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If all of the people on this planet were to marry inter-racially, there would be no pure breed left.......... tell me that is not so?

How often do you see lions mating tigers, dogs mating sheep on this planet?

Since the animals are not doing it, we human beings shouldn't be doing it!

I am half farang half chinese, and being so, growing up here in HK has always made me feel abnormal. As a kid, always been regarded as abnormal.

I do not know which country to belong to, which to love!

So I think inter-racial marriages should be banned worldwide!

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First off, what's a pure breed.

Your Chinese ancestry? Mongolian? Sino Chinese? Tibetan? A mix perchance?

Your farang ancestry? Celtic? Saxon? Roman? Greek? A mix perchance?

Actually, we are all African. Our great great --- miss a few --- great grandparents, Mr and Mrs Australopithecus cam from South Africa.

There are no pure breeds.

Dogs mate across breed all the time - offspring are often more healthy and hardy than the inter-bred variety.

Tigers don't lay with Lions, because they can't afford the plane tickets.

Dogs don't mate with sheep for the same reasons people don't shag water buffalos (er, most people) - not much change of offspring and not particularly attractive.

It is a fact that children from mixed races enhances the gene pool and helps to remove genetic 'errors' - like Sickle Cell Anemia. They also often are good looking too.

Which country to love. Your home country of course - HK.


I am not sure if you are trolling for a big fat marlin, or maybe bluefin, however, i will take the bait.

The reason u don't see lions getting it on with tigers, or dogs mating sheep is because they are different species. Homo Sapien Sapiens (people) are the same species. Sure, some of us might have darker skin, curlier hair or different nose sizes ect ect but still share a common dna and gene structure .

I doubt there is any true 'pure breed ' of people in the world anyways, we are all mongrels so to speak as a result of millions of years of migration .


*passports for 2 countries

*exoctic looks

*a taste of 2 cultures

*knowing 2 languages fluently

What's the problem?After my father re-married i ended with a step-brother & sister

half farang/filipino and i don't hear them complaining not to mention many friends

in the same situation.My wife is Thai & when we have kids i expect the same.

We married because we love each other.It wouldn't matter if she came from Mars.

So, NO it shouldn't be banned & BTW a person of full bread can feel insecure about their appearence too.



Meemiathia - as the offsrping of Bangladeshi/Scottish parentage can I just politely enquire - what's wrong with me exactly? I'm not 'normal'? Well thank goodness for that - accusing me of being 'normal' would hurt me deeply.

Which country to belong to? Whichever one I am in at the time. But I don't feel any need to 'belong' to any group of people the great majority of whom I don't know, never will and probably don't share much in common with.

National boundaries are created (usually amidst much blood spilt) by politicians. Why do you base your insecurity on their greed?

I have just spent two years living in Nepal. There are some 74 different tribal groups lving there and in general they hold your view that the should be no mixing between tribal groups. But what is the outcome of this attitude? The founder of the state (through military conquest) coined a phrase about one garden and 74 different species of flower and a whole myth has been created about how Nepalis all live in harmony.

The truth is that the upper castes put that myth about because they benefit from it. They maintain 'racial purity' - and power. The great majority of the people belong to tribes who have no power and struggle in a cycle of poverty. This leaves them open to persuasion by the Maoist insurgents and a nasty civil war has engulfed the country.

Please think about that example. This is why the first reaction of people reading your post is to think of the Nazis - their belief in racial purity masked a lust for power and a desire to dominate the powerless (or even eliminate them).

By the way your analogy is mistaken. All humans belong to the same species. Humans don't mate with gorillas or monkeys. Dogs do mate with different breeds of dogs. And what is 'pure breed'? Why does it matter? It hasn't existed in Europe for thousands of years. My mother is from Scotland. Her father was Swedish. Her mother's father was from Canada. I feel my blood is enriched by such heritage. But my heart is Asian - here I feel is home. You say you are half-farang - what is that then? Is that pure? No. Please think about this. :o

We married because we love each other.It wouldn't matter if she came from Mars.

Well I suppose as long as all the bits were in the right places. Would she be a Human Marshian then? :o


Maybe (a troll) but regardless, some of the most attractive offspring come from mixed race copulations.

As far as for it So I think inter-racial marriages should be banned worldwide!

that would be a whole load of horsesh1t.

The world would be a far worse place if there weren't some hybrids around :o

We married because we love each other.It wouldn't matter if she came from Mars.

Well I suppose as long as all the bits were in the right places. Would she be a Human Marshian then? :o

Figure of speach.

Iv'e never met one, but i saw a movie once and they looked hot.I bit robotic though.

