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Same Sex Marriages?

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Ok girlie men, this is getting ridiculous, you have your thoughts and I have mine.

Your either gay yourselves and you are sticking up for your "freedom of expression" or you a closet gay wanting to come out?

As I said in a previous post, minorities are trying to dictate to the world how it should be, but the people who do not agree with them are either to lazy to say anything or fear the ridicule of not being PC - I do not agree with it and you do, that is enough said really, isnt it?

I agree with you Private Dick, it might be the norm in 20 years and I could be the lonely bloke at the bar - that is ok with me :o

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Ok girlie men, this is getting ridiculous, you have your thoughts and I have mine.

When you say "girlie men", do you mean that as a put-down or are you trying to say something intellectual? Do you feel that a person who makes a pro-gay point is a homosexual? By the same token, if I say that Bricks are beautiful does that make me a house.

As I said in the earlier post, you did an excellent job of providing living proof of the points raised by your intellectual superiors, namely, Blue Cat, PvtDick and of course, myself.

And you are quite right. It is ridiculous.

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Ok girlie men, this is getting ridiculous, you have your thoughts and I have mine.

Your either gay yourselves and you are sticking up for your "freedom of expression" or you a closet gay wanting to come out?

As I said in a previous post, minorities are trying to dictate to the world how it should be, but the people who do not agree with them are either to lazy to say anything or fear the ridicule of not being PC - I do not agree with it and you do, that is enough said really, isnt it?

I agree with you Private Dick, it might be the norm in 20 years and I could be the lonely bloke at the bar - that is ok with me :o

Tornado, with all due respect, you are really pathetic. One doesn't have to be black to take a stand on racial equality, or a woman to be a supporter of women's rights...but you're a "girlie man" if you stand up for the rights of gays?

My guess is that you are probably already a pretty lonely guy, having such enlightened views. Or perhaps you have succeeded in insulating yourself from the real world with a cirlce of fellow Neanderthals. Whatever, I will not be raising glasses with you any time soon.

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Ok girlie men, this is getting ridiculous, you have your thoughts and I have mine.

When you say "girlie men", do you mean that as a put-down or are you trying to say something intellectual? Do you feel that a person who makes a pro-gay point is a homosexual? By the same token, if I say that Bricks are beautiful does that make me a house.

As I said in the earlier post, you did an excellent job of providing living proof of the points raised by your intellectual superiors, namely, Blue Cat, PvtDick and of course, myself.

And you are quite right. It is ridiculous.

There are other threads for you to post in, see further down the forum index page.

Lets have a group hug :o

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Ok girlie men, this is getting ridiculous, you have your thoughts and I have mine.

When you say "girlie men", do you mean that as a put-down or are you trying to say something intellectual? Do you feel that a person who makes a pro-gay point is a homosexual? By the same token, if I say that Bricks are beautiful does that make me a house.

As I said in the earlier post, you did an excellent job of providing living proof of the points raised by your intellectual superiors, namely, Blue Cat, PvtDick and of course, myself.

And you are quite right. It is ridiculous.

There are other threads for you to post in, see further down the forum index page.

Lets have a group hug :o

Are you sure you could cope with the closeness of men breathing on your neck in a group hug. This was never about sexuality, at any time in the thread you silly chap. It was about acceptance of status quo over acceptance of change.

Accept that things change or cease to grow, as you seem to have done.

:D A "girlie-man" who may or may not be heterosexual, but accepts change is inevitable.

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Ok girlie men, this is getting ridiculous, you have your thoughts and I have mine.

Your either gay yourselves and you are sticking up for your "freedom of expression" or you a closet gay wanting to come out?

As I said in a previous post, minorities are trying to dictate to the world how it should be, but the people who do not agree with them are either to lazy to say anything or fear the ridicule of not being PC - I do not agree with it and you do, that is enough said really, isnt it?

I agree with you Private Dick, it might be the norm in 20 years and I could be the lonely bloke at the bar - that is ok with me  :D

Tornado, with all due respect, you are really pathetic. One doesn't have to be black to take a stand on racial equality, or a woman to be a supporter of women's rights...but you're a "girlie man" if you stand up for the rights of gays?

My guess is that you are probably already a pretty lonely guy, having such enlightened views. Or perhaps you have succeeded in insulating yourself from the real world with a cirlce of fellow Neanderthals. Whatever, I will not be raising glasses with you any time soon.

Listen mate, I do not care for your views and you do not of mine, so that is ok with me, but why are you trolling for a fight?

