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Why all the farang jumping to their death?


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Promise it will make you laugh.  



A dwarf nicknamed Od has died in a circus accident in northern Thailand.

According to the Pattaya Mail, he "bounced sideways from a trampoline and was swallowed by a yawning hippopotamus which was waiting to appear in the next act. Vets on the scene said Hilda the Hippo had a gag reflex that automatically caused her to swallow." The vet said it was the first time the hefty vegetarian had ever eaten a circus performer. "Unfortunately, the 1,000-plus Thai spectators continued to applaud widely until common-sense dictated that there had been a tragic mistake." Melbourne Herald Sun - 16 July 1999


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Irish man dies in Thai island resort

An Irish man has died in Koh Samui, one of Thailand's most popular beach resorts, apparently after falling in the bathroom, according to officials.

William Santry, 25, was found unconscious in his hotel room and rushed to hospital where he died, according to a statement by the Public Health Ministry.

A tourist police official in Koh Samui in southern Thailand said Santry fell in the bathroom shortly before midnight on Sunday. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, was contacted by telephone.

A hotel official, also speaking on condition of anonymity, quoted Santry's girlfriend as saying that he had been sick for more than two weeks. The official did not give the nationality of the girlfriend.


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please help me find a thai wife or g/ friend.

  i,m not afraid of heights , have break fall experience[para]

 i can swim 100 metres , either  way

   i have a common blood group ,

  i have no money .

    all replies answered  asap.


       please supply finger prints, and  d.n.a.  sample .


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Any Falangs Missing  ? (Maybe just went swimming, with Some Lead Weights)

Arm, Leg Found in Dead Shark

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Thai commercial fishermen unloading a catch found a human leg sticking out of the mouth of a shark, Thai police said Monday.

Fishermen made the grisly discovery when the trawler Veeraphap Poonphol 14 returned Sunday to its home port of Samut Prakan, 20 miles south of Bangkok. They also found a man's right forearm in the shark's stomach.

Lt. Col. Somchai Sopacharoen of Samut Prakan police station said that the 12-foot-long white shark was captured in Indonesian waters about a week ago by another boat that offloaded its catch to the Veeraphap Poonphol.

The limbs, which bore several bite marks, had just started to decay, indicating they had been in the shark's stomach one to two weeks, said Dr. Pattana Kitraj of the police Forensic Institute.

Pattana said he believed the shark ate the parts a day or two before being caught, after which the shark's carcass was kept in the ship's deep freeze.

The DNA of the limbs was to be tested in an effort to identify the victim, Pattana said.

Shark meat is a delicacy among Thais and other Southeast and Northeast Asians.



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PATTAYA - Police are holding an unidentified man who allegedly murdered an American man in this Thai resort town on March  03 Carl Lupone, 65, was found dead from stab wounds in his condominium following a visit from a 18-20 year old Thai youth known to frequent "Boyztown" in South Pattaya. The building security guard spotted the youth leaving Lupone's apartment at 4am but thought nothing of it as it was a common occurence, but the guard later found the apartment door open and discovered the man's body.

MARCH 27 :

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Is Thaksin going to start shooting tourists for not adhering to his way of thinking now?

Oops, I forgot, his crystal ball said it's all going to turn around in 6 weeks. How many days exactly and can we place our bets accordingly?

I'm "short" on the Thai market accordingly.

Mr Vietnam


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CHALONG: A Belgian businessman was found hanging from a tamarind tree at his home in Chalong on June 12.03

His younger brother told police that George Billijes, 43, had recently broken up with his girlfriend and that this had coincided with a downturn in his business.





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I never used to want to go to Nakon Si Thammarat as I had heard it was one of the most dangerous places in LOS (nearly a report on shooting/stabbing/beating to death every day in newspapers) but at least there they kill you with bullets & knives or a good old kicking.

B/F wants to take me on tour of Thailand when I get back from hols in UK but you can be sure I will be refusing the trip to Pattaya!

Farang guys need to take care when coming to LOS for a little bit of fun, not all these girls are nice & if mafia are involved you can bet the police will cover it up (not true everywhere but from these reports, it looks like it in Pattaya)

Be careful & have good safe fun :o

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Think he was 'hung out to dry' Spellbound.

Its funny, you never read this in the western press - maybe something hidden half way down on page 5 or something that no one ever reads. If the western press made more of it, the Thai government would put more pressure on the police to actually investigate.

What the 4-hashes are the Embassies doing? Surely a united front from those countries involved's Ambassadores would wake up the lion. Suppose its easier to play golf every day, hob nob with crooked politicians and spend the odd few minutes a week signing off that week's visa rejections!

