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this morning i was driving with my thai girlfriend on the highway outside pattaya when we were hit by the car manned by 3 thai ladies.the driver was talking on the mobile phone when it all happend.our car flew in to the ditch.their car was quite badly damages too. when the plice arrived after some 20 minutes the lady put blame on me without even having proper motivation for it.we just purchased the car yesterday and were going to the car registration office in chonbury when it happend.the other car neither we have an insurance. after brief conversation with sides police towed our car to the police station and didn't want to give it bak to us untill some kind of hearing next week. can somebody give me a good advise what should i do in this case?it was clearely not my fault but taking account of all the stories mentioned here about accidents involving farang a am starting to get pessimistical about fair outcome..

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That's not fair,at least your girlfriend should have talked to them pointing it was other party's mistake,not yours.

Very sorry for you if you bought a new car.But if u got no insurance,then you are gone.There's nothing left for u to do now.Just wait for the outcome from the Police.Wish you good luck


You have a thai drivers license? No? No insurance?

You're not in a good position.

Get your thai girl friend to raise ###### with the authorities.

Then sell your condo as you will probably have to pay for the other car damages--as well as yours.


sounds normal to me,if you just bought the car,there should have been insurance put on by the dealer you got it from, but as far as I know,they always impound til an investigation is made.,,Might check with a lawyer to find out for sure tho.

But as you should know,,nothing is ever the same here in Thailand,they just do waht ever feels good at the time,,next time it will be different again.

Kinda keeps you on your toes.


Did they tow the other drivers car away aswell?

Get a lawyer, and if the police try to stick you inform them that you want to go for a private prosecution. As this involves the police being scrutinised aswell they'll possibly treat you a little fairer than normal. This was advice given to me by the embassy for a similar incedent, when the police tried to screw me when I got knocked off my bike.

Don't know if it works as I had help from my employers, who explaineed to the local police that they knew someone in the force that outranked everyone involved.Which worked a treat :o

this morning i was driving with my  thai girlfriend on the highway outside pattaya when we were hit by the car manned by 3 thai ladies.the driver was talking on the mobile phone when it all happend.our car flew in to the ditch.their car was quite badly damages too.  when the plice arrived after some 20 minutes the lady put blame on me without even having proper motivation for it.we just purchased the car yesterday and were going to the car registration office in chonbury when it happend.the other car neither we have an insurance. after brief conversation with sides police towed our car to the police station and didn't want to give it bak to us untill some kind of hearing next week.  can somebody give me a good advise what should i do in this case?it was clearely not my fault but taking account of all the stories mentioned here about accidents involving farang a am starting to get pessimistical about fair outcome..

Bummer, Dick. And you just bought it the day before.... :o

If it's any comfort, in all of the accidents involving farangs that I've been involved with, the cops treated everyone equally. I've heard many stories of farangs getting screwed in such a situations, but it hasn't been my experience..

But, as we all know, cops here are basically unpredictable, and anything can happen. For that reason, the advice to get a lawyer is a good one... And have plenty of cash at hand....

Here, the first question is likely to be, "Khray chon khray?" (who hit who?) Failing to get agreement on this point, they will look to see who has the frontend damage, or whose collision point is furthest to the front of the vehicle...Blame is normally fixed on the 'hitter'.

Last week in Chiang Mai, a bike rider violated a red light and tried to make an illegal u turn. At the apex of his turn, he got plowed by a PU truck. Where I'm from, the cops would automatically fix blame on the biker because of his violating the red light. Here, the driver of the PU was arrested for reckless driving....

The reasoning behind this, as was explained to me, is that the Basic Driving Law is that a driver must drive safely, and remain in control of his vehicle....The cops feel that if you are driving safely, you should be able to avoid hitting the other car because it was in front of you and should be visible to you, and you should have been at a safe distance away. When two cars are driving abreast, as it seems to have been in your case, the driver in front, even nitnoy, is the 'owner' of the road (cawkhong thanon). As such, any collision would likely show a collision point further back from the front on the vehicle who was in front when the collision occured..Or so the theory goes. Maybe the extensive damage to both vehicles makes that point hard to judge in your case...

Good luck, sir.


the hearing of my case had been appointed for next tusday at the police station. can anybody recomend a reliable lawyer in pattaya?how much bearing on the case is the lawyer able to give ? if its gonna be a straight forward police judgement i think we will be exonerated from any guit quickly but the other party are 3 old thai ladies who were in the car and God onlly knows what kind of strings they are going to pull..

i went to see the impounded car and i found out that the other car is also there.

the hearing of my case had been appointed for next tusday at the police station.  can anybody recomend a reliable lawyer in pattaya?how much bearing on the case is the lawyer able to give ?  if its gonna be a straight forward police judgement i think we will be exonerated from any guit quickly but the other party are 3 old thai ladies who were in the car and God onlly knows what  kind of strings they are going to pull..

i went to see the impounded car and i found out that the other car is also there.

