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Strange Rash


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Hey, any help appreciated.

have this rash on my inner thighs near my crotch but not quite on it. started out with 3 little things that looked like bites with a sort of blister in the centre of each one and now the numbers have grown and are on both sides. Been treating with something called ecanazole 3 times daily (for fungal infections) but it won't go. Don't think its std but maybe possibility. would really appreciate any advice - its not that uncomfortable but looks not real good.


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Can't add much to that, although maybe herpes isn't the right one. I read through the above link and it didn't sound right for a few reasons. But, of course, I'm not a doctor. I'm pretty sure any doctor on here would tell you to see one in person, too. Chok dee (you may need it :o )

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thanks guys. Thats one option I was trying not to consider but has been in the back of my mind. The sores are like the size of say a really small cigarette burn and are red and flat with a small blister thing in the middle but there not that uncomfortable - maybe just a little itch.

Would herpes not usually be actually on the penis or scrotum as opposed to inner thigh? I was really hoping this was some sort of rash/infection from sweat or something.

Am in phnom penh so If anybody can add anything to discount herpes theory it would be much appreciated as it will take me a few days to find a decent doctor to check it out.

btw - I always use condom - does this not matter with herpes? also looked at some picks and the blisters look different - mine are very flat and regular and not sort of poxy and uneven and mine have maybe 2/3rds of red thing taken up by blister.

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As we say, get it checked. It may not be herpes but that virus can take many forms and not all are that painful. The condom is not going to protect your legs but may be the reason you don't have apparent problems elsewhere.

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Have something similar to on my ankle- def not herpes. I doubt it is anything fungi because the chemist gave me some cream for that and that didn't resolve it. Pretty much like exzma, but I'll have to wait until I can see a proper doctor.

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thanks guys. Thats one option I was trying not to consider but has been in the back of my mind. The sores are like the size of say a really small cigarette burn and are red and flat with a small blister thing in the middle but there not that uncomfortable - maybe just a little itch.

Would herpes not usually be actually on the penis or scrotum as opposed to inner thigh? I was really hoping this was some sort of rash/infection from sweat or something.

Am in phnom penh so If anybody can add anything to discount herpes theory it would be much appreciated as it will take me a few days to find a decent doctor to check it out.

btw - I always use condom - does this not matter with herpes? also looked at some picks and the blisters look different - mine are very flat and regular and not sort of poxy and uneven and mine have maybe 2/3rds of red thing taken up by blister.

I would tend to agree that if it was herpes it would show (at least first) on your dick.

From what I understand herpes is not the best thing to have contracted as it is like some of the other fungal infections which once contracted are with you for life.

And from what has been written in "lopburi3's" link it does seem to have an influence or precursor to AID's. (i.e. facilitate getting AID's)

Whilst it will be no consolation 25% of American adults are said to be infected by herpes. And I am sure that this figure will be representative for other nationalities as well (so no poke at you yanks)

Get yourself to a decent doc (maybe in this case not Dr Pat) and have it checked out.

And don't if someone says it is the big "A" blindly accept the diagnosis.

I remember a case in Pattaya where a guy was almost going to top himself because some medicine man there (in Pattaya) said he had AID's and a second opinion said "no way Jose"

But do get it checked without delay.

And good luck.

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My first guess is herpes and the last place it shows is on the dick especially if you're having protected sex.

Commonly I see guys present in clinic with infection around the base of the shaft and the scrotum where the condum is not protecting.

Second guess is staff. Either way scraping and culture with blood work to chech for HSV or staff is indicated ASAP.

Don't play with this...

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I do not see where herpes have anything to do with AIDS.

as has been said;;""Whilst it will be no consolation 25% of American adults are said to be infected by herpes. And I am sure that this figure will be representative for other nationalities as well (so no poke at you yanks)""

If you have ever had a cold sore or fever blister on your lip or corner of your mouth,then I will bet that with the proper blood work,you will show positive for herpes,,

Herpes is not some new disease,,in fact the dinosaurs had herpes. You can contact herpes in a lot of ways and it is not only thru sexual contact. but once you contact it,it is forever.