I hope your intuition is better than your guess work as your bitchy rants are tedious. If you want me to stand up for the whales, the environment, eradicate bad leaders, support equality for women and even freeing the slaves :o , I will be there. But...... I am sorry, I will not be there clapping a gay couple getting married, it is not on. If my stand on gay marriage upsets you, get over it and carry on with your life. By the way I am off to Sudan on Wednesday to help build shelter for the refugees, what will you be doing?? Let me guess, posting on here and contributing nothing to what you listed as being important :D

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Ok girlie men, this is getting ridiculous, you have your thoughts and I have mine.

When you say "girlie men", do you mean that as a put-down or are you trying to say something intellectual? Do you feel that a person who makes a pro-gay point is a homosexual? By the same token, if I say that Bricks are beautiful does that make me a house.

As I said in the earlier post, you did an excellent job of providing living proof of the points raised by your intellectual superiors, namely, Blue Cat, PvtDick and of course, myself.

And you are quite right. It is ridiculous.

There are other threads for you to post in, see further down the forum index page.

Lets have a group hug :o

Are you sure you could cope with the closeness of men breathing on your neck in a group hug. This was never about sexuality, at any time in the thread you silly chap. It was about acceptance of status quo over acceptance of change.

Accept that things change or cease to grow, as you seem to have done.

:D A "girlie-man" who may or may not be heterosexual, but accepts change is inevitable.

go on get the last word in :D

a newbie with 7 posts on one subject, a troll maybe? carry on you silly chap.

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Ok girlie men, this is getting ridiculous, you have your thoughts and I have mine.

When you say "girlie men", do you mean that as a put-down or are you trying to say something intellectual? Do you feel that a person who makes a pro-gay point is a homosexual? By the same token, if I say that Bricks are beautiful does that make me a house.

As I said in the earlier post, you did an excellent job of providing living proof of the points raised by your intellectual superiors, namely, Blue Cat, PvtDick and of course, myself.

And you are quite right. It is ridiculous.

There are other threads for you to post in, see further down the forum index page.

Lets have a group hug :o

Are you sure you could cope with the closeness of men breathing on your neck in a group hug. This was never about sexuality, at any time in the thread you silly chap. It was about acceptance of status quo over acceptance of change.

Accept that things change or cease to grow, as you seem to have done.

:D A "girlie-man" who may or may not be heterosexual, but accepts change is inevitable.

go on get the last word in :D

a newbie with 7 posts on one subject, a troll maybe? carry on you silly chap.

He's made more sense in his 7 than you have in over 350! :D

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Ok girlie men, this is getting ridiculous, you have your thoughts and I have mine.

When you say "girlie men", do you mean that as a put-down or are you trying to say something intellectual? Do you feel that a person who makes a pro-gay point is a homosexual? By the same token, if I say that Bricks are beautiful does that make me a house.

As I said in the earlier post, you did an excellent job of providing living proof of the points raised by your intellectual superiors, namely, Blue Cat, PvtDick and of course, myself.

And you are quite right. It is ridiculous.

There are other threads for you to post in, see further down the forum index page.

Lets have a group hug :o

Are you sure you could cope with the closeness of men breathing on your neck in a group hug. This was never about sexuality, at any time in the thread you silly chap. It was about acceptance of status quo over acceptance of change.

Accept that things change or cease to grow, as you seem to have done.

:D A "girlie-man" who may or may not be heterosexual, but accepts change is inevitable.

go on get the last word in :D

a newbie with 7 posts on one subject, a troll maybe? carry on you silly chap.

He's made more sense in his 7 than you have in over 350! :D

I could have a problem with 5, but 4 is easy :D

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No one is asking you to stand there clapping. I don't stand there clapping when someone submits to multiple body piercings, or indulges in a shit fetish, or hangs a velvet painting of Elvis in their living room.

But I do support the rights of all free-willed adults to live their lives as they please, and enjoy the same civil rights as all of the rest of us. What those people do has no effect on me or anyone else, as gay people getting married has no effect on you.

To oppose gay marriage because it offends your personal sensibilities makes no more sense than if I supported the banning of people wearing white socks with sandals.

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It would appear that Tornado has his knickers in a Twister and actually has n idea at all of the points being made.

I rest my case. Stocky thankyou for that note of support. This has never been, to my mind an issue of sexuality, but that is to re-iterate earlier posts.

Tornado, I have no idea why you are going to Sudan, but I salute you for it.

Please forward an email from somewhere in Africa to someone on the board, maybe the admin, proving you are there. Then I will clap.

