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Any explanation likely? Grateful for some enlightenment from whoever.........or was it HIM?

HIM? I don't understand why people can post berating reply's, yet some cann't share honest views.

I suppose it's better to start argumentitive threads and not be looked at.... Time for another word in the boss's ear next time I see him.

I have no more to add.....


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This entire topic has made my day brighter just by reading all of the replies. If someone could put this in funny paper form, it could compete with Andy Capp.


The best thing to do, for the OP, is to go back to your own country and convert over there. Clean your house before you try to clean someone else's.

Having grown up with missionaries going around everywhere (South America), I saw what they did or attempted to do. Lets not forget the missionaries and jesuit priests treating native Amerindians with such love and respect.

Besides, if Thais convert to Christianity, they would not be funny anymore!


I'm buddhist, but I have to say that Thai Christians I've met are some of the wackiest funniest adorable Thais I've met. I realize this is a terribly politically incorrect statement to make and I hope I haven't offended anyone with a positive comment about a minority we are supposed to condemn.

i think buddhism is interesting and that it is also very good and helpful for the human spirit and has many good points, but obviously not 100%.

Anyway it scores better than christianism and its history has not been tarnished by inquisition, wars and murders.

Christianism is a defective product and selling it to your Thai friends would amount to a rip off.

Mi$$ionarie$ are not any better than used car dealers.


Yes, the eternal joy of Theravadan cultures like Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, etc. We buddhists may slaughter folks, but we have such cute smiles. So much prettier than those ugly Christians and Marxists.


In my opinion the best way to promote your religion is by being the best person your religon can make you. If people envy what you have they will be tempted to try and obtain it for themselves while conversely if you are a <deleted> people are not likely to copy the methods you used to get that way.

I personally am uncomfortable about Christian missionaries and the methods they employ but this has a lot to do with my own personal prejudices and bigotry which are likely wrong or exaggerated.

i have been a christian all my life. i think buddhism is interesting and that it is also very good and helpful for the human spirit and has many good points, but obviously not 100%.

i have several thai friends, but i dont know what is the best way for me to teach them about my religion? i think an english bible will be too hard for them to understand and i dont know how to convey the message in thai.

are there some church in bangkok that i can take them too?

what is the best way to approach them about learning about Jesus and God?

Thank You

humping your uncle and finding jesus,what next?

Yes, the eternal joy of Theravadan cultures like Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, etc. We buddhists may slaughter folks, but we have such cute smiles.

The murderers you mention are/were all atheists.

To draw a parallel, was Hitler a christian murderer just because he was born in a christian country ?

Oh, that's right, we buddhists don't kill! I forgot.

There are murderers all over the planet. The point is that buddhism as a religion have never condone wars of religion or inquisition. There's nothing in their sacred books about revenge, swords, an eye for an eye and so on.

Oh, that's right, we buddhists don't kill! I forgot.

There are murderers all over the planet. The point is that buddhism as a religion have never condone wars of religion or inquisition. There's nothing in their sacred books about revenge, swords, an eye for an eye and so on.

Yet they kill quite effieciently, 14 murders a day in Thailand, such a peaceful calm society. It must be the 5% non buddhists doing all the killing.

i have been a christian all my life. i think buddhism is interesting and that it is also very good and helpful for the human spirit and has many good points, but obviously not 100%.

what is the best way to approach them about learning about Jesus and God?

Please keep your mental illness to yourself...don't go around spreading it around to other people. If you want to believe in things like the birth of human beings through means other than sexual intercourse between a male and female of the species :o (of course we're talking pre-invitro fertilization techniques here) or that engaging in cannibalism is a good thing, :D that's up to you...just don't spread such infantile and illogical ideas to others please.

Oh, that's right, we buddhists don't kill! I forgot.

There are murderers all over the planet. The point is that buddhism as a religion have never condone wars of religion or inquisition. There's nothing in their sacred books about revenge, swords, an eye for an eye and so on.

Yet they kill quite effieciently, 14 murders a day in Thailand, such a peaceful calm society. It must be the 5% non buddhists doing all the killing.

As I said before there are murderers from all faiths. My point is about the messages carried by buddhism and christianism. Some religions sometimes condone killings (christianism, islam) some don't (buddhism).

Btw as there are more murders int the States, I fail to see what lessons christians have to teach.


It is written: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15). This is the way the Lord Jesus Christ commands his disciples to evangelize: to preach the gospel to every creature. And the Lord Jesus Christ says: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14). No matter how much you reject the preaching of the gospel, it (the preaching of the gospel) will continue in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. And in the Holy Bible, a whole book is dedicated to the preaching of the gospel by the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ called the book of Acts. And what was the result? "...These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;" (Acts 17:6). We Christians (disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ) preach the gospel not to make the world a better place, but we Christians (disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ) preach the gospel to turn the world upside down; for it is written: "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." (I John 5:19). The world needs to be turned upside down before the end comes.

In Christ Jesus,

Brother Tony

It is written: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15). This is the way the Lord Jesus Christ commands his disciples to evangelize: to preach the gospel to every creature. And the Lord Jesus Christ says: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14). No matter how much you reject the preaching of the gospel, it (the preaching of the gospel) will continue in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. And in the Holy Bible, a whole book is dedicated to the preaching of the gospel by the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ called the book of Acts. And what was the result? "...These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;" (Acts 17:6). We Christians (disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ) preach the gospel not to make the world a better place, but we Christians (disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ) preach the gospel to turn the world upside down; for it is written: "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." (I John 5:19). The world needs to be turned upside down before the end comes.

