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I have been reading this site for over 12 months and find it most interesting, one point that always passes my mind is Western guys who think they can find a Thai lady take her home to his country and live happily ever after.

They get a big shock when they deprive her of her Thai ways and friends

The solution is before this happens join a Thai group, their are many all over the world, here they will find and mix with other Western men who have Thai wives and children, go to Thai picnics eat genuine Thai food and best of ll she can chatter away in Thai to her hearts content,

In Australia they even have Thai temples with monks etc, so a bit of Thailand in their new country, if you do not know where to start try this web site


Hope this helps someone


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I have been reading this site for over 12 months and find it most interesting, one point that always passes my mind is Western guys who think they can find a Thai lady take her home to his country and live happily ever after.

They get a big shock when they deprive her of her Thai ways and friends

The solution is before this happens join a Thai group, their are many all over the world, here they will find and mix with other Western men who have Thai wives and children, go to Thai picnics eat genuine Thai food and best of ll she can chatter away in Thai to her hearts content,

In Australia they even have Thai temples with monks etc, so a bit of Thailand in their new country, if you do not know where to start try this web site


Hope this helps someone


Not all Thai women need their hand held overseas like this.Sure, your average "issan player" hooking up with "Mr hansum 30 day stamp on arrival" may need this.

But what about the countless numbers of thai females that are educated overseas ,have careers in the west ,are more worldly in their mentality,have farang friends,know the difference between spagehtti and fettucine ...haha ??They can flick in and out of western and thai environments easily.

But what about the countless numbers of thai females that are educated overseas ,have careers in the west ,are more worldly in their mentality,have farang friends,know the difference between spagehtti and fettucine ...haha ??They can flick in and out of western and thai environments easily

Very few of those girls will consider marrying a foreigner!!

Better to plan that you both live here.

Take a few trips abroad and see how it goes, before you take the Big one.

But what about the countless numbers of thai females that are educated overseas ,have careers in the west ,are more worldly in their mentality,have farang friends,know the difference between spagehtti and fettucine ...haha ??They can flick in and out of western and thai environments easily

Very few of those girls will consider marrying a foreigner!!

Better to plan that you both live here.

Take a few trips abroad and see how it goes, before you take the Big one.

Penelope I think after attending a few of these function these Thai people who do no need help are the ones who are offering it to those that do

Remember life is a balance, there can not be a teacher if there is not a student

So to call a spade a spade have you ever noticed that farang go to bars to drink with their own kind when in Thailand

So then why are Thai ladies who need Thai friendship any worse?

Sorry but to me it seems natural, but I guess there will always be those who try and see the bad side of something that is good

Just my opinion

But what about the countless numbers of thai females that are educated overseas ,have careers in the west ,are more worldly in their mentality,have farang friends,know the difference between spagehtti and fettucine ...haha ??They can flick in and out of western and thai environments easily

Very few of those girls will consider marrying a foreigner!!

I got one, and so did several of my professional expat colleagues in LOS. I guess we are just an odd bunch :o


My girlfriend is Thai, from Ubon and just 20 years old (i'm 21). She's currently going to University here in Bangkok and will finish in 3 years. I do plan on taking her on some trips to other countries, perhaps Europe or elsewhere in the coming years, especially if we get married. Its too early to know that. I'm not going to simply move to another country with her, but first see if she likes it and we can stay there for extended periods of time. If she doesn't like it, we can always settle down in Thailand, that's fine with me as well. I think the problem begins when these ladies are brought into a completely different environment from one day to another ..


A certain portion of young Thai women already know that they want to live somewhere other than Thailand. They probably do not want to cut all ties, but they have enough information to know that life is different and potentially better outside Thailand. Particularly in the application of their intelligence and education.




My wife adjusted very well.

First like Ozziman04 pointed out in the beautiful country of Austraila, here in Los Angeles also we have Thai temples with monks and even now a section of town called "Thai Town" with a Thai market and restaurants and such, even a Thai Elvis to entertain you. (they could do without that).

Also we live in Southern California, the weather helps, it's warm most of the year. We do go skiing once a year and to see a little Thai women all bundled up in warm clothes still looks unnatural to me.

My wife is a chef, and that is her trade (good for me) she earns a living and has adjusted well. Only thing she did that we still laugh at today is ride her bicycle on the freeway her first week here in the USA.

That's a No No I told her....

We both though, as nice as we have it here, are looking forward to the day to retire n Thailand.....


A good friend of mine living in Europe married a Thai lady a few years back (12 years).

