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Baht Bus Prices.............a Letter....................

libya 115

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If anyone wants to over-pay every vendor and provider of goods & services then that is clearly their personal choice so to do,

There's a difference between being stupid and being cheap.

I'm sorry, but I find it irritating to see people whining over 5 baht.

I have no problems paying 10 baht for a ride. I see 5 baht as the Thai (and cheap foreigners) price and 10 baht as the normal foreigner's price. Another way of looking at it is that locals get a discount. Baht buses are only here in the first place to service foreigners anyway...they wouldn't make any profit if all normal tourists paid the discount rate.

IMO anyone who has issues with 5 baht really shouldn't be in Thailand.

You people don't seem to know or remember about scaled tax rates back at home. The more money you make, the higher tax (percentage) you pay. There are examples everywhere where people with more money pay more...why not?

Many countries give discounts to pensioners for most things....double pricing?

In my home country (and many others), if you don't have a job you get medical treatment and medicine for free....double pricing?

Double pricing is part of life, learn to live with it.

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Have just read thru some of these posts with a smile. If anyone is still unhappy with the prices please take some time out to come to Samui. You will be lucky to get a baht bus or taxi for less than 300 baht. The local Tesco's has motorbike taxi prices listed outside. The minimum fare is 200 baht for a 4km journey. Was sitting having a coffee one day, there was a motorbike taxi parked outside, when a tourist asked for a price. I didn't hear where he wanted to go, just the quoted price at 1100baht. Check your map, it's only a small island.

So please, take some time out and visit our island. You will never be happier to get back to Pattaya

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So please, take some time out and visit our island. You will never be happier to get back to Pattaya

I know the island, the interesting point is that the taxis are owner operated unlike the daily rentals that service BKK, the Samui drivers do so very well off the dim tourists that pay through the nose, Just look at them parked up at the North end of Chaweng comparing their huge sub-woofers and in car entertainment systems - not so much a Taxi Stand more like a scene from Fast & Furious 3; The Samui Rip-off. (I took my own car down there.)

Does the 10 Baht BB fare payer also pay double on the BTS in BKK, double internal airfares (ignoring the 1065 Baht Thai Air promotion), pay double in hotels ?

Yes TAXing differs in your home country, based on income - not on race.

Pay double and smile at the BB driver - he knows you are being ripped off and he enjoys it.

You have a nice day now.

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Carry the right change and the system just works.

Sorry to horn in on this thread, but how/where can you get a supply of say, B10 coins? I've gone to several banks trying to buy a thousand baht worth of B10 coins, and have yet to find one that has an adequate supply. They scurry from teller to teller to amass at most about B700 worth. If not at a bank, where can I get them?

I often see cashiers at Tesco and Carrefour replenish their cash register drawer with coins packaged either in plastic bags, or plastic-wrapped rolls. Where do they get them?

When I am in Bangkok I use the MRT and skytrain alot. These are great places to stock up on change. On the skytrain every time you are there get 100 baht change (in and out). At the MRT put a 100 baht in the machine and out comes coin change. Big fun.

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Does the 10 Baht BB fare payer also pay double on the BTS in BKK, double internal airfares (ignoring the 1065 Baht Thai Air promotion), pay double in hotels ?

You have absolutely no concept of degree. We're talking about 5 baht here. Your analogy is absurd.

The majority of tourists here pay 10 baht, which is the accepted fee. There is no official posting of an official fare. Locals and some cheap farangs pay the discount rate...good for you. Most would prefer not to risk confrontation over 5 baht.

Consider it a 5 baht fare plus a 5 baht tip if you like (anything to avoid another stupid "would you pay double for hotels" comparison).

It's all about degree Cuban. 5 baht is 5 baht. Don't turn it into something it is not. The day I become concerned over 5 baht is going to be a very sad day. I've managed almost 50 years without having to sweat about 15 cents, I hope it can continue.

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Does the 10 Baht BB fare payer also pay double on the BTS in BKK, double internal airfares (ignoring the 1065 Baht Thai Air promotion), pay double in hotels ?

You have absolutely no concept of degree. We're talking about 5 baht here. Your analogy is absurd.

The majority of tourists here pay 10 baht, which is the accepted fee. There is no official posting of an official fare. Locals and some cheap farangs pay the discount rate...good for you. Most would prefer not to risk confrontation over 5 baht. If it make you feel any better, consider it 5 baht fare plus a 5 baht tip.

It's all about degree Cuban. 5 baht is 5 baht. Don't turn it into something it is not. The day I become concerned over 5 baht is going to be a very sad day.