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It would appear that Tornado has his knickers in a Twister and actually has n idea at all of the points being made.

I rest my case. Stocky thankyou for that note of support. This has never been, to my mind an issue of sexuality, but that is to re-iterate earlier posts.

Tornado, I have no idea why you are going to Sudan, but I salute you for it.

Please forward an email from somewhere in Africa to someone on the board, maybe the admin, proving you are there. Then I will clap.

We could also place your name in your first sentence instead of mine. :D

Emails from Africa? I would actually like to post photos on a regular basis while I am there for the 4 months as well. I hope to build the huts in the desert and then plug my laptop into the socket next to the tv :o

I will from time to time, hook up to my sat phone and post :D

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No one is asking you to stand there clapping.  I don't stand there clapping when someone submits to multiple body piercings, or indulges in a shit fetish, or hangs a velvet painting of Elvis in their living room.

But I do support the rights of all free-willed adults to live their lives as they please, and enjoy the same civil rights as all of the rest of us.  What those people do has no effect on me or anyone else, as gay people getting married has no effect on you.

To oppose gay marriage because it offends your personal sensibilities makes no more sense than if I supported the banning of people wearing white socks with sandals.

Now you have hit on a point, never mind gay marriage.

The sight of a man in white socks and sandals is truly offensive; they should be publicly flogged and humiliated :o

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By the way I am off to Sudan on Wednesday to help build shelter for the refugees, what will you be doing??

You're not a darkie, are you?

you seem very messed up mate :o

Do not keep trolling Dick, and by the way that was very racist, so you are really showing your true colours.

Im not trying to better you in what I see as important, I act on what I think is important and guys like you post about it. You are strongly defending your stance and that is your "civil right" as it is mine.

Civil rights were started for right reasons and evolved into stupidity by the way.

You come from the land of lawyers and combatants, so you are trained in what you should believe in and then take it as "the way the world is".

By the way, where did all this start?

:D edited by me :D

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but without the input of the mildly inebriated through to the chronically stupid,

Let's not forget the mildly stupid through the chronically inebriated,... :o

BC can you please stop talking about me behind my back :D

Just a thought.

What if a gay man and lesbian woman want to get married would this be ok

(stranger things have and probably will happen)

What about Bisexuals, Transsexuals.

In a purely "civil law" sort of way marriage is just a legaly enforsable agreement between two people.

My wifes aunty is a lesbian and her partner is lovely. they have been together for years and are more "married" than most people I know.

Actually they live on the farm and look after the cows. (oh my god just had an idea, some of my cows are gay, do you think they have caught it off them!!)

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I don't worry too much about the unabashed bigots and close-minded morons who get their panties in a twist about gay marriage...because I know they're doomed to the same fate as those that opposed integration in schools, vote for women, freedom for slaves, freedom of religion. In short, they are doomed to be viewed by history for what they are. Because there is absolutely no way that gay marriage will NOT become legal, if not this year, or next, or in five years time, then in ten -- and in the future it will be an absolute non-issue. Some people look forward, others look back.

Here, Here. Well said.

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By the way, where did all this start?
Don't blame it on America. There are many more countries -- Netherlands, Denmark, for example -- much further down this road than the US is.
Do not keep trolling Dick, and by the way that was very racist, so you are really showing your true colours.

You really are thick, aren't you? Case closed.

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I stand by what I wrote.  Let's agree to meet here in twenty years and see how thinking has evolved.

I'll be in that.

Probably not, as I hear that ####### do not last long with AIDS running loose and it does seem to be taking care of a lot of "THOSE FOLKS". :o

Where do people like you come from, anyway? More women and children -- yes, even more heterosexual men -- are dying every year from AIDS than so-called ######## Unbelievable...just unbelievable.

OPffensive words edited out - sorry PvtDick.

Edited by ChrisP
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Certainly not TEXAS,worked south of Houston for awhile and on a dredge at Galveston and on a boat offshore down at Aransas pass,,but not from there tho.

Came from the Great Pacific Northwest.That why I got higher ethic standards than you. :o

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I stand by what I wrote.  Let's agree to meet here in twenty years and see how thinking has evolved.

I'll be in that.

Probably not, as I hear that fudge packers do not last long with AIDS running loose and it does seem to be taking care of a lot of "THOSE FOLKS". :o

Where do people like you come from, anyway? More women and children -- yes, even more heterosexual men -- are dying every year from AIDS than so-called "fudge-packers". Unbelievable...just unbelievable.