If you have it,daily intake of L-lysine will help,stay away from chocolate and peanuts will also help to lessen outbreaks. Also stress is good for bringing it on.

It is said that if you have a cold sore on your mouth it is herpes simplex,,and on your dick,it is herpes complex. So I guess if you got it in both places,then it will be herpes duplex??555

Now that is what I was told by a doc. in Nam when folks was saying that there was an uncureable new V. disease going around scareing the <deleted> out of some of the GI's.

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My first guess is herpes and the last place it shows is on the dick especially if you're having protected sex.

Commonly I see guys present in clinic with infection around the base of the shaft and the scrotum where the condum is not protecting.

Second guess is staff.  Either way scraping and culture with blood work to chech for HSV or staff is indicated ASAP.

Don't play with this...

" Don't play with this... " :o I love it Pepe. His dad has been telling him that forever.

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This thread is scaring the shit out of me ,

I have similar rash on both inner thighs but was diagnosed as heat rash and the 2 inner thighs constantly rubbing together making the situation worse,

I was prescribed some cream and it cleared up but now it has started to return,

Am off to Docs later again. :o

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My first guess is herpes and the last place it shows is on the dick especially if you're having protected sex.

Commonly I see guys present in clinic with infection around the base of the shaft and the scrotum where the condum is not protecting.

Second guess is staff.  Either way scraping and culture with blood work to chech for HSV or staff is indicated ASAP.

Don't play with this...

" Don't play with this... " :D I love it Pepe. His dad has been telling him that forever.

Commonly I see guys present in clinic with infection around the base of the shaft and the scrotum where the condum is not protecting.

You guys all have a flash when you go the clinic :o

The last thing I would want to be doing is dropping my dunga's in the clinic waiting room :D

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You guys all have a flash when you go the clinic  :o

The last thing I would want to be doing is dropping my dunga's in the clinic waiting room  :D

Hey, this threads got me that worried I dropped them in a crowded pharmacy this morning - still no joy.

I really like the heat rash theory at the moment(ignorance on my part probably).

off to the docs tomorrow - although not sure how competent.

These things are sort of flat and you can't feel any raised area or anything and the blister is more like a shiny bit of skin thats got nothing in it and then the skin sort of breaks and dries up.

Anyway this thread has scared the shit out of me also - will get back with the results from the doc.

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Sgain sonds like herpes but there is staff ans new forms of syphylus that look like thus to drunk too continue...

Just returned from Docs ( different Doc this time round)

And in my case ( Thank god ) was again diagnosed as heat rash,

Prescribed again a cream but apparantly does not have any mediconal purpose and only acts a lubricant to prevent friction when walking,

I was told to re consider my dietry intake as i am well overweight hence the friction i suppose ?

Anyway Steve hope its not serious for you also ,

Pepe :o:D:D I am lost for words with your last posting :D

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_Pepe and I are inclined towards the red wine as darkness falls.

Of course Pepe is a valuable member to the forum,

Hope he was not working in his surgery when he posted it ? :o:D

Never mind ,sure we will get a giggle when he sobers up and updates :D

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Just returned from Docs ( different Doc this time round)

And in my case ( Thank god ) was again diagnosed as heat rash,

Prescribed again a cream but apparantly does not have any mediconal purpose and only acts a lubricant to prevent friction when walking,

I was told to re consider my dietry intake as i am well overweight hence the friction i suppose ?

Anyway Steve hope its not serious for you also ,

Pepe :o:D:D I am lost for words with your last posting :D

Yeh, thanks.

I just returned from a two dollar phnom penh doctor and although I'm not convinced he knew exactly what it was he was adament it was not herpes.

He also said it was moisture related and gave me some different cream - betamethasone with something also for bacterial infection. Can't remeber the name but I'll post it if the stuff works.

Guess I won't know until I get to BK and have it checked properly but I'm feeling slightly more confident (about as much as you can be from a 2 dollar doctor)

Still worried slightly though as although the area is where my nuts would normally rub against and be moist from ball sweat its also the same area a woman causes a lot of friction if on top. crossing my fingers - this has scared the shit out of me.