In Christ Jesus,

Brother Tony

Ah Brother Tony, good to hear from you again. I seem to remember you saying before that you were off to save souls in Afghanastan. What happened? Are you there now or did the fact that you may recieve harsher treatment than a few days in jail put you off? Keep the faith brother.

You could start by passing out great big Jesus amulets.

Thats a good start! :D Priests blessing fridges; lottery tickets and pickups might be a good follow up.

A couple of Old Testament "Plagues"; like locusts and frogs would be a boon too. Preferably deep-fried with basil. :D

Just be careful around those money-lenders... :o

It is written: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." ...blah, blah, blah

It is no doubt that through-out recorded history that belief is supernatural explanations of natural phenomena has been just about universal. . However, it is also true that there have always been some who have taken the time to examine the world around them and see that there are perfectly reasonable explanations for what they observed, without the need to invoke magical powers or spirits to explain it. At one time it was the sun, later "gods" named Athena, Jupiter, Yahweh (or the innumerable titles for the god of people of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths), and Neptune. Later Zeus, Shiva, Thor, and countless others.

At least people in the distant past can be forgiven the human foible of belief in the supernatural. Working with the knowledge and tools that they possessed, they did their best to understand the world around them. Fortunately, for the past few hundred years, we have been able to do the same, but with much more and better knowledge and tools (technology) to guide us.

Superstitious belief may never be stamped out completely but we can continue to work for the day when the light of empirical reason and secular humanism is the guiding principle of our lives.


I think there are Thai laws against Missionarys going door to door or even handing out bibles to THAIS.

The missionarys however can hand out bibles to tourist from other countrys and they do...to Chinese tourist etc. The mormons have a method of teaching English and then working the religon into the soul.

If YOU want to spread GODS word just bring lots of money to the table. The Thais will flock in there like locus. I always like to have a phone number of the Christians so I can give it to some people in need.

There have been studys of how closely Budisum and Christianity actually are. There is a school of thought that Christianity evolved from Budisum.

Some Thais like to wear the cross around the neck like a necklace fashion.

A young Thai had seen for the first time the scene where Jesus gets nailed to the cross. Boy I felt like a missionary explaining that one.

I really do think that if you are too agressive (spreading the good word) the Thais will have you for lunch.

It is written: "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." ...blah, blah, blah

It is no doubt that through-out recorded history that belief is supernatural explanations of natural phenomena has been just about universal. . However, it is also true that there have always been some who have taken the time to examine the world around them and see that there are perfectly reasonable explanations for what they observed, without the need to invoke magical powers or spirits to explain it. At one time it was the sun, later "gods" named Athena, Jupiter, Yahweh (or the innumerable titles for the god of people of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic faiths), and Neptune. Later Zeus, Shiva, Thor, and countless others.

At least people in the distant past can be forgiven the human foible of belief in the supernatural. Working with the knowledge and tools that they possessed, they did their best to understand the world around them. Fortunately, for the past few hundred years, we have been able to do the same, but with much more and better knowledge and tools (technology) to guide us.

Superstitious belief may never be stamped out completely but we can continue to work for the day when the light of empirical reason and secular humanism is the guiding principle of our lives.

Jonnieb, with respect. Unless you conduct scientific experiments yourself you are still relying on faith. The whole scientific enterprise is a belief system based on 'inductive reasoning' which again is faith that just because something happened x amount of times they will continue to happen.

Many of the most forceful supporters of science seem to know little of science itself, while many scientists are quick to point out how limited our knowledge really is. Many of the most famous scientists have later been proven to be at least partially wrong if not completely.

It is written: God created Adam and Eve in his own image...and they lived together and begot children...and whose descendants populated the earth...[Genesis 1:1 et seq.]

Brother Tony

First off, I didn't know "God" was a hermaphrodite or possible Gateoy but that's another issue. What I really wanted to know, Brother Tony is your position on incest. I already know the the dominant Christian sect, the Roman Catholic Church, is in favor or pedophilia, by its historical condoning of the practice by members of its priestly cast. But I have yet to read or hear the church pronounce on incest.. As anyone who reads your sacred texts can deduce (which leaders of most Christan sects have directed their members to interpret literally) can see that this is had to occur for the world to reach its present population.

It is written in your sacred text that the first humans to populate the earth were a couple named "Adam" and "Eve." They had some children, with two male offspring "Cain" and "Abel" mentioned specifically. At some point, some female offspring had to have been produced. These daughters could theoretically have come from Eve being faithful to Adam or through a little swinging with one or both of her sons. At some point, to continue to populate the earth, Cain and Abel and and their sisters would have had to have engaged in incest in order to send the earth on course to its present population. [Of course Adam could also have been in on the bacchanalia with his daughters too.]

So can I take this as approval by you, and your leader - the ex-Nazi Pope Benedict, that the practice of incest between parents and their offspring, and between siblings, is an approved and favored practice?

Send them to see the missionaries at Nana Plaza. :o

Brit, I think you'll find that Brother Tony is the missionary at Nana plazza.

what is the best way to approach them about learning about Jesus and God?

The quickest way would be conversion...

by the sword


i have been a christian all my life. i think buddhism is interesting and that it is also very good and helpful for the human spirit and has many good points, but obviously not 100%.

i have several thai friends, but i dont know what is the best way for me to teach them about my religion? i think an english bible will be too hard for them to understand and i dont know how to convey the message in thai.

are there some church in bangkok that i can take them too?

what is the best way to approach them about learning about Jesus and God?

Thank You

humping your uncle and finding jesus,what next?

His uncle nailing him to a cross and the village dogs pissing on his grave.

SS is just having fun at our expense. His posts aren't that entertaining, but we all jump in and stoke the fire.

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