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Long time ago, there was a discussion on a Thai oriented forum about Thai nationals that would help out people to get in contact with politicans, higher ranking government people and larger corporation executives. Of course some money had to be exchanged before a meeting was set up.

These people acts like a door opener for people with limited connections. Not sure if they can be described as lobbyist´s

Did I dream this or anyone knows more?

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think you are going to need to be more specific as to what type of person you are hoping to get into contact with

well connected law firm might be a good place to start


Long time ago, there was a discussion on a Thai oriented forum about Thai nationals that would help out people to get in contact with politicans, higher ranking government people and larger corporation executives. Of course some money had to be exchanged before a meeting was set up.

These people acts like a door opener for people with limited connections. Not sure if they can be described as lobbyist´s

Did I dream this or anyone knows more?

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Thanks for the reply,

I know this is very vauge (spelling!?), but I can not remember the whole story when I first read about it. It might be ex-politcians, ex-business people that is doing this and they have the whole spectra of people to get in touch with.

For me personally, I would like to get in touch with the Mayor of Bangkok ( for a business project that I am planning) and some top dog at CP group (for a charity program that I hope to execute one day).

think you are going to need to be more specific as to what type of person you are hoping to get into contact with

well connected law firm might be a good place to start


Long time ago, there was a discussion on a Thai oriented forum about Thai nationals that would help out people to get in contact with politicans, higher ranking government people and larger corporation executives. Of course some money had to be exchanged before a meeting was set up.

These people acts like a door opener for people with limited connections. Not sure if they can be described as lobbyist´s

Did I dream this or anyone knows more?

Edited by Doro22
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Thanks for the reply,

I know this is very vauge (spelling!?), but I can not remember the whole story when I first read about it. It might be ex-politcians, ex-business people that is doing this and they have the whole spectra of people to get in touch with.

They have this in China, I think --- kids of high up officials making a pile helping foreign investors make the right connections. In Thailand? Maybe the various chambers of commerce might know?

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This was one of the touted benefits of the Elite Card (sorry to bring up THAT dead horse again).

They claimed to be able to introduce Members to influential people in Thailand; not sure how successful the idea would be however - at Senior level Thai Society is pretty closed-off to outsiders and in the main they tend do favours for others in their circle, in the expectation that there will be some benefit for themselves down the road.


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The do indeed exist in Thailand, as in virtually every country in the world, including western ones. Don’t take this personally, but if you have to ask how to get in contact with such a person on an internet forum, you are way out your league.


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I think you'll have a better chance of "establishing contact" if you frequent in the night clubs where the high ranking officials frequent and try to get a date with their mia noi.

In doing so, don't be surprised if you only end up with a very short "date" with the mia noi's bodyguard. :o

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I would never take anything on an internet forum personally. I might be out of my leauge, but I also lernt that if you not ask, you will never find out stuff. I also know there is a wealth of great info from people here, that is why asked.

I will still try to get in contact with the persons I would like to meet, maybe I get lucky, mabye not.

The do indeed exist in Thailand, as in virtually every country in the world, including western ones. Don't take this personally, but if you have to ask how to get in contact with such a person on an internet forum, you are way out your league.


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I admire your cheekiness, if not naivete. How old are you? Are you resident in Thailand? How do you present yourself? Are you well dressed, groomed, respectful and sharp? I suspect I'll get an affirmative to those.

I'm always interested in helping young people with balls, male or female, but you're going to have to show and tell a lot more before real people here start giving you advice.

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No intention to be a cheeky monkey. Been living in Thailand for some years, done some business and know its very tough. Now, I managed to get a job for a large company, and I am very proud of that. I have set up some goals that I want to achive, some of them are just out there, but I will give it try. Even if it is invloving to meet people that are "un-meetable".

I would like to ta take up your "offer" of help. Its always good to gain knowledge from people with brains and experince, but have to think about giving away info regardring my projects on an open forum.

To you and the rest of the good people thats answerd my post; thanks.

I admire your cheekiness, if not naivete. How old are you? Are you resident in Thailand? How do you present yourself? Are you well dressed, groomed, respectful and sharp? I suspect I'll get an affirmative to those.

I'm always interested in helping young people with balls, male or female, but you're going to have to show and tell a lot more before real people here start giving you advice.

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Thanks for the reply,

I know this is very vauge (spelling!?), but I can not remember the whole story when I first read about it. It might be ex-politcians, ex-business people that is doing this and they have the whole spectra of people to get in touch with.

For me personally, I would like to get in touch with the Mayor of Bangkok ( for a business project that I am planning) and some top dog at CP group (for a charity program that I hope to execute one day).

think you are going to need to be more specific as to what type of person you are hoping to get into contact with

well connected law firm might be a good place to start


Long time ago, there was a discussion on a Thai oriented forum about Thai nationals that would help out people to get in contact with politicans, higher ranking government people and larger corporation executives. Of course some money had to be exchanged before a meeting was set up.

These people acts like a door opener for people with limited connections. Not sure if they can be described as lobbyist´s

Did I dream this or anyone knows more?

What nationality are you?

If British I believe one of the head honcho's at CP used to be in contact with the UK guy at the Department of Trade and Industry in charge of the Cambodia, Laos and Thailand contacts - the same job the current head of the British Chamber of commerce usedto do before coming out to Asia.

Its about 7 years ago now but he was going to put me in copntact with one of them for a project as the guy is supposedly an anglophile - dunno how much truth there is in that though.

nothing came of it and the closest i have been to the CP group is their prawn wantons in Singapore and 7-11 in Thailand.

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Are you a member of the Rotary club? I don't know if this opens doors in Thailand but it works in other countries.

It does indeed ! Just be aware that you'll have a "test" period during which you'll be observed. Go to every weekly meeting, go to all events you are invited in, get to know and to be known, and eventually things will turn out fine. First you need to be invited to the Rotary Club.

Wish you success

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Thanks for all the input and comments. I will try my best to get hold of the people I want to meet, I have some ideas on how to make this happen. I will keep you updated.

Are you a member of the Rotary club? I don't know if this opens doors in Thailand but it works in other countries.

It does indeed ! Just be aware that you'll have a "test" period during which you'll be observed. Go to every weekly meeting, go to all events you are invited in, get to know and to be known, and eventually things will turn out fine. First you need to be invited to the Rotary Club.

Wish you success

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One of the great things about Thailand is, if you know just about anyone with a decent education and coming from a good family (that doesn't mean "hi-so" necessarily), you are no more than 2 degrees of separation from just about any Thai you could name (in the public arena). Rather than "shooting for the top", try cultivating some middle range persons as friends. People with good education, good character, and good families.

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