I am a local and I usually pay 10 baht, sometimes even 20 baht without being asked for a long ride. But sometimes I pay 5 baht for a short ride especially on the east-west roads, and never a problem. One thing I disagree with you about. I pay it but I don't like it. It feels like a kind of racism. And I figured if you use these buses everyday, when you figure in the frequent need to take multiple buses to get to one place, you could easily pay over 1000 dollars a year extra for this white skin tax. I don't stew about it, but there it is. 5 baht turns into 1000 dollars, and that is something.

BTW: never in a million years would I consider the extra payment a tip! That is absurd. It is more like an extra payment to avoid bodily harm. And from that point of view, money well spent, because its cheaper than a trip to Bangkok Pattaya hospital!

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. It feels like a kind of racism.


It's tourism. Tourists in most countries pay more than locals for most things. Sure you live here permanently, but you still look like a tourist.

I don't understand why locals with a fraction of your wealth should pay the same. That's unfair. Give locals a break, they work a lot harder for their money.

Even in my country pensioners, unemployed and students who don't have so much money get discounts on public transport.

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. It feels like a kind of racism.


It's tourism. Tourists in most countries pay more than locals for most things. Sure you live here permanently, but you still look like a tourist.

I don't understand why locals with a fraction of your wealth should pay the same. That's unfair. Give locals a break, they work a lot harder for their money.

Even in my country pensioners, unemployed and students who don't have so much money get discounts on public transport.

I can live here and do not for one second have to really change my cultural values. To my values, the fare is the fare, regardless of your color or nationality. If there is a student or elder discount, it applies to ALL students and elders, not only those of a certain racial look. I don't pay double for groceries at Carrefour, do you? And a rich Thai pays the same as a poor Thai, while a rich farang pays the same as a poor farang, yes racism, deal with it. I already told you I don't get bothered by this, I accept it and go with the flow, but I don't have to rationalize it or promote it ... like you do.

Double pricing is an unpleasant annoyance, like public nose picking. It is not a feature or tourist attraction. Its part of the crap you put up with living here to enjoy the good parts.

BTW, if I am fortunate enough to be allowed to live in Thailand for many years, I will never ever pick my nose in public. Or tell fat people, why you so fat? Nor will I ever think double pricing is fair. Why change your core values?

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SOURCE: Pattaya Mail Mailbag: Friday 17th August 2007

Time to raise baht bus fares

Dear Editor,

As the cost of fuel and living rise in Thailand, the cost of riding a baht bus remains at the same rate. How are baht bus drivers supposed to support themselves and their families? It is high time that baht bus fares be raised to reasonable rate that will reflect out current economic times. 15 baht per trip would be realistic. This is a pittance to most tourists and would hopefully lead to better service.


Bill Turner

Los Angeles, CA USA

What do you think? I pay ten baht per trip to avoid hassle, if locals can get away with 5 baht, good luck to them, but 15 baht per trip might be a problem...............

Bill Turner is gets my vote for jackass of the year.

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but I don't have to rationalize it or promote it ... like you do.

Double pricing is an unpleasant annoyance, like public nose picking. It is not a feature or tourist attraction. Its part of the crap you put up with living here to enjoy the good parts.

....but there is no posting of a fare on the baht buses. There cannot be double pricing if a price is not indicated. If they clearly indicated the price, I would pay that price...quite simple.

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but I don't have to rationalize it or promote it ... like you do.

Double pricing is an unpleasant annoyance, like public nose picking. It is not a feature or tourist attraction. Its part of the crap you put up with living here to enjoy the good parts.

....but there is no posting of a fare on the baht buses. There cannot be double pricing if a price is not indicated. If they clearly indicated the price, I would pay that price...quite simple.

Oh geez, the opposite actually. It would be simple if they posted prices; they deliberately make it more complicated and ambiguous to perpetuate their pricing games by not posting prices.

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I can live here and do not for one second have to really change my cultural values. To my values, the fare is the fare, regardless of your color or nationality. If there is a student or elder discount, it applies to ALL students and elders, not only those of a certain racial look. I don't pay double for groceries at Carrefour, do you? And a rich Thai pays the same as a poor Thai, while a rich farang pays the same as a poor farang, yes racism, deal with it. I already told you I don't get bothered by this, I accept it and go with the flow, but I don't have to rationalize it or promote it ... like you do.

Double pricing is an unpleasant annoyance, like public nose picking. It is not a feature or tourist attraction. Its part of the crap you put up with living here to enjoy the good parts.

BTW, if I am fortunate enough to be allowed to live in Thailand for many years, I will never ever pick my nose in public. Or tell fat people, why you so fat? Nor will I ever think double pricing is fair. Why change your core values?

Nice post.

In addition to not getting stressed about the double pricing, I avoid businesses that practice it when possible and politely let them know that they have lost my business.

