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Setting Up A Charity Glf Tournament?

Dr. Burrito

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I'm curious if anyone here has ever been involved in setting up a charity golf tournament here in Thailand. I'm interested in trying to do something via a friend of mine who has a foundation in the USA related to his disability from an accident, but for Thai's who are in a similar condition.

I'd like to know things like was the tournament successful? what kind of money did it raise? did your family disown you from the obsessive amount of time required to do it? was it the most satisfying thing you've ever done? would you ever even remotely consider doing it again from the experience?

I could go on and on.

I would be very interested and pleased to hear some thoughts, ideas and experiences. Its getting more and more into my mind everyday to try and pull this off.


Dr. B

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I'm curious if anyone here has ever been involved in setting up a charity golf tournament here in Thailand. I'm interested in trying to do something via a friend of mine who has a foundation in the USA related to his disability from an accident, but for Thai's who are in a similar condition.

I'd like to know things like was the tournament successful? what kind of money did it raise? did your family disown you from the obsessive amount of time required to do it? was it the most satisfying thing you've ever done? would you ever even remotely consider doing it again from the experience?

I could go on and on.

I would be very interested and pleased to hear some thoughts, ideas and experiences. Its getting more and more into my mind everyday to try and pull this off.


Dr. B

I never like to talk people out of noble ideas for charity work, but this is a tough row to hoe. I haven't done one in LoS, but a good friend of mine has run one in the states for years and I helped him out on some of the early ones several years ago.

The first obstacle is the timing. You will have a hard time getting the tee times for a large event on a weekend because those are the peak playing times. So this means getting all of your players to take a day off work to participate. Same point goes for costs. You want to cut a good deal on greens fees with the course so there is more money left over for the charity.

In LoS, you will have to also consider the caddy's. So any entry fees will have to take into account the greens fees, caddy fees plus tips plus enough money to show a reasonable return for the charity.

Logistically, the golf club would have to be capable of handling a large event, plus off course activities, like a banquet for 100-150 people.

Next you have to look at all the different ways to raise money, and the amount of work involved to make it happen.

- Try to find a sponsor for every hole. This can be a challenge and you will have to put together a good sales pitch to show the sponsor how they get some benefit out of it.

- Hole in one contests require insurance. There are companies to specialize in these kinds of events, so this should not be a problem.

- Closest to the pin contests and long drive contests require prizes.

- Raffles after the golf and eating are a good way to raise money. But for that you need a lot of good quality donated prizes, like golf accessories, gift certificates, airline vouchers, etc. These can take a lot of time to chase down and secure.

- Getting the pro involved, such as for a "beat the pro" on one or two of the par 3's, can help. But for something like this, you need someone out at the holes to collect the dough. Let everyone take as many chances as they want to, as long as they pay.

What kind of format do you want to have? Individual scores? 2-man best ball? 4-man scramble? Etc. Do all the players need handicaps? Or it the whole event just funsies? You will have to do a shotgun start so that everyone finishes within 15-20 minutes of each other.

Next, you need volunteers. For a decent sized event, you will need probably somewhere between 5-10 volunteers to sign people in, run the raffles. Friendly girls are the best best because they will do a better job of getting men to open their wallets. Volunteers also need to be very trustworthy as they will handle most of the cash while you actually direct the event operations.

You will also need a dedicated team of volunteers to help with publicity. Fortunately, in the electronic age and mediums like this forum, you will probably be able to get the right people.

Done well, these kinds of events can raise a decent chunk of change. And if everyone has a great time at the first one, then you could be set for doing another in the next year. But it is a lot of hard work. I remember my friend telling me that the work for each event started more than 6 months prior to it.

Also, think of the numbers. The absolute maximum number of players that you could have would be 144, two 4-balls starting from each tee on a shotgun start. So if your goal is to raise $15,000, then you have to figure out how to average making about $100 from each participant. That's a lot and you would have to put together one heck of an event with some great prizes to get people to shell out that kind of money.

These are just some random thoughts. I'll try to jot down any more as they come to me. Good luck to you if you decide to go through with it.

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I don't know how involved you are in the business community, but you will find that the foreign chambers of commerce are usually very happy to help you to promote so long as you do all the legwork.

A friend of mine did one recently at Phoenix Golf Course (mid week) and had a pretty respectable turn out (120 ish players) in a shotgun start format. They had companies sponsor holes and the events (my firm sponsored a hole, so were able to put in a team for free). Individual players / teams had to pay to play, people dont mind too much so long as it is for charity and there is a business networking event tagged on to it.

He put a lot of time and effort into the event but it did do pretty well and raised a decent amount for charity.

Sponsors donated prizes but the spirit of the event was for fun and there was plenty of that to be had. This event was what got me into golf!

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Wow, what a lot of thoughtful information to digest.... and no digs at my typo either :o

The thought process for this is definitely in its infant stages, but I know my mate in the states who I would tag it through, would pitch in and help bring a whole different level of publicity and awareness to it. I think for him, the chance to help kids here in Thailand, and adults for that matter, would be a huge plus, as so much that relates to disabilities and accidents and the awareness of those that have to live with it on a daily basis is limited to the states.

He would jump into the opportunity to stretch out this awareness and I think, but we shall see from discussions, even bring a few celebrities over to join in. For them, the whole thing is a tax write-off anyway, and I know he would squeeze them to pick up their own airfare and such.

Then we could look to auction off their presence into a few groups and hopefully raise even more cash.

This looks like a of damned work and a real challenge.

I'm looking forward to it.

Once I can get some commitment from my mate and the permission to use his foundation's name, I will get on it and pepper you guys with a lot more requests and insight into your knowledge.

Thanks again.

Dr. B

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hey Dr B, it sounds good mate and good on ya for trying, im sorry i have never organised something like this but i do know quite a few professionals on the asian tour and even one who lives here who depending on their schedule might be able to get involved. So you can get back to me when needed and can try and sort something out.

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hey Dr B, it sounds good mate and good on ya for trying, im sorry i have never organised something like this but i do know quite a few professionals on the asian tour and even one who lives here who depending on their schedule might be able to get involved. So you can get back to me when needed and can try and sort something out.

Hi Jonny,

Thanks very much. I will keep that in mind. My first plan of attack is to try and get both Ford and Central involved as well.

I'll let you know how it goes.


Dr. B

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