Come on Embassy bods, you are supposed to be protecting us  :o

(Corrected to remove the inumberable typos!) :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Illuminate the terrain"?  Maybe you just shot off your mouth, without thinking, huh?  Maybe you had nothing to say really and just thought you'd type some unintelligible garble, just to sound glib and clever?

If you have something of value to add to the topic, then do it.  If not, just don't bother.

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No, I really don't give a rat's ass what you have to say.  Couldn't care less actually.  

Like I said, if you really had something of value to add, you would have made your point by now.  But since you choose to continue playing games (I remember the first time I got on the Internet too), you're nonsense is boring.

End of conversation, as far as I'm concerned.  (You'll probably continue, though....)

Have fun  :o


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Hi Doug, thanks for adding this topic starter.

Just thinking to myself about Mr Vietnam and was wondering why he is so attracted to this particular thread.

I think the problem is these TYPE of Americans are the ones who get totally paranoid about the Slightest Of  Things . We have all seen them on Television screaming and acting like some demented lunatic when the most simplistic of things have gone wrong.  As with some Americans perhaps he has truly lost the plot on staying composed in difficult situations, hence his truly senseless postings. Apart from that if he is so taken by Vietnam why is he on a Thai forum, why has he not started his own thread or forum for expat’s there.

To all Americans who will read this, Please understand this is not a dig at you and your country, this is only directed at those crazed people, and make no mistake they are everywhere in the world. This post is only directed at the Pointless Brain Dead postings of Mr Vietnam.


Mr Vietnam, please do not respond to this, as Doug has already pointed out what you write is pointless mumblings.

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Stop whining.

Little man. Don't even know what I was referring too but you write your point of view which is so typical of your type.

You have the depth of a wading pool. I'm so happy that people like you will never be able to afford to be a client of mine.

Then I might whine too having to reject the business so as to not waste time trying to explain simple things that you could never internalize.

Have a good life. Please avoid my posts and I'll do the same in return to yours.

Mr Vietnam  :o

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. Apart from that if he is so taken by Vietnam why is he on a Thai forum, why has he not started his own thread or forum for expat’s there.


My thoughts exactly , the guy doesn't have many decent things to say about Thais or Thailand , Koh Samui may have pissed him off , but that place is as much about Thailand as Robin Williams Movie was about Vietnam...


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I think there are 4 categories of death in Thailand for farang.

* Some are killed for no reason other than money.  Wrong place, wrong time, wrong life.

* Some are careless, looking for trouble, get involved with drugs, fights, mafia etc.

* Some goto Thailand to die, cancer, or whatever. Some very touching but sad stories here. Something worth returning to at a later date.

* Some commit suicide.  

The last one is most interesting, because your suposed to be in paradise so why kill yourself? Paradise is different to everyone, and when you reach what you think is paradise, you realise it is not.  That's why I believe people do this.  Society says they have it all, and then realise it's not enough, it does'nt take the pain away.


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Ok, last post for you. I own a business in Thailand. I also own businesses in Vietnam, China and the USA. I do millions of dollars a year in business and have done so under my own name for over a decade. Now you know. Or think you do.

I am always interested in establishing professional relationships with intelligent people who are interested in developing ways that we can all benefit from, financially, intellectually, emotionally et'al.

And that's become a reality from this forum as well as from the "several" that I maintain that I started. I'm grateful for that and would like to believe that the others feel the same or else we wouldn't be doing things together huh?

Got it? Simple huh?

What are your reasons for being here? And you insist on "wondering" what I mean by certain things, or critisize posts of mine that are obviously beyond your realm of thought, so let me ask you a question: "Does my name come up when you're intimate with your wife/lover etc? And don't you find that a rather sad case in evaulating your own life's worth?

So how bout this one. I just intimated something that's really none of your business for reasons that are also none of your business but I did and so there. Now how about you avoid me and I avoid you ok? Deal? Obviously it's always better to TRY to communicate with people on a deeper level so as to learn something that will better life and possibly even the planet, but this would at this time be an impossibility for you and me so.......let's take a pass. Fair enough?

I call it the way I see it and if I think I'm wrong I promptly admit it and make ammends to whoever it is I've damaged, and based on what I do, the results for a long long time have been productive relationships with "thinking" people in many countries that I have established entities thereof. I think I can learn from just about anybody, although I certainly don't like the way some people choose to live their lives, think, invade my life etc etc.Therefore and I reiterate, this will be my last post to you and my suggestion to you is to hopefully  find something else more important than trying to figure out "me" or engaging in your own worthless diatribe.( my opinion)

P.S. I've removed the "tracking" feature so really, have yourself a nice day now ok?


Mr Vietnam  :cool:

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