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Due to overwhelming public demand, you can "check out" where weho went, while on a recent vacation... go to: www.lonelyplanet.com, then click on the LEFT side the "THORN TREE FORUM", then do a SEARCH, by author, for "WEHO"... there are TWO threads to check out:

1. stranded hikers (about 150 replies)

2. Malaysia (about 100 replies)

I'll warn you, they are not for the faint of heart, especially the first one on the stranded hikers.


They just confim my belief that he is a sad sorry tight arse with a serious self importance problem. I dont think the guy wouldbe happy anywhere. I think somebody one day will take a big offense and he will end up with a slap. Long may his silence continue!!!

They just confim my belief that he is a sad sorry tight arse with a serious self importance problem. I dont think the guy wouldbe happy anywhere. I think somebody one day will take a big offense and he will end up with a slap. Long may his silence continue!!!

First, thanks to the prior person for putting that easy link... weho doesn't know how to do these technological things.

And to the quote above, seems like you had made up your opinion before reading the lonely planet posts, but you were fascinated enough to still WANT to take that bait, and check them out. So thanks for that extra attention. Regardless, thanks for expressing your opinion, even though you don't come across as being sincere to me. If you were sincere, you wouldn't have posted anything.

And regarding my "tight arse", I made a recent thread posting in the gay forum, you might want to check out, since you seem so interested in my activities.

And I did give an advance warning that the Lonely Planet postings, (especially the stranded hikers one), were "NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED". Is that you? You should probably stick with a less controversial post. Like "What is your favorite colour", still available for replies/discussion.


Weho, just for your information, Australia is in the South Pacific, not the South Atlantic. It's unlikely Australia would be rescuing stranded sailors in the Atlantic.


I'm glad the prior poster enjoyed those. If I can bring joy to only one person, it's all worth it... as you know, I'm just doing god's work.

And to tropo, I guess you caught a little error, but I hope the message was still meaningful. I appreciate your careful and attentive reading. I admire that.

I like the messages starting around number 120, when it starts getting HEATED. Glad you're not faint hearted like the earlier poster.

You almost deserve a smiley, but I'm being real careful not to throw them around like cheap candy.


weho, I read that stranded hiker thread and you should be ashamed of yourself. Laying waste to innocent and nice folks like that...tsk.tsk. They still don't know what hit them.

They just confim my belief that he is a sad sorry tight arse with a serious self importance problem. I dont think the guy wouldbe happy anywhere. I think somebody one day will take a big offense and he will end up with a slap. Long may his silence continue!!!

First, thanks to the prior person for putting that easy link... weho doesn't know how to do these technological things.

And to the quote above, seems like you had made up your opinion before reading the lonely planet posts, but you were fascinated enough to still WANT to take that bait, and check them out. So thanks for that extra attention. Regardless, thanks for expressing your opinion, even though you don't come across as being sincere to me. If you were sincere, you wouldn't have posted anything.

And regarding my "tight arse", I made a recent thread posting in the gay forum, you might want to check out, since you seem so interested in my activities.

And I did give an advance warning that the Lonely Planet postings, (especially the stranded hikers one), were "NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED". Is that you? You should probably stick with a less controversial post. Like "What is your favorite colour", still available for replies/discussion.

I dont know where you come from but in the UK all rescue services are run by voluntary contributions so your hard earned setang WOULD NOT COME INTO IT. The fact you are an uphill gardener is irrelevant, the only person who seems bothered about the fact is you. In the UK a tight arse is not a GAY as you like compliment it means you are so tigt with your money you will whinge and whine over 16 baht for rice which you ruined.As for being faint hearted I doubt that very much. As somebody who used to jump out of aeroplanes for a living and spends his time here diving, flying and riding the worlds bidggest production motorcycle goes to prove Im far from fainthearted. Stick to safe baht buses and dont forget to check that change!!!!!

To the prior poster.

Upon reading your linked exploits into an un-moderated world I truly believe you have outdone yourself!!!


Ah. Someone has FINALLY "hit the nail on the head"... you have seen "THE WORLD" that I like. I must say, I feel I was still rather restrained over there, considering the selfishness of those sanctimonious self-proclaimed "adventurers", who are looting the taxpayer's sacred treasury.

For your observation about that "WORLD", I award you a rare smiley.

