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dogs mating sheep on this planet?

Obviously you have never been to Wales, where men are men and the sheep are nervous.

Wales sounds a lot like Montana! :D Where men are men and ewes know it!

Someone once sent me a mpeg of a woman getting shagged by a horse. And I've seen more than two of dogs humping whores. Of course I deleted them instantly. But.......

Now I've forgot what I was going to say......... :o

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i think its milk snakes and kings snakes: beautiful designer snakes indeed

troll as in: trolling for fish or is that trawling? troll as in ogre?

yes we know that meemiathai is in issan the polite form of have thai wife

but got some good funny answers which is good for a laugh in the a.m., no?

interviewed my two boxer dogs: nala, whose mother worked in the israeli army, has a long pointy kind of nose. her father is blue blood kibbutznik. nero is a very scrunchy nosed slobbery import from finland bred by ethnic finns (not russians or whom ever the finns dont like, cant remember). they both said they prefer mutts.

too much work in the sun today cant believe i;m actually wasting sleeping time replying to all this today... :o

troll as in:  trolling for fish  or is that trawling?  troll as in ogre?

yes we know that meemiathai is in issan the polite form of have thai wife

I think trolling comes from yanks inability to spell trawling. (Just like thru, color and similar bastardising of the English language)

My teacher tell me Mia is impolite. The polite form is panryaa, i.e. it should be meepanryaathai.


Why call it waste of time, bina? Eating, sun-bathing or reading a book can be waste of time if you do not enjoy it. :o At least you learn that there are people in this world that is as narrow-minded as I am!

Sorry guys & gals for being so narrow-minded or racist(if that is what it is)! But if I should be opening up my mind, shouldn't those who disapprove of same sex marriages or "heterosexists?" be opening up theirs?

I am married to a Thai girl and I love her very much. I would be furious/sad if the society forbids me to do so. And the same I can imagine if a gay person is forbidden to love someone he loves.

I am not gay, but I would fight for anyone to have the same right I have. Shouldn't everyone be living as freely as possible? As long as they do not affect others. Do they?

As for being a half-half, to be honest, not sure if I'm just being lucky, no big problems at all. Much more advantages than disadvantages.

Sorry for all the fuss! And thanks very very much for all the very very nice responses!

Thanks, Axel as well! :D

I think trolling comes from yanks inability to spell trawling. (Just like thru, color and similar bastardising of the English language)

Ok, english lesson, Madsere.

What does it mean trawling? :o

Sorry for all the fuss! And thanks very very much for all the very very nice responses!

Do not be sorry.

For a non troll, you sure know how to make you appear as one,... :o:D

What does it mean trawling? :o

It's a way of fishing by dragging a net. url=http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=trawling&btnG=Google+Search]Google it[/url] :D


verb {I or T; usually + adverb or preposition}

to search among a large number or a great variety of places in order to find people or information you want:

- The newspaper had trawled its files for photos of the new minister.

- You need to trawl through a lot of data to get results that are valid.

We are probably all trawlers.

But not all of us are trollers,... :D:D

What does it mean trawling? :o

It's a way of fishing by dragging a net. url=http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=trawling&btnG=Google+Search]Google it[/url] :D


verb {I or T; usually + adverb or preposition}

to search among a large number or a great variety of places in order to find people or information you want:

- The newspaper had trawled its files for photos of the new minister.

- You need to trawl through a lot of data to get results that are valid.

We are probably all trawlers.

But not all of us are trollers,... :D:D

Hmmm..... an interesting simile in terms. Humans and Boats can both be classed as trawlers.

How about a crawler. Whats one of then BC? A simile of humans and incest (sic) insects..... I mean incense?(hic) :D


Lions and tigers will breed naturally in captivity, the following picture is of a Liger which resulted from one such encounter. A fully grown Liger can reach a height of 12 foot, the largest feline in the world!


QUOTE (rod_kalashnikov @ Thu 2004-07-29, 06:23:19)

QUOTE (andyinkat @ Thu 2004-07-29, 00:02:07)

- as the offsrping of Bangladeshi/Scottish parentage can I just politely enquire - what's wrong with me exactly? 

Namu Amida Butsu!

I've been conversing with you for a while, Andy ... and now you tell me you're <gasp!> non-white ???

In future you must kowtow and touch your forelock when you type to me ... and you must call me "Rod Sahib". 