Every time I read something from dear old Kevin I imagine him with a corncob pipe in his dumb yap, "whoppin a nigger fer bein erpity".

I think having looked at some of his more interesting posts, that he probably had half a dozen mulattos out the back fer cussin n cookin all the while hopin his pappy don' come home too soon. All of this and church on a sunday I reckon.


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I stand by what I wrote.  Let's agree to meet here in twenty years and see how thinking has evolved.

I'll be in that.

Probably not, as I hear that fudge packers do not last long with AIDS running loose and it does seem to be taking care of a lot of "THOSE FOLKS". :o

Where do people like you come from, anyway? More women and children -- yes, even more heterosexual men -- are dying every year from AIDS than so-called "fudge-packers". Unbelievable...just unbelievable.

Every time I read something from dear old Kevin I imagine him with a corncob pipe in his dumb yap, "whoppin a nigger fer bein erpity".

I think having looked at some of his more interesting posts, that he probably had half a dozen mulattos out the back fer cussin n cookin all the while hopin his pappy don' come home too soon. All of this and church on a sunday I reckon.


regardless of his kevins beliefs i find his posts entertaining.

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regardless of his kevins beliefs i find his posts entertaining.

Yep! Like my great uncle Bill, as old as Moses but as crusty and set in his ways as could be. Could only take him anywhere twice and the second time was to apologise. :o

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By the way, where did all this start?

Don't blame it on America. There are many more countries -- Netherlands, Denmark, for example -- much further down this road than the US is.

Do not keep trolling Dick, and by the way that was very racist, so you are really showing your true colours.
You really are thick, aren't you? Case closed.

case open - Ill tell you when its closed sweet heart :wub:

I blame it all on you Dick, you rave on relentlessly about utter <deleted>. Have a look at your Nazi thread, then have a look at another thread that you posted in regarding copies - your a grasser, your job is finding people selling copy clothing - how rewarding that must be for you. You also must be good at your job as you caught 1000 people in 1 year?!, I could do that in 1 day walking down the beach road in Patong :D

You keep catching the "criminals" :D:D:D

Calum H, you remind me of someone? no couldnt be, could it? :o

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I stand by what I wrote.  Let's agree to meet here in twenty years and see how thinking has evolved.

I'll be in that.

Probably not, as I hear that fudge packers do not last long with AIDS running loose and it does seem to be taking care of a lot of "THOSE FOLKS". :D

Where do people like you come from, anyway? More women and children -- yes, even more heterosexual men -- are dying every year from AIDS than so-called "fudge-packers". Unbelievable...just unbelievable.

where did it all start Dick? :o

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Tornado; well here's exactly how it started.

Some Dude got aids somewhere,posed to be Africa from what I hear,and he worked in the stewards dept. on a cruise ship,then came to the USA and gave it to another queer,then they started passing it around thru their perverted ways and since most of them are ashamed of their immoral practices they shoot dope to kinda take their minds off of the perversion, and sharing needles with other dope heads that have enough self respect to shun the queer ways but still passed it on to other dopers.

Now AIDS was doing what it was invented by the supreme being to do, But he didn't take into consideration the switch hitters,,well so these AC/DC fellas started to give it to hookers and their own wives after being out in the lower class areas of towns and becoming infected, Well by the time it was out of the HIV stage and into AIDS,a lot of people had it,and then women was giving it to their kids at birth,and spreading it thru being ignorant of prevention and body fluids.

The queers,dopers, switch hitters and drunk punters is keeping it moving. But it started with a queer booger bandit.

And thats the truth. :D

PS. but I don't call folks "niggers","Darkies",or "malettos", but I'm the BIGOT.

And most Thais that I know still do not approve of queers,they pass remarks and snicker in their hand and make remarks when ever one is seen,,they might not raise as much ###### as we do but they do not approve or really accept them,just like most folks anywhere,they know they are inevitable,but wouldn't want their kid to be one. :o

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What happened to this world Kevin?, why is everyone pro everything? these PC pin heads think they can tell me how to think and say that I am a bigot? I try to live my life morally, I do not cheat on my wife, I work, I provide for my family, I pay taxes, I do not shag men, I go to parent teacher meetings, I donate to the community, I sponsor school kids, I pray before I go to bed and I dare say I have lived a fuller life than these "politically correct morons". MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH WOMEN AND WOMEN ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WITH MEN - end of the story.

I have received about 10 PMs stating peoples thoughts regarding this subject and 90% are with me, but do not want to get involved with a flame war - I didnt either until the "rent a grass" idjit Dick came into the picture.

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