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Stolen Jewellery


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Without going into too much detail, we were burgled the other evening and a rather substantial amount of my wifes jewellery along with not a small amount of cash taken (and we were only across the road outside chatting with our friends in their garden). Obviously they will be trying to sell the jewellery for cash and get only a very small amount of its actual worth, but where would they be likely to take it to sell and is it worth taking the time to look in these areas to see if it appears on any market stalls for resale, and indeed if we did see it what action could we take?

While in the police station reporting the theft, the couple next to us were also reporting a theft where they took the safe with then as well (just anticipating some replies).

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The easy way for a Thai to get rid of jewellery is to simply go to one of the many pawn shops.

They get the money and a recipt, after three months if the money is not returned the shop then sells the said items.

The problem is that in that 3 months it is locked away waiting for the person to come back, which means you would never see it.

There are reports of a spate of house break-ins lately and of course the security guards on some of these estates migh just as well be scarecrows.

The main problem is that they are lowly paid and so are easily bribed to turn a blind eye to a friend or otherwise breaking into some rich farangs house.


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