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Tv Pissup (unofficial) In Cm For Friday 23 Nov 2007!


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Som non na :o

I thought it was Brit I was warning about YOU....not the other way round :D

Yeah, it always seem like a good idea at the time :D It was the dancer at the Star Six that started it all, and it went downhill from there. He'll come up with some ridiculous tale about a young lady by the name of "On" who thought I was his father!! Don't believe a word he says, as he is severly prone to exageration :D

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Was an enjoyable evening. Nice to see and talk to some familiar faces and some new: Peaceblondie, Buckwheat (please check the 'Wow, what a dog' thread :o), did see Britmaveric but hadn't have a chance to catch up. Nevertheless, thanks for organising the party! And Chas and Rachel thanks for being the wonderful hosts again. :D


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I'll be up tonite if anyone would like to join me for a few pints??? :D

PS.... Dad, errr I mean Maejo Man - thought her name was Off???? :D

I think it might have been, but I called her "On" :D She obviously prefered the "mature male" :o

i'll let you guys in on a secret. its easier to identify "her" by her tattoo: :D


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Great to meet Brit, also UG, Peace Blondie Mick Mack Bilko and Junior ex-pat all of whom I had never had the pleasure of meeting before. :o

Good to put a face to an avatar - pleased to have met you too.

The mutton and chocolate curry rather stole the show for me - great job Chas and team!


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I'll be up tonite if anyone would like to join me for a few pints??? :D

PS.... Dad, errr I mean Maejo Man - thought her name was Off???? :D

I think it might have been, but I called her "On" :bah: She obviously prefered the "mature male" :D

i'll let you guys in on a secret. its easier to identify "her" by her tattoo: :D

I know her well and she is not just a sex object. She has a heart of gold! :o

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I'll be up tonite if anyone would like to join me for a few pints??? :D

PS.... Dad, errr I mean Maejo Man - thought her name was Off???? :bah:

I think it might have been, but I called her "On" :bah: She obviously prefered the "mature male" :D

i'll let you guys in on a secret. its easier to identify "her" by her tattoo: :D

I know her well and she is not just a sex object. She has a heart of gold! :o

wasn't referring to anyone in particular if thats what you thought! or perhaps i should put in a PS. next time. :D

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Sorry, I wasn't serious. Just pretending to recognize the tattoo!

Whilst in my cups a year or two back I won the heart of a maiden fair in the notorious (or well known) LA Cafe in Manila.

When she blushingly disrobed I took note that at least 50% of her skin was covered in tattoos of varying quality. :o

Stunning hand job. :D

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Sorry, I wasn't serious. Just pretending to recognize the tattoo!

Whilst in my cups a year or two back I won the heart of a maiden fair in the notorious (or well known) LA Cafe in Manila.

When she blushingly disrobed I took note that at least 50% of her skin was covered in tattoos of varying quality. :o

But because she wasn't a bar girl and no money would have changed hands even if she was which she wasn't we aren't discussing bargirls because that would be against the rules of the forum.

Stunning hand job. :D

And here you are of course referring to the hand tattoo work :D


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I realised I had not put up a post re the party and that was rather remiss of me. Excellent night - always good to catch up with everyone and also to meet some new people. It was good to finally meet Brit Maverick after him slagging me off for so long. I thought he was quite fetching in the split dress with pearls but even so the tiara was a bit over the top :o

I had to leave early before the party goers got carried away (some literally) because it is a long way home and the bike is not a good way to travel when under the influence.

Brit mate - you did a great job with the organisation and Chas/Rachele what can we say. You and the staff at Tuskers did yourself proud. I didn't have any of the curry having eaten at home already but apparently the chocolate curry was the dish delish. Still sounds fricken' weird though - must be an English pub thing.


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I realised I had not put up a post re the party and that was rather remiss of me. Excellent night - always good to catch up with everyone and also to meet some new people. It was good to finally meet Brit Maverick after him slagging me off for so long. I thought he was quite fetching in the split dress with pearls but even so the tiara was a bit over the top :D

I had to leave early before the party goers got carried away (some literally) because it is a long way home and the bike is not a good way to travel when under the influence.

Brit mate - you did a great job with the organisation and Chas/Rachele what can we say. You and the staff at Tuskers did yourself proud. I didn't have any of the curry having eaten at home already but apparently the chocolate curry was the dish delish. Still sounds fricken' weird though - must be an English pub thing.



Curry ?

ow , is that food also :o

It does sound weird is it .

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Chocolate Curry ?

ow , is that food also :o

It does sound weird is it .

I didn't eat anything - need to leave room for beer :D but I was told by a number of reliable sources who went back for repeat servings that it was definitely the pick of the lot. I could smell the aroma of chocolate coming from it and yes it is weird but by all accounts delicious.


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Triffick grub and very attentive staff - sorry we couldn't stay too late but junior was getting a bit narky

Thanks Chas

....... are you planning anything special for New Year's Eve?

Sorry about that Gaz - count me out for New Year, couldn't possibly stay up 'til midnight without getting grumpy.

JxP :o

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Can we get the local Korean places to start serving chocolate kimchi? Will Miguel's start serving chocolate mole on their Mexican food? Chocolate pizza, anyone?

In parts of Central and South America it was de rigeur to drink cocoa flavoured with chillie. I tried it in Mexico and it was shall we say "an aquired taste".

I have difficulty in believing that the chocolate curry was anything remotely like authentic - can't imagine any restaurant in India that would even consider it. I still think it must be an English thing along the same lines at Pith Helmets and Bombay Bloomers. :o


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Chocolate curry can neither be Indian or British. It must be based, in some way on a Mole. Chocolate/Cocoa originated in Central / South America. To the best of my knowledge it is not even grown on the subcontinent.

Tried planting a Cadbury's bar in Thailand once. Won't grow here either.

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Chocolate curry can neither be Indian or Britiksh. It must be based, in some way on a Mole. Chocolate/Cocoa originated in Central / South America. To the best of my knowledge it is not even grown on the subcontinent.

Tried planting a Cadbury's bar in Thailand once. Won't grow here either.

LOL...Actually, peeing my pants (PMP) laughing. Remember the old (really old) Doubletree commercials, with the gum tree? I once planted gum all around our backyard when I was a kid. Same results.

I'm going to try with money next. :o

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Standing in the checkout line in Texas one day, I made a typical remark about chocolate. The man behind me in the queue started saying how back home in Belize, they had cacao trees growing in the yard. I forgot to ask him if he planted Hershey bars there.

My first and last Mexican mole was in Zacatecas - more chilies than chocolate.

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Triffick grub and very attentive staff - sorry we couldn't stay too late but junior was getting a bit narky

Thanks Chas

....... are you planning anything special for New Year's Eve?

Sorry about that Gaz - count me out for New Year, couldn't possibly stay up 'til midnight without getting grumpy.

JxP :D



I meant the newbie mini-Gaz


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