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The Nana Worm-man...

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Have you actually been here or seen this guy?!?!?!?

I live on Sukhumvit. A few hundred feet from where he drags himself up and down the street. I've even seen him stand up; but that was at 2am. :o

Lets start with the very basics here. Yes, he may be poor. Yes, he may not have a job. But that doesn't stop anyone from getting up and onto the one leg he has, that was my point. He's dragging himself up the street like he has no legs at all - there's no need for that unless its his begging strategy.

Well, sorry but with all due respect Rainman - if he were to hop along Sukhamvit, his coins would bounce out of his plastic cup and down a drain - he'd also wear himself out pretty quick and he'd look so amusing doing it that peoples sympathy would be replaced by a willingness to pay for the entertainment.

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That poor tortured soul is probably stuck between wishing his mortal coil would end... and fear of death.

Flying helicopters and racing around in all terrain vehicles is all very well if you're only missing a leg and you're in the West but gat real man!!! This worm fellow is devoid of arms and legs and this is Thailand. Have you actually been here or seen this guy?!?!?!?

OK englishman, I have never seen this dude as I never lived or hang around BKK. But here is something I read about the dude, But if this is true then he could use crutches or make a wooden thingy like ol long john silver,.or a wheelchair or a skateboard,,not as pityful tho. lots of folks running around minus more than a leg and they don't slide around on their belly tho.

quote Rainman,,QUOTE (Englishman @ Tue 2004-07-27, 13:28:42)

Have you actually been here or seen this guy?!?!?!?

I live on Sukhumvit. A few hundred feet from where he drags himself up and down the street. I've even seen him stand up; but that was at 2am. wink.gif

Lets start with the very basics here. Yes, he may be poor. Yes, he may not have a job. But that doesn't stop anyone from getting up and onto the one leg he has, that was my point. He's dragging himself up the street like he has no legs at all - there's no need for that unless its his begging strategy.

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I have seen the worm guy and I feel sorry for him. Sure he may make his disability seem more pathetic than it is in a effort to get more cash. I guess he is making the best of a bad situation. I dare to think how I would be if I was in his situation. We all (hopefully) will never know how we would be in similar circumstances unless we walk a mile in his shoe.

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I have seen the worm guy and I feel sorry for him. Sure he may make his disability seem more pathetic than it is in a effort to get more cash. I guess he is making the best of a bad situation. I dare to think how I would be if I was in his situation. We all (hopefully) will never know how we would be in similar circumstances unless we walk a mile in his shoe.

I think you've said it here.

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We sure are lucky

Sometimes you take our Welfare system for granted,no matter how small its better than nothing.

I wonder if some agency hasnt tried to take him in....I bet someone has.

Saw an Ad for the Camillian center for Aids sufferers on a Pattaya focused site .

Some people are doing nice things,even if a little commercial.

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We all (hopefully) will never know how we would be in similar circumstances unless we walk a mile in his shoe.

I think some of the posters were using the examples of people who had similar situations who didn't beg like he does. Personally, my own thoughts are very, very split on the matter. But one thig is for sure- the guy is absolutely pitiful. In the literal sense of the word. In just about every way I can think of. I don't know that giving him 10 bhat here or there is the best thing to do to help him, but that doesn't stop me from doin it from time to time.

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I saw a TV show recently and this american family decided to go to africa and spend seven days there, The people at the place where the family finally stayed at had no food, They had chickens and sheep The wife of the african man was cooking some things i wouldn't even feed to a dog. The american kids hated being there, they missed TV and Nintendo and talking on the phone. One thing that was a hoot, They family showed the african family a picture of their home front yard and back they had a swimming pool, The african family asked them why you have so much water in a big container. It made me think The african family looks for water maybe a few single drops to drink, I consider myself very blessed. Next time i go to thailand a few more coins for the people asking :o

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Having lost a leg or an arm doesn't give you the right to slide on sidewalks and beg. So many people are disabled and still working somewhere. Even if its just making pottery or whatever. I knew a guy many years ago who was a good friend of my parents. He was from South Africa and lost one leg after being attacked by a lion on a hunting trip. The guy still went skiing every winter in Switzerland and even played tennis (and slept with my sister, but that's another story). Yes, he may have more money than the guy begging on the streets. But no work - no money. I understand begging may be a good source of income, though. This may sound a little harsh, but think about it.

oh Yes silly guy

also ALEX ZANARDI lost 2 legs in a Indi Car racing and is not begging!! He is already walking on 2 new legs, working, making money.

The worm man is so lazy, instead of begging should be broker in Wall Street.

some people should connect the single brain cell before saying something :o

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Having lost a leg or an arm doesn't give you the right to slide on sidewalks and beg. So many people are disabled and still working somewhere. Even if its just making pottery or whatever. I knew a guy many years ago who was a good friend of my parents. He was from South Africa and lost one leg after being attacked by a lion on a hunting trip. The guy still went skiing every winter in Switzerland and even played tennis (and slept with my sister, but that's another story). Yes, he may have more money than the guy begging on the streets. But no work - no money. I understand begging may be a good source of income, though. This may sound a little harsh, but think about it.

oh Yes silly guy

also ALEX ZANARDI lost 2 legs in a Indi Car racing and is not begging!! He is already walking on 2 new legs, working, making money.

