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Granted, Thailand has more than its fair share of as*holes, but what you did get puts in the 'sucker punch' category - and I don't like sucker punches (hitting someone with no forewarning).

If you've got a beef with someone, you can talk about it, you can shout about it, you can slap him with legal action, or you can even take him out back to brawl - but the sucker punch method is not the way. best is to avoid him altogether and let him stew in their own juices.

I don't get along with my well-off Thai neighbors because I tell them when they actively annoy me (loud noises, spraying chemi on my land, dogs barking, etc). However, my straighforward, non-physical approach produces postitive results (less noise, less poisons, less barking). Plus, by not waving a stick in their faces, I'm less likely to get a knife in my back. I don't mind their frowns though.

Just so you know I'm not totally obnoxious, there are other neighbor families (3 impoverished immigrant families from Laos) with whom I get along great. Never a problem amongst us in 9 years.

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uhmmm.. pretty agressive. if he is older than u, then shame on u. if is your same age i also think that u could skip the violent part n just jump it to the end. i mean, our difference with animals is the understanding n commnication, u didnt tryed to talk with him before been agressive?


I'm not sure about his age.

On one post he told us he is 30 and has a girlfriend.

Then later on the other post he described himself as a 19 years old who lives in a swank place that rents for 100,000baht.

Now he told us about himself and a Thai wife.


I think hes 10 years old borrowing daddys computer,.
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Don't think he is a troll. Not exactly sure what a troll is, but most that are accused defend their stance. This poster hasn't and is probably embarrassed his manliness wasn't applauded.

Most likely the first time he thought he acted like a man and now he is realizing that humping the uncle's leg was not a noble accomplishment.

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Don't think he is a troll. Not exactly sure what a troll is, but most that are accused defend their stance. This poster hasn't and is probably embarrassed his manliness wasn't applauded.

Most likely the first time he thought he acted like a man and now he is realizing that humping the uncle's leg was not a noble accomplishment.

Or he has sobered up and is still running ! :o
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I don't know what it is, but I reread the OP's post and was ROFL. He is somewhat of a budding satirist, compiling all of the recent threads. I don't know if he is a comic genius or if it is just my migraine. I think I need to go lie down.

With respect kat, Woody Allen is a satirist. Daniel Defoe was a satirist. The editors of Private Eye are satirists.

The OP is NOT a satirist.

I think kat was confusing the word "Satirist" with the correct word "Moron".

Thank you all for showing the full and terrible power of the TROLL

Edited by jbowman1993
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uhmmm.. pretty agressive. if he is older than u, then shame on u. if is your same age i also think that u could skip the violent part n just jump it to the end. i mean, our difference with animals is the understanding n commnication, u didnt tryed to talk with him before been agressive?


I'm not sure about his age.

On one post he told us he is 30 and has a girlfriend.

Then later on the other post he described himself as a 19 years old who lives in a swank place that rents for 100,000baht.

Now he told us about himself and a Thai wife.


his personality is so split - he could go alone for group therapy :o

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I don't know what it is, but I reread the OP's post and was ROFL. He is somewhat of a budding satirist, compiling all of the recent threads. I don't know if he is a comic genius or if it is just my migraine. I think I need to go lie down.

With respect kat, Woody Allen is a satirist. Daniel Defoe was a satirist. The editors of Private Eye are satirists.

The OP is NOT a satirist.

I think kat was confusing the word "Satirist" with the correct word "Moron".

Thank you all for showing the full and terrible power of the TROLL

no, actually I wasn't. There are moronic satirists, literary satirists, and two-pence satang satirists. If you want to call him a moron, I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to disagree with you, but he was certainly one funny moron in terms of depicting the absurdity of a situation.

ah, whatever. I don't really care enough about this one.