I dont know where you come from but in the UK all rescue services are run by voluntary contributions so your hard earned setang WOULD NOT COME INTO IT. The fact you are an uphill gardener is irrelevant, the only person who seems bothered about the fact is you. In the UK a tight arse is not a GAY as you like compliment it means you are so tigt with your money you will whinge and whine over 16 baht for rice which you ruined.As for being faint hearted I doubt that very much. As somebody who used to jump out of aeroplanes for a living and spends his time here diving, flying and riding the worlds bidggest production motorcycle goes to prove Im far from fainthearted. Stick to safe baht buses and dont forget to check that change!!!!!

Oh dear, you've really put me in my place! This is not the proper forum to debate this issue. If you like, I would suggest you post that in the other forum. I normally avoid talking about grammar and spelling, but in your case, I really couldn't understand much of what you meant. Perhaps you should spend a little less time being an "adventurer" for the world's benefit, and a little more time with a book like "The Elements of Style". And I presume you're a member of the Rockefeller family, and you just pay whatever overcharges are presented to you, cause you've got an endless supply of cash. I hope it's true. But what's really questionable... if you really were some kind of swashbuckler, as you apparently claim, I highly doubt you would feel a need to endlessly describe your imagined exploits. In other words, if you're for real, you just DO IT... you don't tell others, especially in an anonymous forum like this.

Now it's time for me to brave the waters in my pool, for an afternoon swim... no doubt, it will be quite exciting and dangerous!

Just doing god's work.


I agree with you on the stranded hiker thread.

I remember watching government helicopters rescue hang-gliders on the cliffs at San Pedro in Los Angeles, and wondered how much it cost. I also remember, while sitting on my father's little sail boat, watching the harbor patrol tow boats to the boat ramp. I asked my father if it was free. He told me that it cost about $300. This was 30 years ago. I thought that it was not an unfair amount as towing a car woud have cost about $60 then.

I then asked about the hang-gliders being picked up off the cliffs. He told me that they were supposed to pay, from his knowledge of treating them in the hospitals, but he does not know if they ever did. hang-gliding there was legal then, but not for very much longer.

I also like the idea of tobacco taxes going directly into health-care for smokers. I do not want to pay taxes for Medicare or Medical for someone who needs a lung replacement due to their own behaviors which they know will cause significant health problems. My views are the same for someone who needs heart work after being 100 pounds overweight. Intentional self-inflicted injuries should not be covered by my tax-paying wallet. In fact, they could have an account number so the tabacco taxes go directly into their "insurance account".

Now, if some kid is playing in the waves, just like all kids, and a shark bites him (a rare event), and he needs 500 stitches, then I am happy to pay my share of his bill. This was not self-inflicted and not reckless.

Thanks for your thread again... maybe some of your haters were simply communists thinking the government should pay for everything.

I agree with you on the stranded hiker thread.

I remember watching government helicopters rescue hang-gliders on the cliffs at San Pedro in Los Angeles, and wondered how much it cost. I also remember, while sitting on my father's little sail boat, watching the harbor patrol tow boats to the boat ramp. I asked my father if it was free. He told me that it cost about $300. This was 30 years ago. I thought that it was not an unfair amount as towing a car woud have cost about $60 then.

I then asked about the hang-gliders being picked up off the cliffs. He told me that they were supposed to pay, from his knowledge of treating them in the hospitals, but he does not know if they ever did. hang-gliding there was legal then, but not for very much longer.

I also like the idea of tobacco taxes going directly into health-care for smokers. I do not want to pay taxes for Medicare or Medical for someone who needs a lung replacement due to their own behaviors which they know will cause significant health problems. My views are the same for someone who needs heart work after being 100 pounds overweight. Intentional self-inflicted injuries should not be covered by my tax-paying wallet. In fact, they could have an account number so the tabacco taxes go directly into their "insurance account".

Now, if some kid is playing in the waves, just like all kids, and a shark bites him (a rare event), and he needs 500 stitches, then I am happy to pay my share of his bill. This was not self-inflicted and not reckless.

Thanks for your thread again... maybe some of your haters were simply communists thinking the government should pay for everything.

I would prefer tobacco taxes go to pay for health care for NON-smokers. Insurance premiums, VERY HIGH ones, should be where smokers PAY for their health care costs. And there should be lie detector tests to prove one is a non-smoker, and monthly tests for nicotine... if you lie and fail, you lose your insurance. But remember that there are lots of ways people inflict "injuries"... those who eat too much food, too much sugar, too much coffee, too much of anything... so where does it stop? But to me, nicotine and alcohol are classified as "drugs", and are different from one who eats too much fatty food.

Some of those people on that lonely planet are nutty! I would like to think I gave it to them pretty good.


I thnk we've had enough Weho threads.

If Weho wants to blow his own trumpet, or if any members wish to blow it for him, they can do it in this thread.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

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