Dick, I would suggest you contact your embassy for any recommendations for a lawyer. And Buyer Beware is good advice for lawyers, too :D

Sorry I can't answer your questions, but from what you've said, you seem to be getting fair treatment, at least so far...

Just try to stay cool . :o

and God onlly knows what kind of strings they are going to pull..

i went to see the impounded car and i found out that the other car is also there.

That is the correct procedure and should remain there until the case is solved.

Have you a drivers licence?

Driving with no insurance is not that good an idea either.

Try posting at the Pattaya forum for a lawyer.?

Call your Embassy to ask same thing?


Embassy will not do any good.

One time I went to an embassy with the same request,,they gave me a printed listing of lawyers and they said that if a lawyer on the list did not do as stated,then I should let them know and they would remove his name from the listing. They are not allowed to give a reference to any certain lawyer.

But it sounds as tho everything is going according to what is standard procerures.

If you can say that about anything in Thailand. :o

check with sunbelt,they might be able to give you some info.


My wife always told me if you ever get in an accident leave the scene immediately if you are able. If you get caught later it's not kike leaving the scene here in the US.

You don't get in any additional trouble? :o

My wife always told me if you ever get in an accident leave the scene immediately if you are able. If you get caught later it's not kike leaving the scene here in the US.

You don't get in any additional trouble? :o

BAD advice for a farang.

My wife always told me if you ever get in an accident leave the scene immediately if you are able.  If you get caught later it's not kike leaving the scene here in the US.

You don't get in any additional trouble? :o

BAD advice for a farang.

But good for a Thai? :D

My wife always told me if you ever get in an accident leave the scene immediately if you are able.  If you get caught later it's not kike leaving the scene here in the US.

You don't get in any additional trouble? :o

BAD advice for a farang.

But good for a Thai? :D

It is not good advise for anyone but it is the only way poor Thai can avoid time in jail as they flee to give them a chance to arrange bail money. A new system I believe has recently come into operation to make bail easier/faster for the poor so that may help.

As a foreigner is not expected to have the same problem with money police would likely not be as understanding.

You're not in a good position.

Get your thai girl friend to raise ###### with the authorities.

Then sell your condo as you will probably have to pay for the other car damages--as well as yours.

He is indeed not in a good position. But I doubt the Thai girlfriend of a Farang in Pattaya is willing to push her luck by raising ##### with the local authorities.

A lawyer is essential. Just pray that not one of the 3 Thai ladies in the other car are well connected and thus have a more powerful "phuu yai" than will your lawyer who, by Thai cultural standards, becomes your "phuu yai." So hire the best lawyer you can afford.


Contact Roger at the Las Vegas a Go Go. He should have a reccomendation for you. He's been in Thailand since he was about 18. It's on soi post office.

My wife always told me if you ever get in an accident leave the scene immediately if you are able. If you get caught later it's not kike leaving the scene here in the US.

You don't get in any additional trouble? :o

I don't know about Thailand but I can relate a story that happened to me in Cuba. I made a lane change and got plowed by a van moving quickly. In Mexico this would be my fault for changing lanes cause they cant prove how fast the driver was going. I had a knee jerk reaction to flee the scene, so I did. The guy in the other car chased me down as I tried to flee. He caught up with me, opened my door and put his foot on the break as I continued to try to flee. Finally I gave up when I saw a guy in a coplike uniform come over to help. Now mind you I am driving a rented car with a $300 deposit with extensive damage to my car as well as the van I collided with. I might add that my car was a brand spanking new Chrysler Neon. I was terrified to say the least. Here I am a kilo from accident sight, having fled scene. Long story short, I went to police station, spent day, got drunk test, and allowed to leave 7 hours later unsure of consequences upon returning car. My legal situation was done as they let me go. I said the guy was speeding. I got off hook somehow. It was amazing, but I still had nightmare of returning smashed car to rental agency and worrying if I was liable for van a week later when I turned in car. Went to destination, Camaguey, with smashed fender on new car and paint chipped away. I asked around and found a guy with a rubber hammer who banged out my dent for $13. took him an hour but more red paint chipped off. huge prob, fender looks 60% passable but no matching red paint anywhere. day before depart, my g/f breaks out a shoebox of nail polish and gets to work. looks like ###### but covers bare metal. I return car at night, thank god, and passes a once over by inspectors who I joke with in my native spanish. that was the luckiest experience of my life. i thought of it as i read post about fleeing scene. got $300 deposit back and never heard another word. incredible


Hi Dick,

Lousy luck indeed. I don't know if this will help or if it's to late but here goes.

