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Non-o With Work Permit

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Can someone clue me in on this question. Can you have a work permit with a NON_o married visa. Now showing B400,000 in the bank, remember the OR B400000 or B40000 a month new rules. If showing the B400000 can you be employed for less than the minimum B65000 for a Canadian. I asked the question at the immigration office and I thought the guy was going to cry, I think he is a stressed with the new law as we all are. But it does make sence but this is Thailand. Thanks

By the way I have been sitting and reading on the board for about a year

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Good answers

and remember there are now bad questions.

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Yes, you can get a work permit using an entry permit from a Class O visa - this is absolutely routine. The Work Permit office had no specific rule for salaries, in issuing a work permit. It is a good idea to not go lower than about 40,000 baht per month.

Whatever monthly salary amount you specify, they will write this into your work permit booklet - and you cannot change this amount without getting a new booklet.

This is one new practice - you cannot change salary without a new book (you can change work location,and job position/description, by simply applying for a change in your existing book).

The other new change is that there is now a flat 100 baht application fee for a work permit, in addition to the approval fee.

With a Class O extended entry permit, you need not be concerned too much with salary level - the 40,000 baht per month will substitute for the 400,000 baht at next year's renewal. You also do not need to worry about your employer's capitalization pay-in level, or their Thai employee headcount.

Good luck!

Steve Sykes

Managing Director

Indo-Siam Group


[email protected]


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You can get a WP whether you earn the minimum wage or not (you just won't get the long Visa extension) but you'd have to leave every 90 days. So yeah I think you can extend the Non-imm O with the money in the bank (rather than with the WP) and get a WP on top of it (I'm sure someone will know 100% the ins and outs...and sure enough someone has above^!).

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Thanks for the info. Next question if you are showing B400000 in the bank for a Non-0 visa and now you are working for your wife in a small buisness. Can you say pull a salary of lets say B25000 a month. Would there be additional tax's that the wife would have to pay on the buisness. Last question what would your tax's be per month.

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Out of you salary, social fund withholding is a flat 5% (upo to a maximum of 750 baht), and this amount must be matched by employer - so total paid by company to Social Fund for a 25,000 baht salary is 1,500 baht. There is also personal income tax withholding - if you want that payroll amount calculated exactly, you will have to be someone's customer - and they will have to profile your deductions. But - it will almost assuredly be less than 5% if you are married.



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Thanks for the great info. The buisness my wife has is a Restaurant monthly on a yearly average is about B50000 net ( 80000 high 40000 low season). I really just want to give her a hand in the restaurant and not get tagged for cleaning a table.

But all said and done we will still have the B400000 in the bank for the NON-o visa.

But my question is with that income in the restaurant will there be any question about me pulling B25000 a month out. Now we all know I will use it to support my wife and daughter( who is also on a visa ) has two passports another long store for another time. We have been in Thailand for two years now renewed for the thrid but I have the feeling we are being watched ( really work very very little in the buisness just suggestions and the odd coffee but I really dont want any problems.

Thanks if you can give me your idea's

ps live in a small to mid sized town

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Thanks for all the info, but does anyone know if there is really a limit on the amount that they will let you pull as a salary. Would they ok 18,000 or 20,000 a month. BUt we would still B400000 in the bank for the visa. My wife is more worried about any special tax's because she has a her husband working for her.

One of her friends did this and at the end of the year was told of a special tax because the buisness must be doing so well because it was foriegn managed?

Over to you my last question on this matter.

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