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How Do Poor People Watch Premier Football Now?


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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

they get the same amount of games as they got last season ,if they want to get the extra games on offer then they have to pay eztra,this is thailand and they are watching uk football ,so you exspect to pay for it ,in the uk you pay for it or you only get highlights for free...........

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

You hook a cable into someone who is paying for it.

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

How long is it since you were in the West? If you mean the UK, I think you'll find it's next to impossible to see a live game unless you have cable or satellite. In fact, I've heard that they've even made it worse, making most of the significant games pay per view ON TOP of the normal cable charges.

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

How long is it since you were in the West? If you mean the UK, I think you'll find it's next to impossible to see a live game unless you have cable or satellite. In fact, I've heard that they've even made it worse, making most of the significant games pay per view ON TOP of the normal cable charges.

you are 100% right..............

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

How long is it since you were in the West? If you mean the UK, I think you'll find it's next to impossible to see a live game unless you have cable or satellite. In fact, I've heard that they've even made it worse, making most of the significant games pay per view ON TOP of the normal cable charges.

you are 100% right..............

I knew that I'd find it if I kept searching (Please see the line below.) :o

I agree with Bendix's every word on this post.

Even though the post is UK centric, this is also the case in most of Europe. The cable / satellite companies invested many millions throughout Europe and a major revenue stream for them to starting getting out of the red is charging for premium content - Premier league football.

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

Go down the pub and watch it, like everyone else... if your too broke to afford a load of beer, cancel your Cable/UBC and use the money saved to buy one beer a game :o

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

Go down the pub and watch it, like everyone else... if your too broke to afford a load of beer, cancel your Cable/UBC and use the money saved to buy one beer a game :D

Wolfie, one beer per game? That's shockingly poor advice. :o

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I think what the OP meant was that previously, a lot of the major games were on regular free terrestrial channel 3 -5 -7 etc. This meant that those games could be watched on any TV, any noodle shop, etc.

Currently with Turdvisions holding the rights, people need to go to somewhat more established pubs / restaurants that have UBC.

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

Are you serious? Certainly not in the UK. Sky has had the monopoly on live matches for a good number of years now. You can get highlights of the premier league, and I beleive that Champions league is still on non satelite TV, but that's about it.

So, yes football is or has become a privalge for the wealthy. If you look at the prices of entry to football grounds in the UK, you'd certainly undersatnd that it is not a game that is open to the typical working class man anymore.

Turdvisions are only doing what other TV companies have already done, ableit far less professionaly (see the Somchai and Sparky thread in Football forum).

In the end TV is a business, and if you can't afford it, then it's tough luck. Nothing to do about where you live.

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

How long is it since you were in the West? If you mean the UK, I think you'll find it's next to impossible to see a live game unless you have cable or satellite. In fact, I've heard that they've even made it worse, making most of the significant games pay per view ON TOP of the normal cable charges.

you are 100% right..............

Yes, you guys are right. They now have premiership plus, and some other bits which you have to subscribe to on top of the normal package. I was paying around 55 quid a month when I was there two years ago. :o

Edited by mrtoad
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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

Go down the pub and watch it, like everyone else... if your too broke to afford a load of beer, cancel your Cable/UBC and use the money saved to buy one beer a game :D

Wolfie, one beer per game? That's shockingly poor advice. :o

Well in fairness the Op was complaining about poor people and football.. just tryin to give some practical advice :D

of course, in the spirit of the game, at least 4 or 5 beers need to be consumed prior to the game with at least 8 during the game... if the volume is too great its acceptable to switch to shots after the first half.

Better? :D

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Sky no longer has a monopoly over Premier League football, the EU were not happy with the deal as they thought it was unfair to the paying public.

So the broke the football into several packages 1 being the PPV games on Sky , 2 is the premium package of live games ie Man U v Newcastle which sky bought, 3 is the highlights package (FREE FOOTBALL) on the BBC and then package 4 which Setanta (Irish company) have bought, the live non premium games ie anyone involving Sunderland or the Smoggy's.