New Coloquialisms of the World

"Spat the chili" - Thai rendition of the Aussie "spat the dummy". Throw a fit, lose control, act like an ass, freak out.

that's a good one :o

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When it comes to family problems, I definitely try to be the one to placate. It's not really my problem and I can't cure it. I can, however, treat the family well and not make things worth. I certainly wouldn't cause anyone to lose face.

Sorry for the OP, I hope everything works out well for him and there isn't any revenge.

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I don't know what it is, but I reread the OP's post and was ROFL. He is somewhat of a budding satirist, compiling all of the recent threads. I don't know if he is a comic genius or if it is just my migraine. I think I need to go lie down.

With respect kat, Woody Allen is a satirist. Daniel Defoe was a satirist. The editors of Private Eye are satirists.

The OP is NOT a satirist.

I think kat was confusing the word "Satirist" with the correct word "Moron".

Thank you all for showing the full and terrible power of the TROLL

no, actually I wasn't. There are moronic satirists, literary satirists, and two-pence satang satirists. If you want to call him a moron, I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to disagree with you, but he was certainly one funny moron in terms of depicting the absurdity of a situation.

ah, whatever. I don't really care enough about this one.

New Coloquialisms of the World

"Spat the chili" - Thai rendition of the Aussie "spat the dummy". Throw a fit, lose control, act like an ass, freak out.

that's a good one :D

Spitting chilis on an old man and then dry humping him. I guess my sense of humor is not as developed as yours :o

Edited by jbowman1993
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well, no, maybe it isn't if you don't understand caricature, or how it lampoons Western mishaps and misunderstanding of Thai culture.

Look, as I said earlier, I just don't care enough, and don't really take this thread seriously at all, which was the whole intent :rolleye



1. a picture, description, etc., ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things: His caricature of the mayor in this morning's paper is the best he's ever drawn.

2. the art or process of producing such pictures, descriptions, etc.

3. any imitation or copy so distorted or inferior as to be ludicrous.

–verb (used with object)

4. to make a caricature of; represent in caricature.s:


1. A representation, especially pictorial or literary, in which the subject's distinctive features or peculiarities are deliberately exaggerated to produce a comic or grotesque effect.

2. The art of creating such representations.

6. A grotesque imitation or misrepresentation: The trial was a caricature of justice.


1. the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.

2. a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.

3. a literary genre comprising such compositions.

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He puts out this gem and runs away. Hardly seems believable as it seems he'd had gotten his ass kicked.

Nah, he's laughing his socks off reading all the replies this troll generated (6 pages and counting). It really does seems like his title of this topic was correct, after all good TV'rs like nothing more than to point where a poster has made errors in judgement.

Edited by quiksilva
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He puts out this gem and runs away. Hardly seems believable as it seems he'd had gotten his ass kicked.

Nah, he's laughing his socks off reading all the replies this troll generated (6 pages and counting). It really does seems like his title of this topic was correct, after all good TV'rs like nothing more than to point where a poster has made errors in judgement.

:o He would have gotten a lot less replies had the OP been posted in the forum where it belongs, Jokes - puzzles and riddles - make my day!

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I wouldnt be surprised to read that SS finds out the the Uncles aggression is down to jelousy of the wife. In that, the Uncle has been secretly pining for him since he first laid eyes on him.

The dry humping only added fuel to the Uncles undesclosed fevoured passions.

Suddenly, randomly, out from some bushes pops a comically painted face of a Katoy. His presence accompanied by some odd sounding music and a clash of cymbols. Whatever will happen next...?

Edited by eek
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Talk about a downhill slide for ThaiVisa as a service for the expat community..

Is this really in line with the intent of these forums? Moderators? George? Anybody?

If so, I need to find another place to hang out.. :o

Edited by Dustoff
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i'm trying to mentally picture myself 'dry humping' my father in laws brother,but its a bit of a struggle. :o
Does that include Sir Walter watching?


PS AFAIK Sir Walter spelt his name in various ways finally settling on Ralegh, but never as Raleigh

/edit typo//

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