They went to live in Europe with 2 children she had from another marriage.

8 years later, they divorced.

The guy now came back and lives in Thailand with another wife.

The former Thai wife lives in Europe.

In his house.

The children finished university in Europe and work there.

None of them ever came back to Thailand.

Go figure,... :o


But what about the countless numbers of thai females that are educated overseas ,have careers in the west ,are more worldly in their mentality,have farang friends,know the difference between spagehtti and fettucine ...haha ??They can flick in and out of western and thai environments easily

Very few of those girls will consider marrying a foreigner!!

I got one, and so did several of my professional expat colleagues in LOS. I guess we are just an odd bunch

Me too. :D

I spend most of my life in the UK. I have a Thai wife of 6 years and two Farang-Nois. We have a circle opf Thai firends in the UK aswell as LOS. We also go to a Thai Temple and have many friends amongst the monkhood there - it is a great place for Thai's to meet up and socialise. The monks also teach my kids Thai reading and writing too (they are 3 and 5). They attend a private English school when in the UK. :D

Often though my wife avoids meeting new Thais in the UK, she says she knows enough Thais. I think she gets kind of fed up with the petty power struggles between many of these girls - I put it down to the fact that most were from low class poverty and now, having bagged a farang, consider themselves rich and powerful and as such try to climb over each other. One girl even expected my wife to call her Pee - she was the same age! :o

The monks sometimes comment on this too.

My wife is from an upper middle class background (her friends say she is Hi-So, but she laughs at that and I don't think she considers herself in that vein and was certainly not in the same league as those Thais at the 'top' money wise). She is used to getting respect and politeness, she is used to her position in Thai society to the extent that she does not even recognise it nor try to change it. She does not vie for position and does not belittle those that are poorer than us.

Our best friends in the UK are like minded - some come from very poor backgrounds, so its not all the girls that act this way.

We have one set of friends (Thai woman, Farang man and farang-noi kids) where the guy had been unemployed for a number of years - electronics expert (designer) in his 30's that found all the jobs had been exported to India/China/etc.

They had been living on savings for a long time, and were pretty close to the bread line - no car, rented house in crap area, local schooling, no hols etc. Many of their so-called Thai friends (all from the group mentioned above) belittled and ridicouled them behind there backs and stopped being their 'freinds' as they - according to their way of thinking - slid down the social pole.

We count them amongst our best friends. We helped them in little ways that they except (second hand stuff/furniture we wanted to discard, lifts, etc) - they would not allow any other kind of help other than friendship. He now has a good job again and took their kids to LOS for the first time in 5 years (parent hadn't even seen one of the kids).

Often though my wife avoids meeting new Thais in the UK, she says she knows enough Thais. I think she gets kind of fed up with the petty power struggles between many of these girls - I put it down to the fact that most were from low class poverty and now, having bagged a farang, consider themselves rich and powerful and as such try to climb over each other. One girl even expected my wife to call her Pee - she was the same age! :o

Ditto that comment !!

My wife avoids "lower" thais like the plague when we are in Sydney, not out of snobbery, but simply because of the behaviour that they exhibit,the petty power struggles, the jealousy, the one-up-manship,the lies,decit,backhandedness etc....

Just a bunch of "players", screwing each other for a dime. And those low class girls who bag a farang, more than often he is just as low class.

Happens in all "lower thai" communitys around the world.

Often though my wife avoids meeting new Thais in the UK, she says she knows enough Thais. I think she gets kind of fed up with the petty power struggles between many of these girls - I put it down to the fact that most were from low class poverty and now, having bagged a farang, consider themselves rich and powerful and as such try to climb over each other. One girl even expected my wife to call her Pee - she was the same age!  :o

Ditto that comment !!

My wife avoids "lower" thais like the plague when we are in Sydney, not out of snobbery, but simply because of the behaviour that they exhibit,the petty power struggles, the jealousy, the one-up-manship,the lies,decit,backhandedness etc....

Just a bunch of "players", screwing each other for a dime. And those low class girls who bag a farang, more than often he is just as low class.

Happens in all "lower thai" communitys around the world.

I am afraid that what you say is very true Penelope. The petty jealousies and back biting makes it rather uncomfortable.


This is a great site, I am planning to bring my girlfriend over to the uk once we get her visiters visa sorted out, I would be grateful if anyone knows of thai communities in the Manchester or North West of UK.

keep up the good work guys!


When I decided to follow the quest of finding a Thai GF/wife, I gave a lot of thought to bringing her over to the UK.

