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ok. so i am very jai-dee with my wifes family. they love me to death. they are the friendliest thai people on the planet. my wifes father loves to drink with me and its all good. my wife has never liked her uncle, and her father has always been picked on by him and made to feel bad as she has told me because he is the younger brother, so there is a family rivarly. the uncle was also mean to my wife when she a child and used to call her dark-skinned and "see dam", which are horrible insults in thailand because white skin is seen as better.

anyways, we are up there chilling in Issaan with my wife when the uncle is cooking dinner. him and my father in law are arguing and i dont really udnerstand it. the uncle starts in on me saying farang this and farang that. i dont know what exactly he is saying but i dont think its that bad. the uncle is cooking food and he asks me what i want. I say Ca-Na Moo-Grob sigh Kai. He starts in on me, 'Chilli"? you want spicy. A god ###### insult and Ive had enough. I wink at my wife and walk up to him and I take a hand ful of the chillis and I put them in my mouth. I say "farang chomb gin pet". Then I spit all of them into his face. He takes three steps backwards and fall down. Then I jump ontop of him and start dry humping him there in the dirt and make sexual noises. then the stray dogs start licking his face. I get up and say "Dont ever try to pick on my wife or her father or our family again". I had my wife translate it for him so he knew what I said.

You guys should have been there. Thailand is the greatest country on earth and I love my wife and her family and will do anything for them. Here is to Thailand! I am hitting up cowboy tonight if anyone wants to do the town.

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Reading the OP is rather like watching a car accident. You know you shouldn't, but it's impossible to look away.

How embarassing for the OP. All his credibility (such that it was) gone in one post.

My God! I agree with bendix! Think I need to sit down for a while....

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ok. so i am very jai-dee with my wifes family. they love me to death. they are the friendliest thai people on the planet. my wifes father loves to drink with me and its all good. my wife has never liked her uncle, and her father has always been picked on by him and made to feel bad as she has told me because he is the younger brother, so there is a family rivarly. the uncle was also mean to my wife when she a child and used to call her dark-skinned and "see dam", which are horrible insults in thailand because white skin is seen as better.

anyways, we are up there chilling in Issaan with my wife when the uncle is cooking dinner. him and my father in law are arguing and i dont really udnerstand it. the uncle starts in on me saying farang this and farang that. i dont know what exactly he is saying but i dont think its that bad. the uncle is cooking food and he asks me what i want. I say Ca-Na Moo-Grob sigh Kai. He starts in on me, 'Chilli"? you want spicy. A god ###### insult and Ive had enough. I wink at my wife and walk up to him and I take a hand ful of the chillis and I put them in my mouth. I say "farang chomb gin pet". Then I spit all of them into his face. He takes three steps backwards and fall down. Then I jump ontop of him and start dry humping him there in the dirt and make sexual noises. then the stray dogs start licking his face. I get up and say "Dont ever try to pick on my wife or her father or our family again". I had my wife translate it for him so he knew what I said.

You guys should have been there. Thailand is the greatest country on earth and I love my wife and her family and will do anything for them. Here is to Thailand! I am hitting up cowboy tonight if anyone wants to do the town.

isn't there another forum for posting one's resume and/or list of grand acheivements in life ?

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ok. so i am very jai-dee with my wifes family. they love me to death. they are the friendliest thai people on the planet. my wifes father loves to drink with me and its all good. my wife has never liked her uncle, and her father has always been picked on by him and made to feel bad as she has told me because he is the younger brother, so there is a family rivarly. the uncle was also mean to my wife when she a child and used to call her dark-skinned and "see dam", which are horrible insults in thailand because white skin is seen as better.

anyways, we are up there chilling in Issaan with my wife when the uncle is cooking dinner. him and my father in law are arguing and i dont really udnerstand it. the uncle starts in on me saying farang this and farang that. i dont know what exactly he is saying but i dont think its that bad. the uncle is cooking food and he asks me what i want. I say Ca-Na Moo-Grob sigh Kai. He starts in on me, 'Chilli"? you want spicy. A god ###### insult and Ive had enough. I wink at my wife and walk up to him and I take a hand ful of the chillis and I put them in my mouth. I say "farang chomb gin pet". Then I spit all of them into his face. He takes three steps backwards and fall down. Then I jump ontop of him and start dry humping him there in the dirt and make sexual noises. then the stray dogs start licking his face. I get up and say "Dont ever try to pick on my wife or her father or our family again". I had my wife translate it for him so he knew what I said.

You guys should have been there. Thailand is the greatest country on earth and I love my wife and her family and will do anything for them. Here is to Thailand! I am hitting up cowboy tonight if anyone wants to do the town.

No you didn't

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My God! I agree with bendix! Think I need to sit down for a while....

For what it's worth, many people have that feeling. Does it feel a bit dizzying and bewildering, yet strangely comforting?

It's called enlightenment.

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I don't know what it is, but I reread the OP's post and was ROFL. He is somewhat of a budding satirist, compiling all of the recent threads. I don't know if he is a comic genius or if it is just my migraine. I think I need to go lie down.

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My God! I agree with bendix! Think I need to sit down for a while....

For what it's worth, many people have that feeling. Does it feel a bit dizzying and bewildering, yet strangely comforting?

It's called enlightenment.

No, it is about as comforting as a barbed wire mesh. :o

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I don't know what it is, but I reread the OP's post and was ROFL. He is somewhat of a budding satirist, compiling all of the recent threads. I don't know if he is a comic genius or if it is just my migraine. I think I need to go lie down.

With respect kat, Woody Allen is a satirist. Daniel Defoe was a satirist. The editors of Private Eye are satirists.

The OP is NOT a satirist.

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I don't know what it is, but I reread the OP's post and was ROFL. He is somewhat of a budding satirist, compiling all of the recent threads. I don't know if he is a comic genius or if it is just my migraine. I think I need to go lie down.

With respect kat, Woody Allen is a satirist. Daniel Defoe was a satirist. The editors of Private Eye are satirists.

The OP is NOT a satirist.

Bendix ... frist of all happy birthday... hope to see more glorious years of your posts.

the OP is realy departing from us.... as the retaliation from the uncle who had been spat on and sexually huniliated will undoubtadly retaliate.

We will then see the familier threads of Farrang is murdered by wifes family... :o

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