Andyinkat, I've been conversing with you two and probably neither of us realized we were mixed-heritage offspring. But in the end, who gives a shit? What matters is that we found something in common and shared about experiences other than ethnicity. We're all part of one big beautiful diverse race. There are those who will love you, and those who won't, so try to understand best who you are, and you'll better understand everyone else.

Rod, Kat,

Maybe you misinterpreted my purely rhetorical question to the OP. I have absolutely no self-esteem issues concerning my mixed ethnicity, unlike the OP.

Of course you didn't know because I never mentioned it and I never mentioned it because it was never of any relevance to any thread we conversed on - until this one.

But really, I may wish I had more Adonis-like features, but I love my skin tone; indeed I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was *gasp* white! :o


troll as in:  trolling for fish  or is that trawling?  troll as in ogre?

yes we know that meemiathai is in issan the polite form of have thai wife

I think trolling comes from yanks inability to spell trawling. (Just like thru, color and similar bastardising of the English language)

My teacher tell me Mia is impolite. The polite form is panryaa, i.e. it should be meepanryaathai.

Well, madsere, we're not back in Chaucer's era speaking "old" English. Color, flavor etc are quite accepted although thru is not used for business correspondence.

Trolling on the other hand is what a fisherman does with a hand line/rod& reel vs. "Trawling" from a commercial vessel.

Have a nice day! :o

Lions and tigers will breed naturally in captivity


Lions and tigers in captivity is not natural. Two people of the opposite sex in a prison cell who hate each other will most likely get around to banging each other,

don't you think?

troll as in:  trolling for fish  or is that trawling?  troll as in ogre?

yes we know that meemiathai is in issan the polite form of have thai wife

I think trolling comes from yanks inability to spell trawling. (Just like thru, color and similar bastardising of the English language)

My teacher tell me Mia is impolite. The polite form is panryaa, i.e. it should be meepanryaathai.

Well, madsere, we're not back in Chaucer's era speaking "old" English. Color, flavor etc are quite accepted although thru is not used for business correspondence.

Trolling on the other hand is what a fisherman does with a hand line/rod& reel vs. "Trawling" from a commercial vessel.

Have a nice day! :D

Trolling is also done with commercial vessels,,Such as salmon trollers and albacore tuna trolling as albacore is one of the fish you do not ever want to scoop up in a net.

troll boats are refered to as trollers and trawl boats are refered to as draggers. I have worked on both kinds. But trawl boats usually drag the bottom, and tuna and salmon net boats are purse seigners are not true trawlers. :o

Maybe you misinterpreted my purely rhetorical question to the OP.

No ... I was taking the piss out of the "racial" issue. :D

I have absolutely no self-esteem issues concerning my mixed ethnicity, unlike the OP.

Of course you didn't know because I never mentioned it and I never mentioned it because it was never of any relevance to any thread we conversed on - until this one.

I gathered during our exchanges that you were of Indian/Bangladeshi/whatever extraction, but I never asked you because, as you said, it had no relevance.

I was conversing with the man, not the color of his skin.

But really, I may wish I had more Adonis-like features, but I love my skin tone; indeed I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was *gasp* white!   :o

:D :D

And I was also reacting to Rod's taking the piss out of the thread :D

I don't think I misunderstood you, because my commentary was about how it didn't really matter in our exchanges. The core of my statement was directed towards the subject of this thread (OP), not on any assumed self-esteem issues on your part, because as I said, I had no way of knowing.

My teacher tell me Mia is impolite. The polite form is panryaa, i.e. it should be meepanryaathai.

As Meemiathai is letting his hair down, I think it is appropriate. 'Mia' is a more intimate term. One can say, 'Rau pen phua mia kan' when arguing that husband and wife should not keep secrets from one another - could one say 'Rau pen saamii phanrayaa kan'?

I don't like 'panryaa', which I presume is your compromise between 'panya' and 'panrayaa'. How should you pronounce it?

It is nothing like pigs mating with sheep or dogs mating with cows it is more like ginger cat's breeding with Siamese cats or garter snakes mating with tree snakes or labradors mating with alsations.

We are all the same animal - just different species.

Labrador X alsatian crosses may be fine in the first generation (F1), but what happens if the offspring of such crosses breed? I have read that that the second generation (F2) from greyhound-saluki crosses very frequently have non-matching jaws, and I've encountered a suggestion that the European-Polynesian F2 also has problems. Has anyone heard of problems with the children of luuk farang - luuk farang marriages?

