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Same Sex Marriages?

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I would like to see SoCal's authority for:

By and large the majority of homosexuals do not want to get married
Is it so suprising, even if it was true. This class of citizens has been discriminated against with such ferocity by the religious right, that is it any wonder any of them would want to get married. Look at the old agruement as to why black men as a whole made such poor husbands. With their gradual acceptance into society, their improvement in their socio-economic position and their black pride mindset, their marriages are stabalizing and the "absent father" syndrome is decreasing.

Discrimination is so incidious that those discriminated against cannot be expected to act as the majority do.

The primary reasons seem to be: 1) adoption 2) homosexual marriage will then be taught as a normal family in school, and given equal footing with heterosexual marriage

Adoption by unmarried same-sex couples has been taking place for a number of years without the benefit of same-sex marriage so they really don't need it, right? they really don't need equal rights with heterosexuals?

After all

  but don't see why so many should be disaffected, for so few, when homosexuals can obtain the means to their ends legaly without getting married
Personally, could give a rat's arse

It doesn't sound like it, after all so many would be "disaffected" for so few. Would SoCal be one of those "disaffected"?

Tyrany of the majority at work.

No arguement that on a straight majoity vote, same-sex marriage would be voted down, on the other hand, when interracial marriage was at issue, more than 80% of the population was against it.

I wonder how many in this fourm enjoy the benefits of the elimination of that form of discrimination?

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People marry each other because they want to. Sometimes I wonder why but who am I to judge - beautiful woman/ugly man, old/young, bright/stupid, wealthy/poor, black/white. Why not same sex if it makes them happy?

Homosexuality is a fact of life - I don't understand it so I can't judge it.

Marriage is not just about having children - I and my wife cannot have children but it makes no difference to our relationship. I know some wonderful people who are gay and I think they would make good parents - at least better than me. :o

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Hey Wolf ...... I love faggots, peas, mash and gravy!! BUT Faggots were given the name Faggots 'cause it has a nasty ring to it! (excuse the pun!)

Gay was a lovely happy word usurped by those b*stards to help legitimise their sodomus behaviour


I am only into page 2 of this thread but it has already sickened me a lot to see such words from shameless bigots.

Yes, those of you bigots, you make me sick ! I would actually like to use much harsher words but I am being respectful to the forum.


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I am only into page 2 of this thread but it has already sickened me a lot to see such words from shameless bigots.

Did you read the 7 pages, Jem?

In such kind of thread, you should expect some bad.

And more bad.

And some good,...

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I've been off for a while, so am just reading this,

In my view I just dont care, if they want to get married go ahead. If you take out all the religious stuff from marrage, its just a piece of paper.

Why should "straight men" be the only ones to suffer, let gays get married as well :o

On the animal thing, I've got cows that are lesbians, or at least bi :D

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I think this question of raising children is off topic too, but illustrates the problem. People argue about hot-button issues like this not because of the direct impact of the question at hand (which, as pointed out in this thread is really the legal rights and obligations for gay couples), but rather because of their other unspoken assumptions and agendas. This question is particularly nasty because of the polarizing assumptions about what is "the enemy's" agenda. I don't think the antagonists here are against the legal (civil) framework for long-term couples, but they are dead-set against any "endorsement" of gay life no matter the form.

I think trying to prevent gays from raising children because "children would feel abnormal among peers" is a civil rights issue. Community norms are not always right, and often I think our legal systems are necessary to protect people in situations where emotion clouds rationality. By your measure, it should be selfish to have mixed-race children because they too would feel abnormal in many communities. How about alcoholics, single parents, and the uneducated or poor? Should they not be allowed to raise children since the kids might be ostracized? What about mentally ill parents?

What this thread has to do with Thailand is unclear to me. I would have expected more libertarian beliefs among the expat community here, so I guess these political barometer readings are useful to me as a newcomer to the Thailand expat scene. :o

Very well expressed...this is the post that I like the most in this thread so far.

By the way, talking about 'libertarian beliefs among the expats in Thailand', well I guess we can eaily see that unfortunately there are quite a few bigots posting in here_racists, anti-gays and sexists. It is not just ''tornado'' who is unashamedly posting his anti-gay thrash here. Anyway, I shall continue my anti-bigot mission here :D

I have never liked bigots, don't like them, and never will.



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I am only into page 2 of this thread but it has already sickened me a lot to see such words from shameless bigots.

Did you read the 7 pages, Jem?

In such kind of thread, you should expect some bad.

And more bad.

And some good,...

Yes, blucat......I have just finished reading all the posts in this thread...you know, maybe I don't get to spend as much time on the forum as you do :o So, normally I am being quite selective what to read...but yes, I have read all the posts of this thread...there are some quite many nice posts, I must say.

My first post in this thread was intended against the bigots....of course I know that there are non-bigots posting in here too :D

My opinion is......there SHOULD BE gay marriage with almost all the same rights that heterosexual couples get. The only exception (at least for the time being)should be regarding laws involving children.



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Well TORNADO, I see where if you do not like something including queers and other assorted perverts then you are a BIGOT, ain't it a bitch. :o

KevinN, according to what you write quite often, AA has seemed to help you regarding your alcoholism. I wish there were ''BA groups'' too so that you could go to their meetings too....that's 'Bigots Anonymous' for you.

Don't forget to take your pal 'tornado' with you.

''Queers and assorted perverts'', eh ?