I decided against this, for many of the reasons already aired in this thread (cold weather in the UK, lack of family, different culture etc - I could go on and on!).

I felt that, to give a blossoming relationship any chance of success, it would be far better if I could live in Thailand, so that my GF still had the familiarity of many things whilst she got to know this crazy farang guy.

Needless to say, I readlily accept that for many guys, the option of living in LoS is not there!



My girls has come to Switzerland with me for 5 years, up to 6 months a year. The major problem at the beginning was food. By now she enjoys Switzerland more than Thailand. She would like to live here.


- Quiter

- More honest, respectful people

- Cooler

- Better landscape

- More things to do (hiking, biking etc.)

- Safer



Er Roland, I gave my opinion on this subject. I did not say that it applied to everyone and I'm glad to hear that your wife is happy in Switzerland (how are the cuckoo clocks by the way?) :o

As for quieter, not my experience of your beautiful country. Every male goes gun-crazy every Sunday morning, just to be sure that Land of the Clocks doesn't fall prey to a sneaky invasion round the back of Lac Leman.... :D

I am afraid that what you say is very true Penelope. The petty jealousies and back biting makes it rather uncomfortable.

Yeah - that Penelope and Lady Penelope must be really high class! If only I and my bar girl could aspire to that level!

Happens in all "lower thai" communitys around the world.

Not so , this behaviour isn't restricted to what you so eloquently describe as "lower Thais" , stereotypical and quite sad really.

Often though my wife avoids meeting new Thais in the UK, she says she knows enough Thais. I think she gets kind of fed up with the petty power struggles between many of these girls - I put it down to the fact that most were from low class poverty and now, having bagged a farang, consider themselves rich and powerful and as such try to climb over each other. One girl even expected my wife to call her Pee - she was the same age!  :D

Ditto that comment !!

My wife avoids "lower" thais like the plague when we are in Sydney, not out of snobbery, but simply because of the behaviour that they exhibit,the petty power struggles, the jealousy, the one-up-manship,the lies,decit,backhandedness etc....

Just a bunch of "players", screwing each other for a dime. And those low class girls who bag a farang, more than often he is just as low class.

Happens in all "lower thai" communitys around the world.

I am afraid that what you say is very true Penelope. The petty jealousies and back biting makes it rather uncomfortable.

Et tu Dr? :o


Sometimes, it can be difficult to be a friend with other thai(girls) aboard. You are from different backgroud, education ,interests.

Some girls never have anything before in their life but then after get married and move to EU or USA she have a house a car all in sudden and very happy about it ,nobody to express that happiness so whenever she meet up other thai fellows, she tend to only talking about what she has.Once in a while when I met that kind of person, I like to listen ,those are one of a kind of my entertainment.

Often though my wife avoids meeting new Thais in the UK, she says she knows enough Thais. I think she gets kind of fed up with the petty power struggles between many of these girls - I put it down to the fact that most were from low class poverty and now, having bagged a farang, consider themselves rich and powerful and as such try to climb over each other. One girl even expected my wife to call her Pee - she was the same age!  :D

Ditto that comment !!

My wife avoids "lower" thais like the plague when we are in Sydney, not out of snobbery, but simply because of the behaviour that they exhibit,the petty power struggles, the jealousy, the one-up-manship,the lies,decit,backhandedness etc....

Just a bunch of "players", screwing each other for a dime. And those low class girls who bag a farang, more than often he is just as low class.

Happens in all "lower thai" communitys around the world.

I am afraid that what you say is very true Penelope. The petty jealousies and back biting makes it rather uncomfortable.

Et tu Dr? :o

Be nice Chon :D

I try Doc , but reading between the lines it's not me with the tar brush , Penelope Pitstop is the decorator...

Penelope is an interesting name for a guy Chon. :o

Yes I am a guy.The name is a play on greek mythology.My subtle sense of humor.

I try Doc , but reading between the lines it's not me with the tar brush , Penelope Pitstop is the decorator...

Penelope is an interesting name for a guy Chon. :o

Yes I am a guy.The name is a play on greek mythology.My subtle sense of humor.

Sorry , the irony is lost on us "lower class" types , quo Vadis..

Yeah - that Penelope and Lady Penelope must be really high class! If only I and my bar girl could aspire to that level!

Acutally I'm just a normal bloke.You know uni degree, good career with mulitnaltional in LOS, own a home in Aussie, got a few investments here and there...you know mate, pretty standard normal things for guy in his thirties(i would hope).

My wife is the one who is "higher class" in LOS.

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