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SOURCE: Pattaya Mail Mailbag: Friday 17th August 2007

Time to raise baht bus fares

Dear Editor,

As the cost of fuel and living rise in Thailand, the cost of riding a baht bus remains at the same rate. How are baht bus drivers supposed to support themselves and their families? It is high time that baht bus fares be raised to reasonable rate that will reflect out current economic times. 15 baht per trip would be realistic. This is a pittance to most tourists and would hopefully lead to better service.


Bill Turner

Los Angeles, CA USA

What do you think? I pay ten baht per trip to avoid hassle, if locals can get away with 5 baht, good luck to them, but 15 baht per trip might be a problem...............

Believe it or not the prices are geared towards Thais, as are the bus fares in the land of the free :o So any increase would affect thais who use the service year round - not tourists for a week or so. Or do you think there should be 3 prices i.e thais, tourists, and long stay ferangs.

Americans always have the best ideas - eh!

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are you insane!!!!!!!!!!

the price is b5. i would consider b8.

on rides now b10 (jomtien,dolphin-suk, nakula) to b13

you can go half way through los angeles for twice that price on an a/c NEW bus.

incidently - they are the most sleezy people in thailand i have ever met and i DO NOT TAKE THEM UNLESS I ABSOLUTELY MUST. i walk everywhere!

no sympathy for songtaew drivers!!!!!!

they PURPOSELY do not post prices so as to rip farang off. many europeans give b20+++for short rides. if it was posted - that would stop.

wake up dude!

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they PURPOSELY do not post prices so as to rip farang off. many europeans give b20+++for short rides. if it was posted - that would stop.

wake up dude!

I don't know which "dude" you are referring too, but of course we all know why they don't post the fare.

The point I was making is that without a standard fare being posted, the price is open to negotiation which is quite legal. When a price is open to negotiation it's up the the individuals to do the best they can. I consider 10 baht ok, some do not...each to their own.

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they PURPOSELY do not post prices so as to rip farang off. many europeans give b20+++for short rides. if it was posted - that would stop.

wake up dude!

I don't know which "dude" you are referring too, but of course we all know why they don't post the fare.

The point I was making is that without a standard fare being posted, the price is open to negotiation which is quite legal. When a price is open to negotiation it's up the the individuals to do the best they can. I consider 10 baht ok, some do not...each to their own.

Nice try, but false. If you get on a baht bus as a bus rather than a taxi, you pay at the end of your ride. It is too late to do any negotiation. It is time to pay up. If you think the fare is less than the driver expects based on the color of your face, he might just negotiate your head off. This racial pricing system is enforced with threats of violence. Again, deal with it for what it is, rather than this pie in the sky sugar coating.

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Nice try, but false. If you get on a baht bus as a bus rather than a taxi, you pay at the end of your ride. It is too late to do any negotiation. It is time to pay up. If you think the fare is less than the driver expects based on the color of your face, he might just negotiate your head off. This racial pricing system is enforced with threats of violence. Again, deal with it for what it is, rather than this pie in the sky sugar coating.

Nice try again, but false. It's nothing to do with race, but about tourists.

According to your theory, I should get the discount rate now because I have a pretty good suntan.

I say again, the correct price is 10 baht, with 5 baht being the discount (local) rate. For some reason, you just don't understand that concept. They wouldn't be here if not for tourists and if all tourists paid 5 baht, they would soon be out of business and there would not longer be baht buses for you to step into every 5 seconds.

Turning this argument into one of racism is definitely "pie in the sky".

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Nice try, but false. If you get on a baht bus as a bus rather than a taxi, you pay at the end of your ride. It is too late to do any negotiation. It is time to pay up. If you think the fare is less than the driver expects based on the color of your face, he might just negotiate your head off. This racial pricing system is enforced with threats of violence. Again, deal with it for what it is, rather than this pie in the sky sugar coating.

Nice try again, but false. It's nothing to do with race, but about tourists.

According to your theory, I should get the discount rate now because I have a pretty good suntan.

I say again, the correct price is 10 baht, with 5 baht being the discount (local) rate. For some reason, you just don't understand that concept. They wouldn't be here if not for tourists and if all tourists paid 5 baht, they would soon be out of business and there would not longer be baht buses for you to step into every 5 seconds.

Turning this argument into one of racism is definitely "pie in the sky".

The offical price is 5 baht as published in newspapers and government brochures. The racist price for a farang is 10 baht. This is not a tourist price as an American Thai tourist can pay 5 baht. Obviously, not everyone is smart enough to know what racism is and its many clever ploys.

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I say again, the correct price is 10 baht, with 5 baht being the discount (local) rate

That concept is in your imagination only. Thais don't think of it this way. They know the fare is 5 baht. They know farangs are forced to pay double fare. They do not regard their fare as a discount, they regard it as the correct fare for people who look Thai. Ask them. You won't hear anything about discounts. Instead you will hear rationalizations about how farangs should be soaked because they can afford it. Be an adult and smell the racism. No point in fighting it, its not our country. But again it is folly to sugar coat it. If this kind of institutionalized racism was in my home country, I would be fighting it big time.