*Jem, trying his best to control himself regarding his choice of words for KevinN and the like*

If you want to turn this ugly, ok.....bring it on.


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I think what two people get up to in private is up to them.

The problem is when these bum-bandits want extra "Rights".

They do their cause no good at all with all their whinging and moaning.

LOTS of other people are far more discriminated against and they just get on with their lives (left-handed people for example).

Jem is Polly Toynbee your hero? :o

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Agree totally JemJem.

Lock them in a closet and throw away the key. (Hopefully the closet is already occupied...)

The "whining" argument does not really deserve an answer but here goes: It's not about EXTRA rights. It's about EQUAL rights. Get the difference?

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I think what two people get up to in private is up to them.

The problem is when these bum-bandits want extra "Rights".

They do their cause no good at all with all their whinging and moaning.

LOTS of other people are far more discriminated against and they just get on with their lives (left-handed people for example).

Jem is Polly Toynbee your hero?  :o

I don't know of that Polly Toynbee person but I wouldn't be surprised if your hero is Rush Limbaugh.


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The "whining" argument does not really deserve an answer but here goes: It's not about EXTRA rights. It's about EQUAL rights. Get the difference?

No I don't.

They even have "EXTRA RIGHTS" right here on this forum!

Why didn't you fight their cause for them in Afghanistan under the Taliban(where they truly were supressed) or currently in Iran, I'll even pay for your one-way ticket :o:D

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Why should "straight men" be the only ones to suffer, let gays get married as well :D

The best comment of the whole thread, RC.

Really the best,... :o:D

I really don't know that much about "GAY" [hows that jemjem] relations but in a divorce how would they know who to give the house and furniture and alimony to,,The one with the oversize well worn rusty sheriffs badge and the skidmarks in the shorts??

That is if there was going to be equality. :D:D

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Well TORNADO, I see where if you do not like something including queers and other assorted perverts then you are a BIGOT, ain't it a bitch. :o

KevinN, according to what you write quite often, AA has seemed to help you regarding your alcoholism. I wish there were ''BA groups'' too so that you could go to their meetings too....that's 'Bigots Anonymous' for you.

Don't forget to take your pal 'tornado' with you.

''Queers and assorted perverts'', eh ?

*Jem, trying his best to control himself regarding his choice of words for KevinN and the like*

If you want to turn this ugly, ok.....bring it on.


It might be about time to start on a calming Valium or three.

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Why should "straight men" be the only ones to suffer, let gays get married as well :D

The best comment of the whole thread, RC.

Really the best,... :o:D


I honestly don't give a rats arse, life is too short. :D

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Well TORNADO, I see where if you do not like something including queers and other assorted perverts then you are a BIGOT, ain't it a bitch. :o

KevinN, according to what you write quite often, AA has seemed to help you regarding your alcoholism. I wish there were ''BA groups'' too so that you could go to their meetings too....that's 'Bigots Anonymous' for you.

Don't forget to take your pal 'tornado' with you.

''Queers and assorted perverts'', eh ?

*Jem, trying his best to control himself regarding his choice of words for KevinN and the like*

If you want to turn this ugly, ok.....bring it on.


It might be about time to start on a calming Valium or three.

JEM, AA has already made concessions to THOSE PEOPLE, We have a part of the program that had said for 60 years that ,

"Your higher power wants you to be happy,care free and GAY, Then THOSE PEOPLE hijacked the word and used it to mean queer,so we had to change an old saying.

I think that was very nice of us and a very condescending move,Don't you??

And if you do not like the language here on this side,Why don't you go to some of the forums that ###### started for YOU PEOPLE so you would be in your own world.

WOW, you can't even say his name on here no more.

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I don't understand why any self respecting homosexual would want to be seen as "married" after seeing what the nutty heteros do with it. Call it a union of some sort, make sure the law allows access to wills so hetero family members who don't give a toss about them can't screw the long term companion out of his/her just reward for a life time commitment.

Marriage is just a lock and key that thick browed men with red necks and small penises, use to subjugate intelligent women, (and others of course), and convert them from free-thinking intelligent beings, into cooks, slaves and navvies.


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I don't worry too much about the unabashed bigots and close-minded morons who get their panties in a twist about gay marriage...because I know they're doomed to the same fate as those that opposed integration in schools, vote for women, freedom for slaves, freedom of religion. In short, they are doomed to be viewed by history for what they are. Because there is absolutely no way that gay marriage will NOT become legal, if not this year, or next, or in five years time, then in ten -- and in the future it will be an absolute non-issue. Some people look forward, others look back.

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I agree PvtDick. It's a shame that many are even given voice in places like this, but without the input of the mildly inebriated through to the chronically stupid, which we have a share of here, those of us not challenged intellectually would have no balance in our existence.

Without Kaos, there is no clue as to what Order is, don't you agree?


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I don't worry too much about the unabashed bigots and close-minded morons who get their panties in a twist about gay marriage...because I know they're doomed to the same fate as those that opposed integration in schools, vote for women, freedom for slaves, freedom of religion.  In short, they are doomed to be viewed by history for what they are.  Because there is absolutely no way that gay marriage will NOT become legal, if not this year, or next, or in five years time, then in ten -- and in the future it will be an absolute non-issue.  Some people look forward, others look back.

what a load of rubbish!

This is no where near the same as what you listed, you must of been giggling while you posted.

I am one of the many who dont want to look back :o

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