The worm man is so lazy, instead of begging should be broker in Wall Street.

some people should connect the single brain cell before saying something :o

I agree, to have criticism for the guy is just incredible.

How can you compare a poor, crippled man in this country with a poor crippled wealthy man from the U.S.

It's like comparing a diseased pidgeon with a broken wing to a healthy ostrich.

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The worm man is so lazy, instead of begging should be broker in Wall Street.

Any way you slice it, the guy isn't lazy. It takes a lot of work - physical and mental- to drag himself along the streets all day. There are a variety of reasons why he is doing what he is doing, but lazy isn't a part of any one of them.

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Having lost a leg or an arm doesn't give you the right to slide on sidewalks and beg. So many people are disabled and still working somewhere. Even if its just making pottery or whatever. I knew a guy many years ago who was a good friend of my parents. He was from South Africa and lost one leg after being attacked by a lion on a hunting trip. The guy still went skiing every winter in Switzerland and even played tennis (and slept with my sister, but that's another story). Yes, he may have more money than the guy begging on the streets. But no work - no money. I understand begging may be a good source of income, though. This may sound a little harsh, but think about it.

oh Yes silly guy

also ALEX ZANARDI lost 2 legs in a Indi Car racing and is not begging!! He is already walking on 2 new legs, working, making money.

The worm man is so lazy, instead of begging should be broker in Wall Street.

some people should connect the single brain cell before saying something :o

you hit the nail on its head, that was my point. i didn't say he should work on Wall Street, though. i said it wouldn't prevent him from doing a simple job or just not dragging his body up the street like he has no legs at all. ######, people with no legs walk better on two hands instead of dragging themselves two feet every 5 minutes with one hand.

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Anyone remember the guy at JJ market, lying face down on the tarmac, in 35 degree heat, unable to move? He sally has a full begging tin.

Thailand DISCRIMINATES against disabled people. There is no such thing as equal rights here. Nana worm man and the rest beg, because Thai society expects them to do that.

It expects others to tamboon to make merit by helping by giving money, WHICH THEY DO FAR MORE FREQUENTLY THAN EUROPEANS. I have seen schoolkids, maids, stallholders give a few baht to them. Many people are genuinely suprised that disabled people in the west hold down jobs etc.

A good Thai friend of mine here is quadraplegic, she has a full life only because her family is rich and employ a maid/assistant and a driver for her. She broke her neck at 19 years of age, so had an education, and has just finished a masters degree. She is the first ever wheelchair student to get a masters from this university.

Sometimes we gripe about our own welfare systems, but come here, and see just how far people can fall...there but for the grace of god go I.

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There seems to be some political disagreement here. Some folks are saying

"Life is <deleted>, deal with it." The real objection to his begging is that he is living off of other people. That he is not *earning* his way, he is not a productive member of society.

While others are saying "He doesn't have any choice." That Thailand's culture and political system do not expect or help him to be productive. This leaves him with very few choices.

Politically, I'm in the center. I believe that the real reason he is begging is that he makes more money than he thinks he could elsewhere- probably a lot more money. This is because he doesn't have the options, and/or he is crazy.

IMHO, it takes another kind of person to humble himself the way he is. To my way of thinking, it is not in human nature to debase yourself and to live off "the kindnesses of others" This allows everyone you pass to have some control oever you, and is not a normal, acceptable human condition. IMHO.

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The bottom line is, on one level or another, begging cripples affect us. If for no other reason than a litmus on our current quality of life.

The visual is powerful and immediate (... look at that poor f ..., God I'm glad I'm not him ... ), that's the hook or begging wouldn't be effective.

They may be supporting themselves (and others) by begging, but they're also sending an in your face message ... this could be you, be thankful, now how about a little help ...

They'll either piss you off as malingering scammers, or break your heart as poor unfortunates. :D:D:o

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The bottom line is, on one level or another, begging cripples affect us. If for no other reason than a litmus on our current quality of life.

The visual is powerful and immediate (... look at that poor f ..., God I'm glad I'm not him ... ), that's the hook or begging wouldn't be effective.

They may be supporting themselves (and others) by begging, but they're also sending an in your face message ... this could be you, be thankful, now how about a little help ...

They'll either piss you off as malingering scammers, or break your heart as poor unfortunates. :D:D:o

Well said, very well said. A bit of truth to both, really. At least in America, you can be pretty certain that they are just scammers.

My dad once said that the difference between Republicans and Democrats is the Democrats would rather 100 people cheat the system than 1 person go without help that honestly needed it, while for Republicans 'cheating the system' is the bigger crime. Anyone have any input on this? I'd like to hear it... :D

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The beggars are organised and get dropped off and picked up. I've spoken to several people in BK in the know and they all say the same. These beggars are generally not poor.

I think the beggars in Waterloo Station where on 1000 pounds a week, years ago.

Dunno if things have changed now, but there was always lots of beggars, mostly young with dogs for added effect, not surprised there was quite a few of them, its good money tax free, and they all sign on the dole as well..................

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