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I Saw A Rat Today... In Bangkok.... Right Near...


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Last month when I was in BKK me and wife were walking down Suk Road between Soi 11 and 7 can't remember exact soi - but we stopped look at something on one of the market stalls. I glanced down to see right next to my feet in one of the square pieces without paving I guess where a tree should be about 5 or 6 of the things milling round eating whatever was in the hole. I nudged the wife to get a move on!

On the topic of the field rats - yep occasionally the wife returns very happy from the market with one or two of them. I have also eaten it some of it kind of like chicken (unsurprisingly!) but darker meat. The tails hanging out of the bags in the refridgerator ain't nicest thing to greet you when you open the door!! :o

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On Lad Phrao Soi 140, the rats regularly walk along the electricity wires 10 feet up in the air.

My mate's missus wouldn't have it and said they're squirrels. Well, they also walk on the wires but I know a rat when I see one.

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I once saw a cockroach on the wall at the Benihana Restaurant in Honolulu...

I saw a busboy lift up a rubber floor mat, and about 1,000 cockroaches scurried around... (I cancelled my "to go" order)...

I saw a whole bunch of cockroaches outside on a waterfront restaurant deck in Key West, Florida...

I do not recall seeing any in any restaurants in Thailand... I haven't really looked... and hope there aren't many...

Of course other than the deep fried cockroaches in those vats of oil, they sell along Surawongese, near the infamous Patpong night market.

Oh, I once saw a few rats in the window of a Paris bakery, like at 1 AM, when all was quiet... they were running around the windown, INSIDE the bakery.

I saw a few Thai Rastas on koh pang ngan Island with a couple of foriegners peel back a couple of cockroaches and eat em...I think they were pretty stoned at the time and one of them kept on asking later "awww why did I do that, will I die".... :o

Class to watch though as I was pretty done in at the time, so it made me giggle at the stupidity as in a boy dropping an ice cream sort of way.... :D

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I haven't read the full thread , being in the UK now, but about six months ago I saw an very healthy large rat in Big C on Bangna Trad Road km4. When I mentioned it to staff they paid no attention, but one lady said that this was because they were all so used to it. :D And this was in the fresh meat section. Gross. :o

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The reason the staff in Big C said nothing in response to the sighting of the rat in the meat section was fear.

The rats in this area are allied to the Bang Na rodent mafia. The godfather has very close links to the current administration. No-one dare utter a word against them and will give you the choei choei face.

The rats can do pretty much what they want at present.

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i took some friends to an indian restaurant in Pattaya. Had been before and loved it, told everyone it was fantastic. Anyway the service was really crap the waitress had a huge attitude, the food was cold and wrong when it arrived all in no order and to top ot off a huge rat ran up the wall in plan view for every one to see. Needless to say i've stopped recommending places to eat!

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I see rats almost every day in Bangkok.

Take a walk in Benjasiri Park next to the Emporium. There are hundreds of them dashing around between rubbish bins and bushes.

I was eating in a cafeteria at a university recently when something brushed against my legs. I thought it was a dog or a cat but no it was a rat. I can understand when I see the Thai staff putting food out on plates every day. They mean to give to all the stray dogs but most of it gets eaten by the 10 or 20 rats that live under footpath

Before I came to Thailand I don't think I ever saw a rat running around in the streets but now it's an every day occurrence.

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incidently you are aware that rat is on the menu in Thailand?

I saw a mouse – where? There on the stair

Where on the stair? Right there

A little mouse with clogs on – well, I declare

Going clip-clippety-clop on the stair - oh yeah

delicious with a splash of maggi sauce...

Rat a tooee ! :o
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I saw two big rats in Udon Thani about half a block from Adulyadej Road two weeks ago. This was around ten at night. Even worse is trying to navigate the streets and avoid the huge cockroaches in Udon at night.

However, I see more rats in Toronto than I have in Thailand.

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