?

Dr. B

Edited by Dr. Burrito
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My beer consumption has gone up a little since i've been in Asia. Was on 4 cans of Carling on a weekend to now, 8 or 9 750ml's of local stuff with a few chasers a night.

But then again, i get 36 holes of golf in a week, so it must even out somewhere.

And as i say;

1) The more of me there is, the more you can hug.

2) It's a fuel tank for a sex machine, baby!

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I weighed 102 kgs when I arrived here 3 months ago and am now down to 92. Exercise is the most important factor. Your body is hard wired for living during the last ice age when a nice layer of fat provided both warmth and nourishment. If you really want to know if you are loosing weight or not get some Ketosticks from the local pharmacy. Diabetics use them to measure the amount of ketones in their urine. Ketones are a byproduct of converting fat to glucose. If you pi$$ on one of these strips and it doesn’t change color then you are not loosing any weight, I don’t care how hungry you feel.

BTW one cup of sticky rice has 190 calories whereas jasmine rice has 270 per cup. I know it is counter intuitive but you are better of eating “sweet rice” rather than the regular type.

I do not eat after 7 pm and then the first thing that I do next morning is 40-60 mins on our Octaine Q37e elliptical machine which burns 700-1200 calories. I then wait at least 2 hours prior to eating anything which forces fat conversion to glucose. You have to eliminate all sugar from your diet as it is turned into glucose immediately, this then allows your body to store away any additional carbohydrates that you have taken in as fat rather than using them as fuel.

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I reckon I've put on about 3 stone since I got here. :D

My eating and drinking habits haven't changed, but my exercise habits have. I must try and get myself motivated again. :D

I'm not doing to well tonight, munching away on tortillas, dips and drinking an ice cold beer, whilst listening to British Radio and surfing the net. :o

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I have probably gained 8 or 10 kilos during my four years here. No, I don't eat Thai food. I eat over a kilo of watermelon daily, and chicken with fried rice, Hong Kong Noodles with chicken and asparague (boyfriend says it's Chinese food; his sisters know they can't cook non-Thai food). I've been swimming 20 to 50 minutes per day and think I've lost maybe 2 kilos since my stroke in May, but not sure.

You know, if you're trying to lose weight, ThaiVisa has a "Too Fat" forum.

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You have to eliminate all sugar from your diet .

I think that I rather die. :o

Why live in f*cking misery for the sake of an extra five years in the geriatric ward of the old folks home?

So if a few drinks and a slice of pie puts the weight on you so what? At least the whole town will know what's going on when they cremate us General.

Edited by sceadugenga
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BTW one cup of sticky rice has 190 calories whereas jasmine rice has 270 per cup.

cooked or uncooked?

I found those statistics interesting as I love sticky rice but stay away from it figuring it is high calorie. Checked on the 'brown jasmine rice' that we use and it shows 160 calories per service size 1/4 cup (45 g) dry weight. My guess is that might be equivalent to about 3/4 cup cooked ?? Will have to get some sticky rice to compare when next at market.

Why is it that life in unfair to some of us farangs? My Thai wife is 45 kgs. and I weigh double that yet she can eat more than three times what I eat and not gain any weight. The Thai's must have something in their genes ?? Even though I work out at least 2 hours every day, if I even look at the food my wife is eating, I will gain weight !! :o

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Eat sensibly and in moderation. Avoid fast food and typically fat-laden farang food.

Drink sensibly, and try to avoid beer, and sweetened drinks - Coke and the like. Even Tonic water has a high sugar content. If you can avoid all alcohol, the kilos will drop off you.

Even in BKK, in most locations, if you get up early enough - before 7 a.m. - it is quiet enough and cool enough to jog.

Tread mills are not too expensive and will be much cheaper than gyms in the long run. You can get a fold up one and use it in air conditioned room at home. Jogging on the road or on tread mill are by far the best ways to lose weight and keep your heart and body in shape.

If you can't jog, try 'power' walking (30 mins) either in the early morning or at dusk, when the sun is down.

A daily half hour swim will also keep your body in shape.

6 years ago I came to LOS weighing 82 kilos. I ballooned to almost 90 kilos, but am now around 83 kilos by doing just some of the above.

If you really want to get in shape and live into healthy old age, it is certainly possible if you put your mind to it.

Depends how much you really want it.

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i was 99kg and 40 years old when i arrived here. Today, I'm a couple weeks short of 43 and weigh 94 kg. I probably drink more here than in farangland, but i've virtually eliminated bread from my diet. That's the difference for me.

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re bendix

yep...hardly any bread or wheat products and virtually no dairy products either... excluding the odd pizza, which I can't get where I am now anyway! :-(

down from 99kg to about 87 kg.

Edited by rychrde
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I weighed 102 kgs when I arrived here 3 months ago and am now down to 92. Exercise is the most important factor. Your body is hard wired for living during the last ice age when a nice layer of fat provided both warmth and nourishment. If you really want to know if you are loosing weight or not get some Ketosticks from the local pharmacy. Diabetics use them to measure the amount of ketones in their urine. Ketones are a byproduct of converting fat to glucose. If you pi$$ on one of these strips and it doesn’t change color then you are not loosing any weight, I don’t care how hungry you feel.