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The offical price is 5 baht as published in newspapers and government brochures. The racist price for a farang is 10 baht. This is not a tourist price as an American Thai tourist can pay 5 baht. Obviously, not everyone is smart enough to know what racism is and its many clever ploys.

It would help if you can back up your assertions with some proof. Could you scan something, or link to a newspaper or government brochure showing a published baht bus rate of 5 baht.

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I say again, the correct price is 10 baht, with 5 baht being the discount (local) rate

That concept is in your imagination only. Thais don't think of it this way. They know the fare is 5 baht. They know farangs are forced to pay double fare. They do not regard their fare as a discount, they regard it as the correct fare for people who look Thai. Ask them. You won't hear anything about discounts. Instead you will hear rationalizations about how farangs should be soaked because they can afford it. Be an adult and smell the racism. No point in fighting it, its not our country. But again it is folly to sugar coat it. If this kind of institutionalized racism was in my home country, I would be fighting it big time.

You obviously have a fixation with racism.

Please explain what the rate is for other non-white tourists ie. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Black, Arab or even Southern Europeans with dark suntans etc.

You could help JimmyCA out and find some recently published rate to show us. That would the best way to solve this dispute rather than going on about your imagined racism.

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Please explain what the rate is for other non-white tourists ie. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Black, Arab or even Southern Europeans with dark suntans etc.

I will explain that when you can explain this. A Thai rider who LOOKS like a farang gets off the bus to pay (if you don't think that is possible, you haven't been in Thailand long). Now, what fare do you think he is expected to pay? Why, the farang fare of course. These fare expectations are being made on RACIAL APPEARANCE. Period. If that isn't racism, I don't know what is.

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Please explain what the rate is for other non-white tourists ie. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Black, Arab or even Southern Europeans with dark suntans etc.

I will explain that when you can explain this. A Thai rider who LOOKS like a farang gets off the bus to pay (if you don't think that is possible, you haven't been in Thailand long). Now, what fare do you think he is expected to pay? Why, the farang fare of course. These fare expectations are being made on RACIAL APPEARANCE. Period. If that isn't racism, I don't know what is.

It has nothing to do with racism. It's a tourist - non-tourist distinction, or Thai - non-Thai which has absolutely nothing to do with racism.

I'm still waiting to see some recent official publication which indicates that a baht bus fare is 5 baht. Without any official price to go by it still comes back to an argument of whether 5 baht is the discount price or the correct price.

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  • 3 weeks later...

not 100% on topic, but since we're talking about baht buses...

drove down second road earlier tonight when this Baht Bus suddenly tried to move into my lane, at the same spot were I was driving. I gave him the horn and he started a road rage, cutting me short, breaking me out etc. A friend of mine was driving behind me, witnessing what was going on. A Farang in the back of the bus was holding on to the rails, apparently not pleased with the driver's maneouvres...

Took two nice pictures, might print them out and bring them to Soi 9 tomorrow. Again, I have a couple of witnesses....


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I did something similar with a motorcycle gang a while ago. They were trying to intimidate me, so I took my camera and started taking pictures of them out of my car. This actually scared THEM away!

Next day I did some blow-ups that showed their license plates and brought it to the police. We were asked to go upstairs to the CSD and they were VERY happy about the pictures and said if more people in this city would show this kind of civil courage the police wouldhave a much easier job. Most of the time it is the lack of evidence that brings the crooks back in the street.

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I did something similar with a motorcycle gang a while ago. They were trying to intimidate me, so I took my camera and started taking pictures of them out of my car. This actually scared THEM away!

You're a brave (??) man to take on a motorcycle gang.

If you continue to take on baht bus drivers and motorcycle gangs you may run into some serious trouble.

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Most of the time it is the lack of evidence that brings the crooks back in the street.

This is a wind up right? :o

not quite...those CSD guys made a completely different appearance than your regular cop that tries to scam 200 Baht out of motorcycle drivers. It was rather determination and some resignation speaking out of them. they would like to do more if they had the means to do so. One of them is evidence provided by victims.

btw...I live here for 10 years and since the day I arrived people tell me that I'll get shot any time soon. So far not even a fist fight... :D

/edit: thinking about it.....even Weho is still alive...does this prove my theory? :D

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btw...I live here for 10 years and since the day I arrived people tell me that I'll get shot any time soon. So far not even a fist fight... :o

/edit: thinking about it.....even Weho is still alive...does this prove my theory? :D

It'll only take one shot to cure your foolhardiness.

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