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Have Any Of You Guys Noticed The Customs Staff At Cnx Airport

john b good

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On my last several arrivals at the Chiangmai airport (this year) after having passed through immigration in the Big Mango these dummies (at CNX airport) pick up your bag / suitcase and say "oh, very heavy" and then proceed to ask that you open said luggage to inspect for any breaches of the Realm's customs regulations.

Anywhere else in the world you are either chosen at random or by the way that you look (your demeanour, heavy perspiration, the country of last embarkation, your general appearance etc) but not so here in Chiangmai where it's the weight of your luggage that is the key.

When I last arrived I was shown to a "search table" where this monkey picked up my bag and said "oh, very heavy" I responded with, " it is less than 20 kg and I am entitled to 40 kg so what is the problem" He had no answer and waved me through.

Quite frankly I do not expect a he11 of a lot more inteligence from these people but it does tend to pizz one off especially after a long day.

I'll take that any day over having to stand (at LAX) and explain in detail .. to someone who should already know .. the difference between ivory and a (carved) water buffalo horn .. and that water buffalo are domestic rather than wild animals. Then listen to a , "Well, I guess I'll let you take it through."

The only time I ever had a bag checked at customs was when I brought in a rectangular golf travel case. A quick peek satisfied the official. Then I realized that the case looked just a bit like a weapons container.:D

And I particularly detest the 'monkey' comment. :o

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And I particularly detest the 'monkey' comment. :o


Thai officialdom is often puzzling, sometimes frustrating.

Irrespective of the culture or country, you have a right to get angry if someone is ripping you off.

But using abusive terms to describe officials who are simply trying to do their job says more about the OP's lack of maturity and experience. Advice to<john b good>…….. Enjoy Chiang Mai, but please leave your attitude behind before you come. :D

Edited by Contractor
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  • 1 month later...

Came in last week, having first cleared Immigration & Customs in Bangkok, with my 2 carry-ons totalling about 25 kgs, and flown domestic up to CNX, where I then went to collect my 2 checked-all-the-way suitcases.

Sure enough, they pulled me, and although I stressed the second-hand clothes & Xmas-pressies for my boys & second-hand books line, they still wanted to open them up.

But they lost interest, when I stressed that I didn't have any ciggarettes, or alcohol or electronics. So maybe that is what they are really looking for ?

For what its worth ...

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I came back in on a trip back from Singapore and after clearing immigration headed to the nothing to declare line - the officer asked for my bag and held it up close to his head and did the bag shake. I told him in Thai that the local farung community are wondering what it is all about. He explained that it was for alcohol. They just give the bag a shake and if they hear the movement of liquid inside ask the owner to open the bag and check if it exceeds the max amount. He also told me that most people who bring in excess alcohol also have at least excess cigarettes as well and often other things (unspecified). The trick would seem to be to leave out the booze when bringing in extra smokes or here's a strange idea do the legal thing and don't bring in extra or anything illegal.

The other thing that I thought was odd until I thought about it was that he didn't care about my carry on bag - I realised afterwards that it has gone through the scanners and extra alcohol etc would have been picked up then.

So another of life's little mysteries has been solved.


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I am going to Australia later this year. I want to bring back some decent wine, some vegemite of course but would it be possible to import some frozen meat such as mutton of beef? I reckon that if it was packed properly it would make the trip still frozen but would customs let it through?

Ahhh for a nice greasy BBQ chop!!

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its probably fair to say that you are more likely to be stopped and checked in CNX than BKK. I usually bring back some cheese, vegemite and some cosmetic creme in various amounts for gifts etc, and rather go thru BKK than CNX to be safe. I would like to bring back a sandwich toaster press next time as I havent yet seen any for sale in CNX, what are my chances running the gauntlet in BKK? :o

a friend of a friend came thru CNX with 8 bottles of rum/bourbon and sneaked thru after waiting for the customs agents to be preoccupied with other passengers. He remained calm and wheeled his booty thru and acted if he was guilt free. :D

I brought a George Foreman Grill in last year through BKK. It's like a giant sandwich maker, still in the box in a plastic shopping bag for all to see. No problem. Freaking thing weighed a ton though. Had 32kg in my main bag that day as well, plus a 10kg fridgy bag full of sausages, bacon, cheese etc. Never again.

Edited by sceadugenga
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I am going to Australia later this year. I want to bring back some decent wine, some vegemite of course but would it be possible to import some frozen meat such as mutton of beef? I reckon that if it was packed properly it would make the trip still frozen but would customs let it through?

Ahhh for a nice greasy BBQ chop!!

The wine will be ok as long as you don't overstep the import limits. The vegemite is not a problem and the frozen meat is normally ok. Make sure it is packed well and explain to the customs guys that it is for your own consumption and that you can't get it in Chiang Mai. They are normally pretty good especially if you are polite and calm.


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I am going to Australia later this year. I want to bring back some decent wine, some vegemite of course but would it be possible to import some frozen meat such as mutton of beef? I reckon that if it was packed properly it would make the trip still frozen but would customs let it through?

Ahhh for a nice greasy BBQ chop!!

Niloc, it's best to bring it cold, not frozen. I always bring meat in a "fridgy bag", that can be purchased at any department store, wrap the meat well in paper, then put it in the hotel fridge if I overnight in BKK. I've found it will stay cold for at least 24 hours in the bag then can be frozen in meal size packs when you get here.

I never liked the idea of refreezing meat once it's thawed.

I took 20kg of King Island fillet to the PI in this bag once, the look on the Adelaide Airport check in guy's face when I put it on the scales will stay with me for ever.


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Thanks Sceadugenga, I seem to recall my Mum was the same, never re-freeze meat.

We are skipping BKK and flying direct to Chiang Mai via Singapore from Melbourne so any meat would hardly get warm, actually the trip from CM to Pai would probably be more a worry temperature wise than MEL to CNX!!

We will be visiting Launceston so maybe I will call in at KI and get some fillet along with the blue cheese and cream!!

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its probably fair to say that you are more likely to be stopped and checked in CNX than BKK. I usually bring back some cheese, vegemite and some cosmetic creme in various amounts for gifts etc, and rather go thru BKK than CNX to be safe. I would like to bring back a sandwich toaster press next time as I havent yet seen any for sale in CNX, what are my chances running the gauntlet in BKK? :o

a friend of a friend came thru CNX with 8 bottles of rum/bourbon and sneaked thru after waiting for the customs agents to be preoccupied with other passengers. He remained calm and wheeled his booty thru and acted if he was guilt free. :D

I brought a George Foreman Grill in last year through BKK. It's like a giant sandwich maker, still in the box in a plastic shopping bag for all to see. No problem. Freaking thing weighed a ton though. Had 32kg in my main bag that day as well, plus a 10kg fridgy bag full of sausages, bacon, cheese etc. Never again.

You were lucky.

I think the allowance for carry-on luggage is 7kg per person or something like that.

I will try the sandwich press this trip and travel via BKK as Im still thinking its better than the potential problem in CNX.

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