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Brain surgery runs to 50 dollars there.

Dont Know and cant comment on tarriffs for Docters in Cambodia.

But here also is very cheap compared to Western standards back home for a private consultation,

Already my infection or whatever it is has seen dramatic reults in the last 2 hours,

So i assume both docters cant be wrong (in my case),

I am sure Pepe was giving very sound profesional advice intitally but to post a diagnosis under the influence of alcohol is somewhat incredible :o

However i have read his many other postings here now and am convinced non the less that he is a valuable member to the board and will continue to be so.

I am sure the good Doc Pepe will feel a little embarrassed under the circumstances from the last posting he made which was far from profesional,

However i did see the humour side to it . :D

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I am sure Pepe was giving very sound profesional advice intitally but to post a diagnosis under the influence of alcohol is somewhat incredible.""


To give a professional diagnosis in any condition on a forum is somewhat incredible, That is if for any other reason than to suggest that the person go to see a doc. in the flesh.

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Always wondered, i suffer herpes(i prefer to call the coldsores, not the kind u buy from KFC ) on the mouth , maybe get one a year since i was very small. Can mouth herpes be transmitted to the genital region ? i won't go into the method of contact, pretty obvious !!! But coldsores spreading to a wife/partener ect below the waist would not be good!!

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I am sure Pepe was giving very sound profesional advice intitally but to post a diagnosis under the influence of alcohol is somewhat incredible.""


To give a professional diagnosis in any condition on a forum is somewhat incredible, That is if for any other reason than to suggest that the person go to see a doc. in the flesh.

:D What were we talking about anyway? :o

Wow last night was a doozy. My sister in law is leaving to go back to Canada so it was major party time.

However to those who question giving medical advice while intoxicated, I would like to relay a story shared by one of my surgeon buddies.

We were in a surgery, a bowel resect, one day, my buddy was assisting , I was observing. After when we were scrubbing out I mentioned that I smelled alchohol on the surgeons breath.

My buddy kind of shrugged his shoulders and made light of it. I asked how can you take this so unseriously?

He said that once this came up in a general surgery class he was taking years ago at Tulane Univerity in Louisianna.

One of the students commented on the many stories of surgeons operating while under the influence. The old Cajeon surgeon conducting the class replied, "Son if ya caint operate drunk, ya shouldent be operatin" at all."

I always got a kick out of that... :D

350t, You can most definitely transmit herpes to any area to any mucous membrane eyes ears nose throat or vagina any to the skin as well but the skin has slightly more resistance. It's quite common and epidemic.

Opthalmic herpes is becoming more common and can blind you by scarring the cornea.

Don't forget that chlamydia, gonnorhea and syphillus have a similar rout of transmission.

If you,ve got your face it "it" you better hope the giver and or receiver are in healthy condition.

One of the propems about HSV especially but true of all the others to some degree is that even whe there are no visible lesions micro speading of virus infection can be just as contageous as a visible outbreak.

It's just not fair.


Oh yeah and how did he make the differential diagnosis of your rash. Did he do a scraping and stain or culture, blood work or just look at it.

If he just looked at it you haven't been diagnosed properly.

Again don't play with this. I would love to be wrong and find it indeed is febrile dermatiitis/heat rash.

Now I'll take two more aspirin and call you in the morning...

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I am sure Pepe was giving very sound profesional advice intitally but to post a diagnosis under the influence of alcohol is somewhat incredible.""


To give a professional diagnosis in any condition on a forum is somewhat incredible, That is if for any other reason than to suggest that the person go to see a doc. in the flesh.

:D What were we talking about anyway? :o

Exactly what I said,as far as I could see,you were not giving medical advise,just some info.and not a diagnosis of anything.

But Whattodo said;;I am sure Pepe was giving very sound profesional advice intitally but to post a diagnosis under the influence of alcohol is somewhat incredible blink.gif

And I was answering him,,no slag again you..:D

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