Firstly you are vague with the exact circumstance of the 'Hit'. All the relevent info that u can provide would help these very experienced guys prepare a defence for you as unless you use a very good investigative lawyer fluent in both languages YOU will have to defend yourself and not your lawyer.

What were the conditions, weather, road surface, time of day, which lanes were you both in. Write us a full report as though You were preparing a case then we can possible find an advantage you may be able to use against her. Do not assume that because you feel you werre in the right that the authorities will see your argument.

Did the police officer note the time of the accident ( actually right it down) if it was recorded you could (and only when you are both in court) establish by her dialled numbers record on her mobile that she was indeed driving without due care and attention.

Were you both side by side or one tailing? if the latter who was in front, if it was you then you can bet that a report on the road worthyness of her car could well produce insufficient braking ability. Somewhere there will be an angle so lets have the full details.




luckily everthings went well enough.i went tuesday to police where we were waiting for 2 hours for the arrival of the other party.when the lady came with her husband she retracted all the accusations to us but added that she is unable to pay for the damage of my car.i have accepted it because the alternative was going to court and spend a lot of nervs. so i did ,paid for repairing my car.

police was treating me fairly ,can't complain.i brought the pictures displaying the scene of the accident made by my girlfriend ,which undisputedly proved we were right.

luckily everthings went well enough.i went tuesday to police where we were waiting for 2 hours for the arrival of the other party.when the lady came with her husband she retracted all the accusations to us but added that she is unable to pay for the damage of my car.i have accepted it because the alternative was going to court and spend a lot of nervs.  so i did ,paid for repairing my car.

police was treating me fairly ,can't complain.i brought the pictures displaying the scene of the accident made by my girlfriend ,which undisputedly proved we were right.

Well, bummer that you had to pay for your own vehicle, but at least it wasn't for both! :D

And, it's satisfying to hear of the fair treatment you said you've received. I only wish it to be the same for everyone :o



I still dont understand how you were allowed to drive off in an uninsured car, and it was brand new?? I wouldnt drive the thing down the driveway let alone on the road in Thailand without comprehensive!

The woman admits fault, then tells you she cannot afford to pay, yet she can afford to drive a car in the first place, and afford a mobile phone to talk on while crashing! Of course TIT, so this is a lesson to all out there thinking of buying cars, protect yourself, because noone else is gonna look out for you!


You got lucky, teach your girlfriend how to drive to avoid the blame of being FALANG. Everytime a falang gets behind the wheel of a car one risks major financial damage and your future here.


Dick, Glad to hear you didnt get double zinged!

How much did the repairs cost?

What would have happened if a Thai was behind the wheel?

Would the lady at fault be required to pay?



ps I am getting a driver over there

You got lucky, teach your girlfriend how to drive to avoid the blame of being FALANG. Everytime a falang gets behind the wheel of a car one risks major financial damage and your future here.

I wouldnt go that far! I have driven extensively here, and had an accident where a teenager ran into the side of me, flying out of a side soi while I was in the middle of a U turn in an empty street on a Sunday. Went to the station, cops tried on the usual, told them the car has full insurance and I am not leaving it with them, basically stood up for myself and negotiated to come back the next day with the insurance people.

When everyone arrived, again they ask me to pay something up front, I just told them deal with the insurance guys, thats what its there for. Ended up paying nothing but my excess of 5K baht. Of course I was in the right, kid was 16, no licence, no registration, but TIT, so like I said before BE PREPARED AND PROTECT YOURSELF.

I still dont understand how you were allowed to drive off in an uninsured car, and it was brand new?? I wouldnt drive the thing down the driveway let alone on the road in Thailand without comprehensive!

The woman admits fault, then tells you she cannot afford to pay, yet she can afford to drive a car in the first place, and afford a mobile phone to talk on while crashing! Of course TIT, so this is a lesson to all out there thinking of buying cars, protect yourself, because noone else is gonna look out for you!

Yes, If it were 2 Thai drivers, I feel sure they would never accept such a deal....They would at least have had the cops force her to sign an agreement to pay...And the gold jewelry the puu ying was wearing would likely be the first payment....

But, if the non-guilty side offers to pay for the damage she did to his car, then, well, lucky lady... You can't fault her for taking the deal. :o


Im just glad it worked out ok for you guys. I hate to see nice people trying to do the right thing jammed up in unpleasent and unfair scenareos. If you drive just know the risks thats all.

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