Back crosses tend not to have problems, so inter-racial marriages should not be problems unless they are very common. From a eugenic point of view, a certain low level of inter-racial marriage is desirable. Going back to dogs, a little bit of fresh blood is needed for quite a few breeds.

Inter-species breeding does occur in nature, but infrequently. It's known in macaques, whose species overlap in their ranges. If it occurred frequently, they wouldn't be separate species!

A fully grown Liger can reach a height of 12 foot,

Maybe standing on its hind legs. :o

the largest feline in the world!
Pituitary gigantism ... adult ligers are invariably significantly larger than a Bengal tiger, and are often twice the size. Conversely, pituitary dwarfism is common in tigons.

Hehe, yeah that should have been a length of 12 foot, not height. :D


When I said they breed naturally I merely meant that they conceive through the act of mating as opposed to being artificially inseminated. Obviously the living conditions of these animals are far from natural.


Inter species breeding is common amongst many fresh water fish species, as any angler will know. Whether or not these hybrids are sterile I don't know, but I guess it would be highly likely.

If all of the people on this planet were to marry inter-racially, there would be no pure breed left.......... tell me that is not so?

How often do you see lions mating tigers, dogs mating sheep on this planet?

Since the animals are not doing it, we human beings shouldn't be doing it!

I am half farang half chinese, and being so, growing up here in HK has always made me feel abnormal. As a kid, always been regarded as abnormal.

I do not know which country to belong to, which to love!

So I think inter-racial marriages should be banned worldwide!

yes but you often see humans mating with animals don't you :o are you suggesting that be banned too?


Labrador X alsatian crosses may be fine in the first generation (F1), but what happens if the offspring of such crosses breed? I have read that that the second generation (F2) from greyhound-saluki crosses very frequently have non-matching jaws, and I've encountered a suggestion that the European-Polynesian F2 also has problems. Has anyone heard of problems with the children of luuk farang - luuk farang marriages?

Back crosses tend not to have problems, so inter-racial marriages should not be problems unless they are very common. From a eugenic point of view, a certain low level of inter-racial marriage is desirable. Going back to dogs, a little bit of fresh blood is needed for quite a few breeds.

Inter-species breeding does occur in nature, but infrequently. It's known in macaques, whose species overlap in their ranges. If it occurred frequently, they wouldn't be separate species!

Go back and read what i wrote about genetics amongst the various jewish ethnic groups: tay sachs , sickle cell, deafness etc.... the "mix" may not get the problem but may be a carrier depending on if its a male or female who aquires the disease, or carries the tendency; same with dogs... when breeding two dogs who are each a known mix (shepherd plus lab for instance), take into account the genetic background of both, as each mix may also be a carrier of the 'bad' gene and when combined, you end up with the problem (deafness (shepherds) epilepsy (lab)). you may end up with a second generation lab shepherd mix with either deafness or epilepsy. (using these as examples havent been involved in the Dog world for 21 years, just boxers, and now, goats etc).

this means of course that adopted children are in for a few surprises when they themselves get married and give birth.

now in israeli hospitals, all couples and all children are tested for all genetic know problems because of :

1. all the in breeding among certain groups,

2. the majority of us with mixed ethnic backgrounds

all the issan guys i know use the word 'mia'

does all this in breeding and cross breeding mean i should worry about my encounter with my male sheep? or the latest: today, humped by a miniature angora buck with very large horns? (thats where the word horny comes from, surprise!)


If all of the people on this planet were to marry inter-racially, there would be no pure breed left.......... tell me that is not so?

How often do you see lions mating tigers, dogs mating sheep on this planet?

Since the animals are not doing it, we human beings shouldn't be doing it!

I am half farang half chinese, and being so, growing up here in HK has always made me feel abnormal. As a kid, always been regarded as abnormal.

I do not know which country to belong to, which to love!

So I think inter-racial marriages should be banned worldwide!

Hahaha, Meemiathai, I think, you have really interesting ideas....

I am ready for long discussion about this subject with you, when back in Tokyo after my summer vacation here in Jomtien in Thailand.

I think just the opposite, (as you might expect)... I recommend inter-racial dating and marriage to everybody.


Meemiathai is not a troll....

I had long discussions with him before about a lot of interesting topics.

Some members considered our postings as somehow to compare the color of the sand on the beach with the color of the dust of the moon - or how to teach an elephant, how to fly....

Some of his remarks are valid points.... as a mixed-race person you are a target not only of admiration because of your different lookings, but also a target of racist remarks....

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