So the good folk of sunny England now have to buy 2 pay TV channels instead of 1 aswell as PPV to view games, as amazingly the EU beaurcrats see this as being better for us.

At a guess overseas countries are having to deal with 2 seperate TV broadcasters, hence why people are paying twice in LOS.

When i were a lad it was 25 quid for a season ticket at St. James Park, to watch players such as Keegan, Waddle, Beardsley, Gascoigne and George Riley.

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

Actually, if you want to watch a lot of football in the U.S., you have to get special channels like Fox Soccer Channel and GolTV and the whole package will be about the same as it is on UBC. For the sports options, it's the same. Obviously UBC pales in comparison to all the other channels on offer in other countries. We have over 100 channels not sports related compared to what, 25-30? Anyway, in the U.S. ESPN shows few football (soccer) games so everything is different depending on the country you're in. My suggestion, go to a bar and order some water if you're so poor. Watch the game and enjoy.

Edit: tuky, you mean you're not a fan?

Edited by Jimjim
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Edit: tuky, you mean you're not a fan?

I come from the land down under mate, the only place I ever saw a soccer field was on TV.

We have our own religion in Australia and Armageddon will be upon us in the next few weeks.

Carn the Eagles.

Down the Cats.

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

A certain Thai businessman will soon flood Issan with free tickets to watch Man City .. all part of a big plan!!!!!

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you can still watch certain games on normal Thai TV, but you just have to put up with crap commentery. Or do what I do & get down my local bar where the cable service is from Malaysia & still the football is on ESPN / STAR with the likes os Steve Mcmahan doing the build up :o

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The real question is...how can anyone watch premier league soccer?

or any soccer for that matter.

Edit: tuky, you mean you're not a fan?

I come from the land down under mate, the only place I ever saw a soccer field was on TV.

We have our own religion in Australia and Armageddon will be upon us in the next few weeks.

Carn the Eagles.

Down the Cats.

all these complaints by bunches of skirt wearers - watch rugby , a real mans game - and AFL , those tight shorts are the result of "fisted through behinds" , for sure.

note: of course this is not a troll :o:D

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The real question is...how can anyone watch premier league soccer?

or any soccer for that matter.

We don't watch soccer, we watch football. :D:o

Yeah me too. Finally some proper sports fans.

Carrrrn the All BLacks ya bunch of total chokers; do it this year or bring back Buck.

For all the complaints about professionalism, at least in Rugby it has meant the game standards have increased. A lot. And that money is coming from media rights in part; of course it has totally shafted poor countries like the Pac Islands (and is having the same effect for haves and have nots in the Premier league of soccer) but such is the game when you go pro.

Why anyone thinks prof. sport is the right of anyone is beyond me. They had the same issue in NZ a few years back and the left wing bozo govt made the coverage free to air; I think it had a 45 minute delay though, so there was still some value to buying PPV. If you deregulate and go private...well what do you expect?

At least we get some great free to air stuff on Thai TV. Those channel 7 lakorns, they should be PPV :-)

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

they would now mostly gather outside my living room window, boys in front, and taller guys at the back so everyone can see the screen.

they tend to be most excited during the Man City matches, where they would eagerly await glimpses of their beloved leader and any signal for them to continue living their miserable lives. i believe a blue tie signals a "no" vote for the referendum or so i was told by some old guy standing outside the window the other night.

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how do poor people who cant afford the huge payments for true watch football games? in the west, these games are run on free television programs. is football not a right? is it only a privilage of the wealthy?

I think watching ones own National football team should be a right ... in saying that, if you had to pay to watch England play then I think you should be given a refund!! :o

But a much better option is to watch rugby league and rugby union. No ladyboys there as they grab your testicles in a scrum and squeeze tightly, rake studs down your back and generally give and take as much rough stuff a you get.

Unlike footballers who roll around on the floor crying at the slightest touch :D


Forgot to ask... wonder how many of you guys would like to be in a scrum with the Lady Rugby players LOL

Edited by duratanium
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