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What P2p Speeds Are You Guys Getting?


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Hi everyone,

Just wondering what speeds you are getting with BITTORRENT, Shareaza, eMule..<name you favorite client>.

I hear a lot of people getting slow speeds due to router config issues. For me with a 512/256 connection:

BT - The fastest by far...Peaking at 70KBPS and averaging around 40. Sometimes I can get long periods of 60 with a lot of seeds.

Shareaza - Too slow to mention (~ 5 - 10)

eMule - Too slow to mention (~ 5 - 10)

I'm also wondering if True blocks certain ports to circumvent the use of some of these tools.


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Did you set a static IP on your machine? If your just dealing with one machine, you should disable DHCP on your router and enter a static ip in your network IP properties. The IP you set should be entered in your port forwarding settings.

Also disable your firewall temporarily to see if that is blocking

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with emule etc its not your bandwidth but how long you leave it running etc...

Use Mcafee speedo to gauge your real speeds.. everyting else is the fault of the P2P flavour..

Which router modem do you have.. if its a cisco setup (like the the supplied TOT one) I have the default engineer passwords for access and can walk you through setting up NAT via MSN or similar..

Anything else I can try and help but no promises..

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I'm by no means a networking expert, but I spent some time yesterday trying to see how TT&T/CAT Hi-Net have things setup. If anyone has any insights please let me know!

My cheap router (XAVI X8124r) I got from TT&T gets an IP address via DHCP. This IP address is a reserved LAN IP address in the subnet. Any address in this range is reserved for internal, non-internet use. The next hop is to the default gateway, which then sends things to one of two routers, depending on the service/port. If I go to any external website my IP address is always the same...the IP of the router. However if I ssh somewhere or use Gnutella, my IP address is a different one (but always the same). I've found I can use Gnutella and napster as the second router has ports 6346 and 6699 open. I've tried eDonkey and Bittorrent as well and they don't work at all as those ports are not open. I'm pretty sure there is nothing I can do change/fix this on my end.

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beside the fact that downloading music from a non-legal form is not nice to

any musician ...

providers could block the port 4672 ...

just configure your firewall to bypass this ...

good luck and keep in mind that any musician deserve some respect :o



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grrr, you know for sure your ISP blocks port 8661...? that sucks, though many ppl can get slow speed even with these ports blocked. Sometimes I can telnet to that port sometimes I can't, I'm not sure if/where there is a problem or that it's just limited bandwidth from the ISP!

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Yeah it's not open as far as I can tell...

6346/tcp  filtered gnutella
6400/tcp  filtered crystalreports
6401/tcp  filtered crystalenterprise
6699/tcp  filtered napster
7001/tcp  filtered afs3-callback
7002/tcp  filtered afs3-prserver
7006/tcp  filtered afs3-errors
7007/tcp  filtered afs3-bos
7010/tcp  filtered ups-onlinet
7326/tcp  filtered icb
8888/tcp  filtered sun-answerbook
9535/tcp  filtered man
9999/tcp  filtered abyss

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