If all of the people on this planet were to marry inter-racially, there would be no pure breed left.......... tell me that is not so?

How often do you see lions mating tigers, dogs mating sheep on this planet?

Since the animals are not doing it, we human beings shouldn't be doing it!

I am half farang half chinese, and being so, growing up here in HK has always made me feel abnormal. As a kid, always been regarded as abnormal.

I do not know which country to belong to, which to love!

So I think inter-racial marriages should be banned worldwide!


No offense intended. This abnormal feeling is mostly in your mind. I whole heartedly agree with what the other guys are saying.

Not to minimize the torment or isolation and abuse you may have suffered from kids growing up. Kids can be pretty viscious. So if that has had an effect on you as you describe, I'm sorry it hurts you but your're really OK.

Your just one of us...

An middle aged black woman who is one of my patients was relating how a restaurant here in Fallbrook California (a former neo nazi skin head and KKK stronghold area believe it or not right here in southern Cal) was reluctant to serve her dinner with her white boy friend.

I was shocked. I said I couldn't believe such racism was alive and well here in So Cal.

She looked at me surprised and said, "You should know you're in an interacial marriage."

I said something like "ya know I never thought of that, she is Asian and that would be a different race. riiiight."

It was like the fact that we are a different race really didn't register.

If we see life through the eyes of race we are basically screwed.

My wife is Thai /Chinese, I'm Italian (from the waist down) German (from the waist up).

You will eat your pasta, snell !!! :o

You are OK don't let other people project their BS on to you. :D


I don't know. But a couple with different colour just doesn't look right to me.

It's ashame that not more people agree with me, otherwise inter-racial marriages could have been banned just because there are enough people to disagree with.

I was shocked. I said I couldn't believe such racism was alive and well here in So Cal.

Pepe- You don't even know me, yet such wildly slanderous accusations? :o

Andy- Scottish/Bangladeshi is pretty abnormal. I guess sometimes opposites attract, and seems they did pretty well with you. :D


Wow, meemiathia, u are really throwing stones at a hornet's nest because i reckon there are ALOT of falang married to Thais with offspring on this forum, including myself .

Whether my wife is Thia or not doesn't matter. Wheni met her the old soldier stood to attention quick smart !!!! this shows the chemistry between people even if they are not the same race . My daughter is Luk khueng(sp) and my family and my wife's family have no problem with this. In fact, in Thailand it is an advantage.

Yes, i believe anyone has the right to marry anyone they want to, regardless of race. I appreciate the problems u describe growing up of mixed race, but your questions show that it is not only the white fella who is racist :o


r u 4 real?

like? duh?

i am of ashkenazi (galiciani, ukraine jewish austrohungarian) background; my ex husband has a jewish hungarian father, a jewish romanian mother; my kids are blond haired, blue eyed white skinned unlike my brown tolstoi braids or my mother in law's red romainian hair... my mother says: they dont LOOK jewish, but we live in israel. i hope my daughter finds a black haired dark skinned high cheek boned yemenite moshavnik cause the babies will be beautiful cafe au lait with wavy hair; plus the genetic mix gets rid of a few hereditary by ethnic group problems .

your i.d. problem is self originated, or maybe asians in general are ethnocentric, as was seen in japan after wwII?

BTW we are all the same species (breeds are types with in a species, as in long haired dappled, flat coated, etc); lions and tigers are not the same species; foxes are vulpes and dogs are canine, etc etc... as u may note, breeding dogs means we can also cull out the baddies, we also choose the mates according to quality... the circasian people here still try to arrange marriages at early age to prevent intermarriage, but they have hereditary health problems galore -- (abu gosh city for those that are interested) the list goes on and on....

we'll skip the nazi type stuff altogether as, andyinkat i am practicing noble silence to the nazi thread also...

It's ashame that not more people agree with me, otherwise inter-racial marriages could have been banned just because there are enough people to disagree with. -- the beduins call that 'destroying the honor of the family" and then they kill the woman, and sometimes her chosen man, if he is not from an approved tribe, hamula etc. Men have leeway, they can choose blond none arabs as long as they are beautiful and foreign like swedish etc.

orthodox jews sit 'shiva' as if they're child is dead, and he/she is cast from their very very closed community.

u have the best or worst of many worlds depending on how u see it; exotic looks bi lingual etc etc

the only time it bothers is when politics intervene such as arab/jewish stuff, then the kids have hard time, again, depending on where they live!!! at present moment, my 16 yr old is being courted by muslem arab youth from local village--well educated, polite, bla bla, met the parents, sooo?