BTW one cup of sticky rice has 190 calories whereas jasmine rice has 270 per cup. I know it is counter intuitive but you are better of eating “sweet rice” rather than the regular type.

I do not eat after 7 pm and then the first thing that I do next morning is 40-60 mins on our Octaine Q37e elliptical machine which burns 700-1200 calories. I then wait at least 2 hours prior to eating anything which forces fat conversion to glucose. You have to eliminate all sugar from your diet as it is turned into glucose immediately, this then allows your body to store away any additional carbohydrates that you have taken in as fat rather than using them as fuel.

Jesus, another bark eater.

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Due to the fact I have so much leisure time here and a great gym at my condo I am putting in some serious gym time. Heavier than before but most of it is muscle so I am not complaining, also the Thai diet agrees with me. Couple this with the fact that the Thai people in my gym are lazy <deleted> who like to look at themselves in the mirror all the time and not break a sweat gives us real enthusiasts the opportunity to train hard.

PS The gym is cheap as chips here too

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My weight tends to drop when I'm in Thailand but weight is only one factor.

My asthema improves dramatically in Thailand (compared to Norhtern Europe) while my aged mother reports that all her rhumatism and aches and pains disapear soon after arriving in Thailand and re-appear soon after arriving back in the UK

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My weight tends to drop when I'm in Thailand but weight is only one factor.

My asthema improves dramatically in Thailand (compared to Norhtern Europe) while my aged mother reports that all her rhumatism and aches and pains disapear soon after arriving in Thailand and re-appear soon after arriving back in the UK

Spot on, My Mum suffers like hel_l in the UK but after just a week here she is feeling better

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Please ... I hate to hear people say bread should be banished :o That comes from people selling high-protein diets ).

Bread is a wonderful part of people's diets ... especially if it's wholegrain bread.

Delicious & nutricious ... just like brown/other whole grain rice or pasta..

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As Helitool mentioned elliptical machines are awesome for aerobic workouts which burn the most calories. Personally I can't stand the taste of refined sugars and it's my preference not to eat sugary foods. Eating mostly vegetarian helps lose weight as well. As far as health I always get a sore throat when I'm in BKK, maybe I'm more sensitive to the pollution but I find it hard to breathe there. Are there any studies on the effects of pollution in BKK? If I ever live in Thailand I'd like to live somewhere less smoggy.

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I've been here over six years now and clearly, my once Atlas figure has gone the route of Homer Simpson :D

Not enough places to ride a bike, gyms are too expensive, jogging here is a joke.... I have an endless list of excuses :o

I've finally agreed with the wife to bite the bullet and start bringing off some of the tonnage if for no other reason than it is cheaper than a new wardrobe.

How have you fared since your arrival? Is it Thailand, advancing age or the simple fact of laziness and sedentary lifestyles?

Dr. B

11 years in Thailand..ripped, healthy,fit and strong.

Doesn't matter where you are in the world mate....diet and exercise.period.you only get one body.

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As Helitool mentioned elliptical machines are awesome for aerobic workouts which burn the most calories. Personally I can't stand the taste of refined sugars and it's my preference not to eat sugary foods. Eating mostly vegetarian helps lose weight as well. As far as health I always get a sore throat when I'm in BKK, maybe I'm more sensitive to the pollution but I find it hard to breathe there. Are there any studies on the effects of pollution in BKK? If I ever live in Thailand I'd like to live somewhere less smoggy.

the funny thing with me is that I am less susceptible to pollution in Thailand as opposed to europe. I suspect in my case it relates to rubber dust from tyres being a pollutant problem in dry countries. The pollution in Bkk is bad I know that but it doesnt affect me. As soon as I am in europe and near busy roads I start having breathing problems

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Crazy that a lot of you gain weight, because it's the exact opposite for me. While I work out in both the States and Thailand, I think the big difference is in Thailand I basically have eliminated Red Meat and Fast Food. Anyway, I think the whole not joining a gym excuse because it's too expensive is a copout. Here it Chiang Mai it's fairly reasonable and a bit cheaper than what I paid in California. And even if it's more where you live, who cares if working out and staying in shape extends your life and makes you look and feel better.

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I've been here over six years now and clearly, my once Atlas figure has gone the route of Homer Simpson :D

Not enough places to ride a bike, gyms are too expensive, jogging here is a joke.... I have an endless list of excuses :o

I've finally agreed with the wife to bite the bullet and start bringing off some of the tonnage if for no other reason than it is cheaper than a new wardrobe.

How have you fared since your arrival? Is it Thailand, advancing age or the simple fact of laziness and sedentary lifestyles?

Dr. B

11 years in Thailand..ripped, healthy,fit and strong.

Doesn't matter where you are in the world mate....diet and exercise.period.you only get one body.


Actually you get many, many, many bodies...

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