I was shocked. I said I couldn't believe such racism was alive and well here in So Cal.

Pepe- You don't even know me, yet such wildly slanderous accusations? :o

Andy- Scottish/Bangladeshi is pretty abnormal. I guess sometimes opposites attract, and seems they did pretty well with you. :D


:D:D:D Your killin' me. Remember the whole Metzner trials and white supremacy stuff that was exposed out there years ago. They were burning crosses and everything.

Even Orange county and Riverside were pretty red neck "up 'til bout tweny years ago or so Ah reckin' boya" -_-:wub:


every one is originated somewhere in africa, no matter what ethinic, what creed you are, everyone of us carry african DNA. i think this person who feel very uneasy in HK being half farang and half hong kong, the problem is not what national he his, the problem is his narrow personality. i think he is a very pessimistic person and very unconfident person. if you don't accept yourself, no one else will accept you.

by the way in HK as i believe, it is a big advantage to be half of something. then you can master at least 2 languages. if you are a guy, i think you will be popular with babes,(assunming you have at least normal personality)

I don't know. But a couple with different colour just doesn't look right to me.

It's ashame that not more people agree with me, otherwise inter-racial marriages could have been banned just because there are enough people to disagree with.

Wolf, your initial response to this confused repressed young woman was very witty, almost spat my tea all over my laptop.

bina - WOW what a bright girl LOL

Meemaithai, the threads should convince you that inter-racial breeding has been with us longer than records can establish. The only sin is when someone like yourself has somehow been convinced it is shameful. Monarchies have done it to secure their boarders, gentry have done it to secure their bank accounts. Most though do it for the reasons suggested in the topic for the love of the individual. The children of such mixed races are simply another jewel in the crown that is the human race. We are none perfect and all different. When you look in the mirror you should see someone who is special, unique, never to be repeated again. Rejoice in this and let no man/woman put you down.

Now same sex copulation!!!!!!!! there's a topic for debate...going on in a defferent thread I believe.

"If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with"....who sang that???

You are what you do!!


As a kid, always been regarded as abnormal.

Well you said it.

Why not buy yourself a bus ticket and Go...........somewhere? :o

Do people really believe anyone should have the right to marry someone of different race? Why? :o

Quote, John MacEnroe: "You CANNOT be SERIOUS!". :D


"If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with"....who sang that???

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

And don't forget," They're all pink on the inside." :o

Sorry I coulddn't resist. :D


meemiathai, you are not a newbie, so I believe your thread was started with an intention to look for help.

You are comparing lions and tigers, dogs and sheep. Others said already, this is different from comparing humans with humans.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with an 'inter-racial' marriage. In fact I am more than for it, it leads to a better understanding and, as I see it, advantages for the off-spring. Having both sides of two different cultures. Up to you to chose the best from each side.

First time I came to Asia, 71 in Tokyo. My predecesor arrived at a party with his fiancee, both white. The comment of the white hostess "Finally a normal couple". I thought 'what a stupid remark' and she turned out to be as stupid, imho.

You grew up or are growing up in HKG. Yes, some people frowned at mixed relations. Some clubs had still 'no fraternisation' rules, and this was around 72-79.

It could have been rough for people who stood to their fiancees, spouses. They did and they are the ones who deserve respect. People who look down at any inter-racial relation are the ones who need psychological help, they are insecure, may be jealeous?

You say, you had problems in school. Probably only from students repeating the garbage they heard at home. I talked often to students of intern. schools in HKG around the 70ies. They had a strong anti-racial feeling. "He is not half, he is Bob, my mate". These young students are now adults, and for sure kept their feelings, experiences. This made the change, people in HKG do not frown anymore, do not look down.

Did I regret having married an Asian over the last 25 years. No, perhaps I regreted occassionally to have married at all, which I think is normal. Our son? Yes, he had had the ocassional lonelyness, not knowing where he comes from. Believe, today he knows, he is human and one who saw more of the world in his 23 years than others will experience in a life time.

Stand up and say 'I am meemiathai and that's all that matters".

Sorry, for this long post, but I feel there is not a troll but an insecurity to be helped.


We really are one (actually two) peoples. Modern anthropologists have used DNA evidence to prove that *all* homo sapiens on the planet Earth are from one of only two original families that "went forth and multiplied" from central africa.

One family now has descendants in Africa, Southern Asia and the aboriginal tribes in Australia. All other humans on earth are descended from the other original family.

So, you see, we really are all brothers and sisters. I think the original poster should be more concerned about the world-wide incest thats been going on for 15,000 generations! :o

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